Not even sure if this is the right spot to post this, but I didn't see any other place. (might have missed them)

I have WAMP installed on my computer per the instructions from the book I'm using from Site Point. After I installed it, everything ran just fine up until yesterday. When I wanted to test a file to see if I had successfully written a php file, I would go to my address bar and type in something like this: http://localhost/count10/welcome.php. Everything worked fine. Then yesterday that stopped working. Now every time I try to enter that into the address bar, (and yes I am sure the service is up and running) I get redirected to bloody Bing. What the crap? I am not aware of anything I may have installed as all of my Firefox extensions are the same ones I have had since day one. The only thing I can think of is that I did install an Android SDK because I was interested in learning to make my own themes for my phone. So now I am at a complete loss.

Does anyone know what happened? What makes my Firefox browser go from localhost to Bing? =(

Did you install wampserver or xampp? Did you start it well? do http://localhost work?
Bing redirects you to search once it fails to locate url. it seems your apache server have issues. Try restarting services or backup your data and reinstall the whole thing

I may have to go the route of a reinstall. I managed to get it to "work", but I have to go to http://localhost and then navigate to the file from that page. kinda annoying

I may have to go the route of a reinstall. I managed to get it to "work", but I have to go to http://localhost and then navigate to the file from that page. kinda annoying

what do you mean?

well, for instance: if I want to open a document located in C:\wamp\WWW\dynamic website, I used to just go to the address bar in FireFox and type in http://localhost/dynamic website/welcome7.php. and this would open said file. now when I type this in, the address bar takes me to Bing. however, if I only type in http://localhost, it takes me to the wamp server page on my hard drive which gives me a list of plugins and my projects. from there I can click on any of the projects and navigate to the file I want. I just can't do it directly from the address bar anymore. and I just realized that phpmyadmin won't let me in cause it said my username and password were incorrect. :(

wand I just realized that phpmyadmin won't let me in cause it said my username and password were incorrect. :(

Check the this

awesome. thank you. I'll look more into it tonight after work. see what I can do since this guy is using xampp and I am using wamp. not sure how big the differences are. Also, are you a Christian? Just curious. :)

awesome. thank you. I'll look more into it tonight after work. see what I can do since this guy is using xampp and I am using wamp. not sure how big the differences are. Also, are you a Christian? Just curious. :)

Me in nutshell:A man that loves Jesus and explores science & technology
for anything else PM me!

Well, in the end I couldn't get it to work properly, so I just set up a subfolder on my web host and I'm running all my practice and lessons from there. Works dependably. Thanks for the assist. =)

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