I don't know APIs? but i heard of Daniweb API. what it is ?
Now i am playing with basic controls of vb.net but i hope after getting about API i'll be able to guess what kind of application i create in vb.net using Daniweb API?

So , i won't overload this thread by asking How to use APIs in vb.net. first i will understand what daniweb api is ? then create new thread for how to use it in vb.net so i can play with it.


Information is at http://www.daniweb.com/api/home

Essentially you can tap into our entire database. With all of the raw content from our database, the sky is the limit when it comes to what you can create. You can build lots of functionality that isn't currently built into the site.

You can write a native chat application, for example.

As dani suggested that i have to send http request if i use daniweb api?

so , anybody here would tell how to send http request in vb.net ?

Found this thread after replying to your PM ;)

Basically, you can retrieve the (cached, without logging in) solved threads for a forum by building an URL and using that to retrieve data from the API. I have PHP classes on GitHub that do this. Basically, it's the same in VB.NET. You just need to use a different component for getting data, possibly HttpWebRequest.

Building the URL is as follows (see the API documentation for Fetch Articles)


It tells you to fetch the VB.NET (ID=58) solved (filter) articles.

MSDN article on using WebRequest is here.

What's returned is JSON, so you need something like JSON.NET to parse it.

Hope this helps.

I just finished rewriting the API documentation. There are two additional tutorials about OAuth.

i tried following :

 ' Create a request for the URL. 
        Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.daniweb.com/api/forums/58/articles?filter=solved")
        ' If required by the server, set the credentials.
        request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
        ' Get the response.
        Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
        ' Display the status.
        Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
        ' Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
        Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
        ' Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
        Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
        ' Read the content.
        Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
        ' Display the content.
        RichTextBox1.Text = (responseFromServer)
        ' Clean up the streams and the response.

