18 Topics

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Hi I'm having an 'The application is in Break Mode Error' when debuging this sort code. Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim ds As New test1 Dim reportdoc As New CrystalReport1 ds.Tables.Add(Test_tbl) DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables("Datatable1") reportdoc.SetDataSource(ds.Tables("Datatable1")) With CrystalReportViewer1 .ReportSource = reportdoc .Refresh() End With End …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for thirsty.soul

Hello Everyone Help needed, Has anyone implemented frequency analysis attack on caesar cipher in PHP and predicting the possible key for it. it should input the cipher text and predict the key using frequency analysis chart.

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for bad.boy.Vlad

My function brokes. It gives 0 errors but brokes when i run it... int findk(int a,int b, int n) { int m[1000]; int j=1; for(i=1;i<=b;i++) { if((pow(2,i)>a)&&(pow(2,i)<b)) { m[j]= pow(2,i); j++; } } int k=m[1]; for(i=1;i<j;i++)if(m[i]>k)k=m[i]; return k; }

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for ScarWars9

Hey, what are your guys plan for spring break? I'm working extra hours to save up for my trips I'm taking in the summer. :-)

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for blackrainbowhu

Hello! I have a problem about creating a menu, the switch statement doesn't break. Could somebody please help? The code is: do { /* ...get input... */ switch(choice) { case 1: submenu(); break; case 2: submenu2(); break; case 3: printf("\nThe program quits.\n"); exit(0); default: printf("\nNo such menu item!\n\n"); break; } …

Member Avatar for blackrainbowhu
Member Avatar for Prysm[VA]

So in my classes I've taken I was told by the teacher "case statements and if-else statements are the same things essentionally" so why learn both? and so I was not taught about cases. Besides the fact I should learn it anyway incase I need it for someone elses code, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for huskarit
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for dsmith12

I need the program to end the loop after player1 has won but the program continues to run until the loop is done i was wondering i know i need a break statement but i do not know where to put statement at.Any help is appreciated. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for apeiron27

[CODE] for i in file: if i == 0: break else: y = i[0] for k in gile: ~~~~ break [/CODE] if i write something like this, which line does the program read after the second break? thanks

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for IcyFire

I have an assignment to make a craps game in c. The program i wrote runs but it always ends before it should. I think that the while loops in main have a problem but im not exactly sure wat the problem is because ive reviewed this code over and …

Member Avatar for IcyFire
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

Hi guys, my keyboard has not [B]Break[/B] key, so i cant braek a test run with the conventional [B]Ctrl + Break[/B]. Is there any other way to break a test run? Thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for bangor_boy

Can someone please explain break statements to me, as far as i understand a break statement leaves the loop before it has ended. But i run this code and expect to get "Zero" "One" But I get "Zero" "One" "One" "Unknown number" [CODE] for (int i = 0; i < …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for anu07

I am getting a "misplaced break" error from this part of the code,the following is a part of the mfile function,the while loop should break if the entered string in temp equals to the one in exit....I don't know why it shouldn't work,any help?Thanks. [CODE] ofstream myfile; myfile.open(fn,ios::ate); cout<<"File has …

Member Avatar for anu07
Member Avatar for L3gacy

Hey everyone, My problem is that in my program below I made an indefinite loop for comparing strings and values, my problem is on line 60 & 61, the loop automatically accepts whichever if statement is on line 60 when I test for an uppercase and lowercase char, as soon …

Member Avatar for L3gacy
Member Avatar for trebor-pl

Hi, Im new to here. I have a problem with some JS for my website. I made JS to enter text from input boxes in form to a read only text area. However it overites the text instead of putting it below (thats what I want it to do, put …

Member Avatar for trebor-pl
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, How do you text-wrap something like this: [CODE] <table width="10%"> <tr> <td>IWANTTHISLINETOBEBROKENWHENITREACHESTHEENDOFTHECOLUMN</td> </tr> </table> [/CODE] Thanks, Ashton.

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi there. I am trying to use a html form to send a PHP email but I am having some problems when I enter the message in the text area. The messages that I send have line breaks in but instead of doing a line break it shows the [B]<br …

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for Musing888

Using the following code I am trying to check the users input string (CAcodes) and checking each one individually by assigning each element in CAcodes to a list (CAcode). A for-loop checks the conditions to make sure that the conditions for each code are met. The main for-loop tests several …

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The End.