I m a civil Engineer. I have little bit knowledge on php. I want to make a web application. Which will be easier. Drupal module creating or indivisual php application. Please Suggest me

Depends on the functionality you want to implement and your skill level. Drupal is a beast of a system. But in comparison starting from scratch to effectively build all of the same functionality will be a massive undertaking.

Depends on the functionality you want to implement and your skill level. Drupal is a beast of a system. But in comparison starting from scratch to effectively build all of the same functionality will be a massive undertaking.

which is easier to learn and develop

There isn't one answer to that question unfortunately. Drupal is built on php so ultimately if you plan to develop for drupal you need to know php. Drupal is also going to add its own layers of complexity to the programming as it provides the functionality for authentication, modular development, database access etc etc etc and this is all shrouded in drupal specific code.

PHP in its most basic of forms is far easier to learn, but to develop anything serious or anything along the scale or functionality of Drupal is going to require a vast amount of time, resources and knowledge.

If you don't already know php at any level you will have to start there.

If you provide a better understanding of what you want to conceptually create maybe we can point you in a more accurate direction. e.g. if you don't need the functionality drupal affords you than there is no reason to start with it.

just a quick note, Drupal is a content management system, so if you want to get a simple website up, like a blog site or a portfolio site, Drupal is the way to go without any coding!

If you want an application that does weird calculations or is really complex, then you should start learning PHP along with MySql (a database) if needed.

wordpress can be better
in wordpress you can this better
and there is 2 work in wordpress
1 having a blog
2 having a website
for target 2 you must use add extra pages link in wordpress
and after that you must edit that pages with editor in wordpress or other web editors
or you can use free web templates and past those in your custom pages
and after all you can use joomola

Hello All,

Why are you forgot other CMS open source "Joomla", it's easy to understanding for new programmer compair to "Drupal".

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