and i get the the result in the following format and how can i customize it

   "title":"login form using mysql",
    "raw_message":"\n    Public Sub login()\n            SQLConnection.ConnectionString = ServerString\n            cmd.Connection = SQLConnection\n            SQLConnection.Open()\n            cmd.CommandText = \"SELECT employee_id, password FROM employees_list WHERE employee_id='\" & Form1.EMPLOYEE_ID_txt.Text & \"' and password='\" & Form1.PASSWORD_txt.Text & \"'\"\n            dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()\n            If dr.HasRows Then\n                Form1.PASSWORD_txt.Text = \"\"\n                dr.Close()\n                Form1.Hide()\n                MessageBox.Show(\"Signed in\", \"\", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)\n    'get firstname and lastname\"\n    label4=\"firstname lastnamee\"\n    \n    \n            ElseIf Form1.PASSWORD_txt.Text = \"\" Or Form1.EMPLOYEE_ID_txt.Text = \"\" Then\n                MessageBox.Show(\"Please complete the required fields..\", \"Authentication Error\", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)\n                SQLConnection.Close()\n            Else\n                MessageBox.Show(\"Username and Password do not match..\", \"Authentication Failure\", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)\n                'Clear all fields\n                Form1.PASSWORD_txt.Text = \"\"\n                Form1.EMPLOYEE_ID_txt.Text = \"\"\n                SQLConnection.Close()\n            End If\n        End Sub\n    \nim making a login form where the user types the employee id and password\nif both fields are true how can i get the values of firstname and lastname from sql?\n\n\nsorry for my english."
   "title":"Unique IT thesis topic for 2011",
    "raw_message":"Hi!\n\nWe are a 4 member group for our thesis and we already have submitted 5 topic proposals yet nothing was accepted...and here are the topics: enrollment system, gadgets on track, employment resource system, subdivision technical entry pass\n\nNow, I need a help for new ideas that can be developed through visual studio and it can be a web-based or window-based projects.\n\nHope you can help me Thanks in advance!"
   "title":"MenuItem Select event",
     "username":"William Ray",
    "raw_message":"Re: VB.net, MenuItem, Select Event\n\nHello every one,\n\nI am creating a owner drawn menu and I have a question about the MenuItem_Select event\n\nEven though the menu iten is owner drawn this event is still fired.\nI draw the select rectangle myself and I would like to know if their is a way to\ndisable this event or flag it as being unneeded.\n\nSomething like.\nPrivate Sub MyMenuItem_Select(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles  MyMenuItem.Select\n   e.Handled or e.DontDrawThisUglyRectangle\nEnd Sub\n\nThanks in advance\nWR"
     "username":"William Ray"
   "title":"Compare between listview sub item and remove duplicate",
    "raw_message":"\n\n    Dim hTable As Hashtable = New Hashtable()\n            Dim duplicateList As ArrayList = New ArrayList()\n            Dim itm As ListViewItem\n            For Each itm In ListView1.Items\n                If hTable.ContainsKey(itm.Text) AndAlso hTable.ContainsKey(itm.SubItems(1).Text) AndAlso hTable.ContainsKey(itm.SubItems(2).Text) AndAlso hTable.ContainsKey(itm.SubItems(3).Text) Then 'duplicate\n                    duplicateList.Add(itm)\n                Else\n                    hTable.Add(itm.Text, String.Empty)\n                End If\n            Next\n            'remove duplicates\n            For Each itm In duplicateList\n                ListView1.Items.Remove(itm)\n            Next\n\nI want to compare 3 subitem in listview like this:\nDate____________Name_______________Value\n11\/12\/13________llallala_______________12334\n11\/12\/13________llallala_______________12334\n11\/12\/13________ddsfvxcv_____________16542\n13\/12\/12________ddsfvxcv_____________12334\n10\/12\/13________owowewe_____________23024\n\nthen normally it will remove first and second row because it is duplicate but now it cannot....\nI means it just compare between first column....so if the first column is same but second and third is different then it will remove wrong....\nremove item code is working just the compare code not working \nsry for bad english "
   "title":"how to create installer?",
     "username":"DM Galaxy",
    "raw_message":"Actually I want to know How We can Create an installer?\nI just Create an application in VB.Net (Folder Locker) and want to create installer for it.\n\n \n# \u2022  What I Want? #\n\n\n1. Compressor (As to compress file size)\n2. Want to add my Installer to be placed on the **control panel > Add or remove.**\n3. And Also, while uninstalling the application, it deletes all the project file and at the end it **delete itself**.\n4. and let this installer first of all check whether the net framework installed or not,\nIf installed then which version, If not then start download the Net Framework from microsoft website.\n*(IF Possible, I know If There is no Net Framework then the installer itself will not run)*\n\n\n## Can Anybody tell me How can I create This Type Of installer? Please ##\n",
     "username":"Uchiha Itachi"
   "title":"How to get data from a column by selecting column name in firebird",
    "raw_message":"In sql server we use schema but iwant to know that how we get data from a specific column by selecting its column name.\nthere is a combo box that contain column names , now i want that when we select column name in combo it show the data of that column .\nmy combo code for getting columns from firebird db is \n\n\n\n    Private Sub txt1_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txt1.GotFocus\n            Try\n                txt1.Items.Clear()\n                myRead.myfill(\"select *  from rdb$relation_fields f where f.rdb$relation_name = 'TB_OBV'\")\n                Dim rc, lr As Integer\n                lr = myRead.dt.Columns.Count - 1\n                For rc = 0 To lr\n                    txt1.Items.Add(myRead.dt.Rows(rc).Item(0))\n    \n                Next\n            Catch exc As Exception\n                Exit Sub\n            End Try\n        End Sub\n\n"
    "raw_message":"i've 9 button(i've set \"\" to button text) there and all buttons have almost same code as button1 has and here is the code :-\n\n\n\n     Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click\n            If (exitgame = 0) Then\n                If (Button1.Text = \"\") Then\n                    Label2.Text = \"Active Player Name ==>  \" & player\n                    If (player = \"X\") Then\n                        player = \"O\"\n                    Else\n                        player = \"X\"\n                    End If\n                    Button1.Text = player\n                    checkfordraw()\n                End If\n            End If\n    End Sub\n\nand here is code for checkfordraw()\n\n\n\n    Public Sub checkfordraw()\n            If (exitgame <> 1) Then\n                If (Button1.Text <> \"\" And Button2.Text <> \"\" And Button3.Text <> \"\" And Button4.Text <> \"\" And Button5.Text <> \"\" And Button6.Text <> \"\" And Button7.Text <> \"\" And Button8.Text And Button9.Text <> \"\") Then\n                    If (MsgBox(\"No more places \" & vbNewLine & \"Game Draw \" & vbNewLine & \"would you like to play new game ?\", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel) = MsgBoxResult.Ok) Then\n                        Button10.PerformClick()\n                    End If\n                End If\n            End If\n    End Sub\n\n\n\nwhen i first click on on any button(except button10) it gives an error saying \"`InvalidCastException Unhandled`\" and \"`Conversion from string \"\" to type 'Boolean' is not valid`\".Error occurs at line no three in checkdraw() procedure(i.e second if condition).\n\n"
   "title":"After making a program, how can I....",
    "raw_message":"After build and debug my program, i want to publish it, and after is installed in my compiuter, i want the program will have the icon that i want to use, not by default.\nLike any other program, i want my program will have to an icon.\nPlease help me with suggestions, i build the program in Visual Basic 2008.\nThanks."
   "title":"how to insert multiple value from multiple textbox into a single field",
    "raw_message":"hello sir, i am new in vb.net.. i am making a project on railway reservation.. in train booking page, there are multiple textbox in my project to insert multiple passenger name for reservation.. i want to book train in one click... so, i have to insert all the passenger name in a sinle field of a table, but in multiple rows of the field.. i don't know what will be the code to insert multiple record in a single fild at a time.. can anyone pls help me??\nthanks in advance..."

How can i customize it.

Now how to convert JSON result into readable format.
i've heard of DeserializeObject() But don't know how to use it.

and also ignore line 8 in the above post.

I already pointed to JSON.NET to read/convert the output.

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