I have been working on this for the past week and i am almost done but i dont know why my program keeps crashing at the end game
check and also it doesnt realize that there is a piece that interrupts the connect four if it were like XXXOX it still says that X wins and it is due by 12 oclock tonight andi dont know what to due please help!!!!!
I'm using Metroworks Code Warrior and Dev C++ for my writing my programs the code i have so far is below

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int const rows=6;
int const cols=7;
int const connect=4;

void Who_Moves( char cur_val)
  if (cur_val=='-')
    cout << " "; // val is 0, so draw a space
  else if (cur_val=='O')
    cout << "O"; // val is 1, so draw a 'O'
  else if (cur_val=='*')
    cout << "*"; // val is 2, so draw a '*'
bool Is_Legal(const vector<vector<char> >Board, int cur_col)
  if(Board[0][cur_col] != '-')
        return false;

bool Tie_Check(const vector<vector<char> >& Board)
    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
      for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
        if(Board[i][j] == '-')
        return false; 
            return true;
//function that checks to see if the game is over
bool End_Game_Check(const vector<vector<char> >Board, int row, int cur_col, char cur_move){
    //check for horizontal win in the current row (4 cases)
    if(Board[row][0]== cur_move && Board [row][1]== cur_move && Board [row][2]== cur_move && Board[row][3]== cur_move)
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][1]== cur_move && Board [row][2]== cur_move && Board [row][3]== cur_move && Board[row][4]== cur_move)
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][2]== cur_move && Board [row][3]== cur_move && Board [row][4]== cur_move && Board[row][5]== cur_move)
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][3]== cur_move && Board [row][4]== cur_move && Board [row][5]== cur_move && Board[row][6]== cur_move)
        return true; 
    //check for vertical win in the current column (3 cases)
    if(Board[5][cur_col] == cur_move && Board[4][cur_col] == cur_move && Board[3][cur_col] && Board[2][cur_col] == cur_move)
        return true; 
    if(Board[4][cur_col] == cur_move && Board[3][cur_col] == cur_move && Board[2][cur_col] && Board[1][cur_col] == cur_move)
        return true; 
    if(Board[3][cur_col] == cur_move && Board[2][cur_col] == cur_move && Board[1][cur_col] && Board[0][cur_col] == cur_move)
        return true; 
    //check for diagonal win that contains the current position (6 cases)
    if(Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 1][cur_col- 1] && Board[row + 1][cur_col - 1] == Board[row + 2][cur_col - 2] && Board[row + 2][cur_col - 2] == Board[row + 3][cur_col - 3])
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 1][cur_col - 1] && Board[row + 1][cur_col - 1] == Board[row + 2][cur_col- 2] && Board[row + 2][cur_col- 2] == Board[row - 1][cur_col + 1])
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 1][cur_col - 1] && Board[row + 1][cur_col - 1] == Board[row - 1][cur_col + 1] && Board[row - 1][cur_col + 1] == Board[row - 2][cur_col + 2])
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 1][cur_col + 1] && Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 2][cur_col + 2] && Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 3][cur_col + 3])
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row - 1][cur_col - 1] && Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 1][cur_col + 1] && Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 2][cur_col+ 2])
        return true; 
    if(Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row - 2][cur_col - 2] && Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row - 1][cur_col - 1] && Board[row][cur_col] == Board[row + 1][cur_col + 1])
        return true; 
         return false;

 void Print_Board(const vector<vector<char> >&Board)
 for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
 { cout << endl;
  for(int j=0; j<cols; j++)
   cout << Board[i][j];
 cout << endl;

int main() {
int cur_row; 
int cur_col;
vector<vector<char> >Board;
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) { 
for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
   Board[i][j] = '-';

 bool Game_Over=false;
 char cur_move='O';//o goes first

  while (!Game_Over)
  cout<<"Player" << cur_move <<" please enter the column in which you would like your marker placed"<<endl;
  cin >> cur_col;
   while(Is_Legal(Board,cur_col - 1)==false){
   cout << "illegal column please try enter column again"<<endl;
   cin >> cur_col; 
  bool Place_Marker=false;
 int i=5;
   if (Board[i][cur_col-1]=='-')
 }while(Place_Marker=false && i>=0);
Game_Over=End_Game_Check(Board,i , cur_col-1, cur_move);
        if(Game_Over == true)
            cout << endl << cur_move << " has won!" << endl; 
        if(Game_Over == false){
            bool Draw = Tie_Check(Board);
            if(Draw == true){
                cout << "There's a DRAW - GAME OVER";
                Game_Over = true;


 return 0;

Please help this is the 2nd to last homework of the year for my CS110 class

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Well for starters it would help if you used code tags instead of inline code tags...


I have been working on this for the past week and i am almost done but i dont know why my program keeps crashing at the end game
check and also it doesnt realize that there is a piece that interrupts the connect four if it were like XXXOX it still says that X wins and it is due by 12 oclock tonight andi dont know what to due please help!!!!!

Run through the program by hand.

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