Hi, first of all let me thank anyone willing to help out with this. Jquery / Ajax update Span or Div by ID without refreshing page

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                        <div class="col-lg-4 ms-auto"><p class="lead">Freelancer is a free bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap. The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as optional SASS stylesheets for easy customization.</p></div>
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                                Freelance is a free to use, MIT licensed Bootstrap theme created by
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                                        <!-- Portfolio Modal - Title-->
                                        <h2 class="portfolio-modal-title text-secondary text-uppercase mb-0">Control ON/OFF</h2>
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                                        <p class="mb-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.</p>

                                        <div STYLE="overflow: auto;">

                                        include("database_connect.php"); //We include the database_connect.php which has the data for the connection to the database

                                        // Check the connection
                                        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                                          echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
                                        //Again, we grab the table out of the database, name is ESPtable2 in this case
                                        $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

                                        //Now we create the table with all the values from the database   
                                        echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
                                                <th>Control ON/OFF</th> 

                                              <tr class='active'>
                                                <td>Noobix ID</td>
                                                <td>Boolean control 1</td>
                                                <td>Boolean control 2 </td>
                                                <td>Boolean control 3 </td>
                                                <td>Boolean control 4</td>
                                                <td>Boolean control 5 </td>     

                                        //loop through the table and print the data into the table
                                        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

                                           echo "<tr class='success'>";     
                                            $unit_id = $row['id'];
                                            echo "<td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>";

                                            $column1 = "RECEIVED_BOOL1";
                                            $column2 = "RECEIVED_BOOL2";
                                            $column3 = "RECEIVED_BOOL3";
                                            $column4 = "RECEIVED_BOOL4";
                                            $column5 = "RECEIVED_BOOL5";

                                            $current_bool_1 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL1'];
                                            $current_bool_2 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL2'];
                                            $current_bool_3 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL3'];
                                            $current_bool_4 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL4'];
                                            $current_bool_5 = $row['RECEIVED_BOOL5'];

                                            if($current_bool_1 == 1){
                                            $inv_current_bool_1 = 0;
                                            $text_current_bool_1 = "ON";
                                            $color_current_bool_1 = "#6ed829";
                                            $inv_current_bool_1 = 1;
                                            $text_current_bool_1 = "OFF";
                                            $color_current_bool_1 = "#e04141";

                                            if($current_bool_2 == 1){
                                            $inv_current_bool_2 = 0;
                                            $text_current_bool_2 = "ON";
                                            $color_current_bool_2 = "#6ed829";
                                            $inv_current_bool_2 = 1;
                                            $text_current_bool_2 = "OFF";
                                            $color_current_bool_2 = "#e04141";

                                            if($current_bool_3 == 1){
                                            $inv_current_bool_3 = 0;
                                            $text_current_bool_3 = "ON";
                                            $color_current_bool_3 = "#6ed829";
                                            $inv_current_bool_3 = 1;
                                            $text_current_bool_3 = "OFF";
                                            $color_current_bool_3 = "#e04141";

                                            if($current_bool_4 == 1){
                                            $inv_current_bool_4 = 0;
                                            $text_current_bool_4 = "ON";
                                            $color_current_bool_4 = "#6ed829";
                                            $inv_current_bool_4 = 1;
                                            $text_current_bool_4 = "OFF";
                                            $color_current_bool_4 = "#e04141";

                                            if($current_bool_5 == 1){
                                            $inv_current_bool_5 = 0;
                                            $text_current_bool_5 = "ON";
                                            $color_current_bool_5 = "#6ed829";
                                            $inv_current_bool_5 = 1;
                                            $text_current_bool_5 = "OFF";
                                            $color_current_bool_5 = "#e04141";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_1   size='15' >  
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_1  size='15' >    
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column1 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_1' value=$text_current_bool_1></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_2   size='15' >  
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_2  size='15' >    
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column2 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_2' value=$text_current_bool_2></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_3   size='15' >  
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_3  size='15' >    
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column3 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_3' value=$text_current_bool_3></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_4   size='15' >  
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_4  size='15' >    
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column4 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_4' value=$text_current_bool_4></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value2' value=$current_bool_5   size='15' >  
                                            <input type='hidden' name='value' value=$inv_current_bool_5  size='15' >    
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column5 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style=' margin-left: 25%; margin-top: 10%; font-size: 30px; text-align:center; background-color: $color_current_bool_5' value=$text_current_bool_5></form></td>";

                                            echo "</tr>

                                        echo "</table>


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                                        <!-- Portfolio Modal - Title-->
                                        <h2 class="portfolio-modal-title text-secondary text-uppercase mb-0">Control numérico</h2>
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                                        <!-- Portfolio Modal - Image-->
                                        <img class="img-fluid rounded mb-5" src="assets/img/portfolio/cake.png" alt="..." />
                                        <!-- Portfolio Modal - Text-->
                                        <p class="mb-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.</p>

                                        <div STYLE="overflow: auto;">


                                        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                                          echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
                                        $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

                                        echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
                                                <th>Numeric controls</th>   

                                              <tr class='active'>
                                                <td>CONTROL NUMBER 1</td>
                                                <td>CONTROL NUMBER 2</td>
                                                <td>CONTROL NUMBER 3</td>
                                                <td>CONTROL NUMBER 4 </td>
                                                <td>CONTROL NUMBER 5 </td>

