
All I can get the WindowsMediaPlayer1 to do is change it's status to ready. Can someone confirm that it is possible to play .avi and mpg files from resourses before I spend hours and hours only to discover it cannot be done or that it is far beyond my capabilities at this time? Thanks

Do you mean play an embedded file? If, so I believe you will first have to write the file out to the disk first and then point the media player to that file.

Hi thanks for replying.

I started by trying to include the files for my player in the vb instal package so for instance the folder (Video) would copy to C:\Video when the application instals but could not find a way to do it. Then someone suggested adding the video files to resources and link the WindowsMediaPlayer1 to them through resourses. I could only get the player to change its status to "ready" when it should say "buffering" by doing it this way. So I guess what your saying is the file gets embedded and then extracted to drive before being played. It takes me back to copying the directory "Video" back to the C Drive. Ive not enough experience to crack this I don't think.

Hi TnTinMN

This is before I read your link. I think I sused out why the player only goes to ready mode. The file is already in use by resource process and thefore the player cannot play it, I guesss I need to find a way now to release the file before the player gets told to open it.

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