I have been studying PHP and I'm coding it. I ran into an odd problem but I'm sure it is a newbie error. Whenever I run my php script on xampp I get parsing error line 103. I go to my code and the closing html tag is at line 103. I have found a few misbalanced braces and fixed them but still no dice. Any help would be really appreciated!!

Member Avatar for diafol

Can you show the code?

The code no longer needs to be displayed. The problem was fixed thanks to the help of adatapost.

First problem at a line no 1st. Remove {.

<?php {

Another is : Function should be isset(...)

if(issett($mia) && in_array('firstname',$mia))
commented: Thanks! I was stumped and you helped me out! :) +2

Thank you! I will do that right away.

Thank you so much for the help! I removed the bracket and noticed I put to Ts for isset on line 77 which was messing everything up! Thanks again.

Member Avatar for diafol

Is it me or is the timeline a bit weird?
Now =
1. Tiger 11 hours ago problem without code
2. Me 10 hours ago asking for code
3. Tiger 9 hours ago saying he code pulled as AP made fix.
4. AP 9 hours ago with fix

Is it my system or does everybody see this timeline? Was PM involved or am I losing the plot?

tiger & ardav
have discovered ftl travel, this has placed them outside of the relativistic universe and allows them to post retroactively in advance,
in 1981, they are going to make a fortune for their later, younger selves purchasing MicroSoft stock

Member Avatar for diafol

tiger & ardav
have discovered ftl travel, this has placed them outside of the relativistic universe and allows them to post retroactively in advance,
in 1981, they are going to make a fortune for their later, younger selves purchasing MicroSoft stock

Ho ho. Nice one AB!

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