                                        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

                                            echo "<tr class='success'>";

                                            $column6 = "RECEIVED_NUM1";
                                            $column7 = "RECEIVED_NUM2";
                                            $column8 = "RECEIVED_NUM3";
                                            $column9 = "RECEIVED_NUM4";
                                            $column10 = "RECEIVED_NUM5";

                                            $current_num_1 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM1'];
                                            $current_num_2 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM2'];
                                            $current_num_3 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM3'];
                                            $current_num_4 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM4'];
                                            $current_num_5 = $row['RECEIVED_NUM5']; 

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_1  size='15' >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column6 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='width: 120px; text-align:center;' value='change'></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_2  size='15' >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column7 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_3  size='15' >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column8 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_4  size='15' >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column9 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input type='text' name='value' style='width: 120px;' value=$current_num_5  size='15' >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' style='width: 120px;' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' style='width: 120px;' value=$column10 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='change'></form></td>";

                                            echo "</tr>

                                        echo "</table>


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                                        <h2 class="portfolio-modal-title text-secondary text-uppercase mb-0">Enviar texto</h2>
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                                        <p class="mb-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.</p>



                                        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                                          echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
                                        $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

                                           echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
                                                <th>Send Text to Noobix</th>    

                                              <tr class='active'>

                                        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

                                             echo "<tr class='success'>";   

                                            $column11 = "TEXT_1"; 
                                            $current_text_1 = $row['TEXT_1'];

                                            echo "<td><form action= update_values.php method= 'post'>
                                            <input style='width: 100%;' type='text' name='value' value=$current_text_1  size='100'>
                                            <input type='hidden' name='unit' value=$unit_id >
                                            <input type='hidden' name='column' value=$column11 >
                                            <input type= 'submit' name= 'change_but' style='text-align:center' value='Send'></form></td>";

                                            echo "</tr>

                                        echo "</table>


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                                        <h2 class="portfolio-modal-title text-secondary text-uppercase mb-0">Indicador ON/OFF</h2>
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                                        <img class="img-fluid rounded mb-5" src="assets/img/portfolio/game.png" alt="..." />
                                        <!-- Portfolio Modal - Text-->
                                        <p class="mb-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.</p>

                                        <div STYLE="overflow: auto;">


                                        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                                          echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

                                        $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

                                        echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
                                                <th>Boolean Indicators</th> 

                                              <tr class='active'>
                                                <td>Noobix ID</td>
                                                <td>Indicator 1</td>
                                                <td>Indicator 2 </td>
                                                <td>Indicator 3 </td>

                                        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

                                            $cur_sent_bool_1 = $row['SENT_BOOL_1'];
                                            $cur_sent_bool_2 = $row['SENT_BOOL_2'];
                                            $cur_sent_bool_3 = $row['SENT_BOOL_3'];

                                            if($cur_sent_bool_1 == 1){
                                            $label_sent_bool_1 = "label-success";
                                            $text_sent_bool_1 = "Active";
                                            $label_sent_bool_1 = "label-danger";
                                            $text_sent_bool_1 = "Inactive";

                                            if($cur_sent_bool_2 == 1){
                                            $label_sent_bool_2 = "label-success";
                                            $text_sent_bool_2 = "Active";
                                            $label_sent_bool_2 = "label-danger";
                                            $text_sent_bool_2 = "Inactive";

                                            if($cur_sent_bool_3 == 1){
                                            $label_sent_bool_3 = "label-success";
                                            $text_sent_bool_3 = "Active";
                                            $label_sent_bool_3 = "label-danger";
                                            $text_sent_bool_3 = "Inactive";

                                              echo "<tr class='info'>";
                                              $unit_id = $row['id'];
                                                echo "<td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>"; 
                                                echo "<td>
                                                <span class='label $label_sent_bool_1'>"
                                                    . $text_sent_bool_1 . "</td>

                                                echo "<td>
                                                <span class='label $label_sent_bool_2'>"
                                                    . $text_sent_bool_2 . "</td>

                                                echo "<td>
                                                <span class='label $label_sent_bool_3'>"
                                                    . $text_sent_bool_3 . "</td>
                                              echo "</tr>

                                        echo "</table>";


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                                        <h2 class="portfolio-modal-title text-secondary text-uppercase mb-0">Indicador numérico</h2>
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                                        <img class="img-fluid rounded mb-5" src="assets/img/portfolio/safe.png" alt="..." />
                                        <!-- Portfolio Modal - Text-->
                                        <p class="mb-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.</p>

                                        <div STYLE="overflow: auto;">



                                        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                                          echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

                                        $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM ESPtable2");//table select

                                        echo "<table class='table' style='font-size: 30px;'>
                                                <th>Integer Indicators</th> 

                                              <tr class='active'>
                                                <td>Received number 1</td>
                                                <td>Received number 2</td>
                                                <td>Received number 3 </td>
                                                <td>Received number 4 </td>

                                        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

                                            echo "<tr class='info'>";

                                            echo "<td>" . $row['SENT_NUMBER_1'] . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . $row['SENT_NUMBER_2'] . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . $row['SENT_NUMBER_3'] . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . $row['SENT_NUMBER_4'] . "</td>";

                                            echo "</tr>

                                        echo "</table>


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