Member Avatar for iamthwee
foreach ($query->result() as $row) 
            echo anchor("forum/topic/$row->topicid",  my_html_escape(($row->name)), 'attributs');
            echo ' by ';
            echo $this->Stuff->get_topic_author($row->topicid);
            echo ' replies ';
            echo $this->Stuff->get_replies($row->topicid);
            echo ' Last post ';
            echo $this->Stuff->get_topic_last_post($row->topicid);
            echo br();

This has been bothering me for a while. Let's say I have that code I want to pass this to a view and easily output it in a loop.

say this in my view

foreach blah as row


end foreach



You can pass result to view either using model or execute in controller

a) Using Model (in model "topicmodel" you can execute query)

//Get Result via model
$result = $this->topicmodel->get_details();

//and pass into to view
$data = array();
$data['topicresult'] = $result ; //Assign result to variable data

$this->load->view('myview',$data); // Pass result to view

// You can access all result as variable $topicresult

If you have any query, Please let me know.


Member Avatar for iamthwee


I hate how codeigniter doesn't let you pass objects to views. Instead I spend hours trying to convert it to a multidimensional array using this stupid foreach syntax. I mean wtf, give me a break. Couldn't work out for the life of me how to DYNAMICALLY populate the multidimensional array, then loop through it in my view. Is it possible.

So I instead went for this primitive syntax that at least work, but seems much more laborious and IMO is harder to read.

$i = 1;

foreach ($query->result() as $row) 

    $topics[$i]['topicid'] = $row->topicid;

    $topics[$i]['title'] = my_html_escape(($row->name));

    $topics[$i]['author'] = $this->Stuff->get_topic_author($row->topicid);

    $topics[$i]['replies'] =$this->Stuff->get_replies($row->topicid);

    $topics[$i]['lastpost'] =$this->Stuff->get_topic_last_post($row->topicid);

    $topics[$i]['lastdate'] =$this->Stuff->get_topic_last_date($row->topicid);



        $data['total'] = $i;
        $data['topics'] = $topics;

And loading the view:

for ($row = 1; $row < $total; $row++)
    $id =$topics[$row]['topicid'];
    echo anchor("forum/topic/$id", $topics[$row]['title'], 'attributs');

    echo " replies ";
    echo $topics[$row]['replies'];
    echo " last poster ";
    echo $topics[$row]['lastpost'];
    echo " time: ";
    echo $topics[$row]['lastdate']; 
    echo br();         
Member Avatar for iamthwee

OK so it is not so hard to read... but just...ugh...


can you give my some idea of your table structure? So I will give you more useful solution.


Member Avatar for iamthwee

Sure my table is as follows:

| userid| name  | no_posts |admin_level|

| topic_id | topic_name |

| postid | userid   | content | date   | topic_id|

I would like to list all topics with author name, number of replies, last name of last poster and order by last poster date.

I'm assuming I can do a nested MYSQL statement to somewhat accomplish this however, for the time being called these as SEPARATE functions and passing to a 2D array seems to work.


Thank you for your response. Give me some time, so I will configure on my local machin and check.


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