i have made 2 pages....1 for login n next to show after successful login....
on login page i have created a button....in its handler i have created session.... on the load event of next page i m checking for the availibity of the session variable n its value.... its workin well..... but the problem comes when i press back button of the browser.....after signing out when i press back button the page is being displayed.....(this should not happend).... can anyone help me regarding this...?? plz reply soon....

Use the following code in ur head tag

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


i have made 2 pages....1 for login n next to show after successful login....
on login page i have created a button....in its handler i have created session.... on the load event of next page i m checking for the availibity of the session variable n its value.... its workin well..... but the problem comes when i press back button of the browser.....after signing out when i press back button the page is being displayed.....(this should not happend).... can anyone help me regarding this...?? plz reply soon....

Turn off client & proxy cache,

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["iskey"] == null)
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