Why would one file, which was made by, oh, I don't know, my teacher, work fine when uploaded to the server I need to store it on for my grade but when I try opening it on my local lamp server, it completely breaks?

Here's a picture of what it looks like when I open it:


And here's a picture of what it looks like on the server:


I've checked permissions & nothing seems to help. I've opened other php files & they work perfectly. And also ran phpinfo() just for fun.

Is the directory structure the same for both servers? and are the required files in the same locations?

Is the directory structure the same for both servers? and are the required files in the same locations?

They aren't the same, however, I just tried it on my personal server & it works fine. So, what I'm going to do is not worry about developing it locally on my machine, but just ssh/ftp into my box when I need to.

Thanks for the advice, though. :D

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