I am using joomla 1.5.22 version.whenever i try to save any changes in global configuration in joomla's backend it redirects me backend's home page without saving the changes also when i try to add a contact it redirects me contact manager without adding contact what the problem?please help.

You must make your configuration file writable to the server before you will be able to save any edits on it. After you edited it and saved it, you can/must make it unwritable again.

How to do?

Just change the configuration file permissions to 777 temporarily untill you finished.

Dear Kraai
Thanks for your nice reeply.but the permissions to configuration file is given it to 777.but the problem is still exist now.
any more solution?
Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure, as I am not a Joomla expert. But tell us, did you install Joomla via FTP? By the look at things, this Joomla apparently has two user id's for "super admin" it sounds like a whole lot of crap to me, as there are many more user friendly cms scripts on the market. This link that follow, from the Joomla doc's explain this two user id's and why one cannot "save" to the config file under certain conditions.


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