Hi all,

I am having a problem with the contents of my page breaking thru the bottom border of my page. It looks fine in Explorer (that's a turn-about, eh?) but at 800 x 600 or lower, in Firefox it breaks.
Anything I am overlooking?
Thanks :confused:

The URL:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title>Chocolate Lover</title>
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<meta name="Keywords" content="chocolate,recipe,dessert,desserts,cookie,cookies,coco,cocoa,cake,brownie,pie,pies,sweet,valentine,boyfriend,girlfriend,love,gift,gifts,romance,romantic,chocolate addiction,buy chocolate,purchaes chocolate,chocolate sales,godiva,godiva chocolate" />
<meta name="Description" content="chocolate recipes for cookies, cakes, brownies, pies, etc. Links to other chocolate-related sites. Chocolate sales." />
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<meta name="author" content="Rick Shrum" />
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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Chocolate Lover" />
<meta name="DC.Creator" content="Rick Shrum" />
<meta name="Description" content="chocolate recipes for cookies, cakes, brownies, pies, etc. Links to other chocolate-related sites. Chocolate sales." />

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	<span style="font-size:2em;">C</span>hocolate...<br />
      No other food invokes such intense reactions as does this cocoa-derived 
      fare.<br />
      This passion for the stuff extends way past the gastromomical aspects and 
      ventures into the psychological realm. &quot;Sensuous&quot;, &quot;decadent&quot;, 
      &amp; &quot;sinful&quot; are just a few of the adjectives used to describe 
      chocolate. Are we eating a candy bar here or engaging in an illicit affair? 
      <br />
      Although chocolate has not yet been targeted by D.A.R.E., people <i>do </i>seem 
      to prone to developing a compulsion for it. While not dismissing the appeal 
      of other flavors, there are no wide-spread accounts of vanilla addiction...no 
      one leaves the snug confines of their home at midnight to satisfy a craving 
      for butterscotch.<br />
      Nope, there is nothing quite like chocolate. I hope you also find that there 
      is nothing quite like this website that is dedicated to this wonderous substance. 
      Please come back here again and again because there will always be new things 
      added. Recipes, links, information...you will find it all here in this, 
      the Sweetest Place in Cyberspace!
<div style="clear:both;margin:0 auto; text-align:center"><br />
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The CSS:

		font-family:'comic sans ms',cursive;
		border: 3px ridge #8b4513;

		font-family:'comic sans ms';

.menu img

.menu a:link

.menu a:visited
.menu a:hover
		text-decoration:underline overline;

Thankf for pasting all your code. I'll look at it.

Hey, thanks much!
I'm pretty sure its something small I am just missing.

But, where are you expecting the content to go? With small enough browser window, everything breaks. I've looked with both FF and IE and I'm not sure I see a problem.

But, where are you expecting the content to go? With small enough browser window, everything breaks. I've looked with both FF and IE and I'm not sure I see a problem.

Hi Tgear,

Thanks for responding.
I would like for the integrity of the page to remain at down to 800 X 600.
Now, it is breaking at 1024 x 768.
What resolution were you viewing it at?


I think I see what you mean... you've set a border on the body element, and your page contents are breaking through that bottom border. Unfortunately, it isn't clear how the "body" element should be treated in the current HTML specifications, so each browser does things differently. Instead of styling your body tag, put all of your page's contents in an DIV, and style the DIV. That should resolve the issue.

P.S. You've also get both your menu DIV and your main DIV floated left. That won't work. Remove the "float: left" from the DIV with all your text.

Know what...that worked! :cheesy:
Now, even at down to 640 x 480 the content does not break thru the bottom border.
Seems to me tho that the body (and especially the html where I also tried defining the border) tags should represent the absolute outer limit for content. I downloaded Firefox 2.0 in the hopes that the problem would be corrected, but alas, it still remained.
No matter tho, since you came up with the solution.
Here's the page now:


Now, on to converting all the otrher pages at that site from tables to css!

Thanks again...and thanks also to
Godfear1 who generously offered to look into the problem :)


Many people agree, that the "body" tag should be treated as a top-level block element: the "box" everything is in. Another viewpoint is that it is a syntactical (rather than structural) element, and so doesn't have any "dimensions" in and of itself.

Since there is no agreement, the solution is treat the body element like an "open" and "close" statement that has nothing to do with position, size, etc. and to either put everything within a table, or a DIV.

I guess its whether you view the body as an indestructible box that nothing can break out of, or as a sink, that should contain everything, but is subject to overflowing (ok, not the besst analogy! lol).

I favor the "all containing box" model myself, since logically, nothing should exist outside of it.

Hey it looks great. That was a pretty easy solution. I don't think I would have picked that one up. Great job tgreer.

Well, think of it this way: how "big" is the head section of your page? A page contains a head, and a body. Does the head have a size? Can it be positioned, or have a border around it? No. Some browsers treat the "body" the same way. It's a logical/organizational thing, so can't be sized etc. Hopefully the next round of specifications will clear things up.

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