25 Topics

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Member Avatar for pty

I've made a couple of lengthy posts over the last couple of days and have noticed a few bugs with the editor. Nothing show-stopping but some make the editing process more difficult or some content vanish! (I added the 'nerd' Emoji in one of my posts, it saved without errors …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

The recently active list for admins and mods (team) appears broken, at least regarding myself. Currently it says I was last active 4 days ago, yet I've been on and active every day for the last 4 days (including posting and admin duties - the infractions list even shows my …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

Bugs are, and always have been, a fact of life for the software developer. However, if Microsoft researcher Andrew Begel has his way, they could be a thing of the past. Last month a paper entitled '[Using Psycho-Physiological Measures to Assess Task Difficulty in Software Development](http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=209878)' was published which Begel …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for MastrLuigi

Hey guys. I'm new to this site. I just wanted someone to look over the code I have so far for a hash table that operates on linear probing. I don't have anyone to really check these things for me as my professor is always busy. Can anyone tell me …

Member Avatar for MastrLuigi
Member Avatar for R3d90

So my laptop is about 3 years old and getting due for replacement, its recenetly gone wonky too but i want to see if its worth taking in. So after starting up it seemed like a had a stuck key as my password field was just filled up. I shut …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for jmichae3

in the Forum: XML, XSLT and XPATH and I maker a named entity like [CODE]"[/CODE] (ampersand-name-semicolon) it comes out as raw, like it should. if I make a code block and insert a *numeric* entity in the format ampersand-#-number-semicolon it comes out converted to html. apparently the php function htmlspecialchars …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for toms ace

Hello everyone, First of all I would like to introduce myself, I'm tom and I spend hours developing websites. Right, down to the serious stuff... I have made a nice little AJAX based commenting system, it shows the 5 latest posts, so, when a user posts a comment the list …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people. this is my 1st time to get this error. i usually save cookies using this code: [CODE] <?php $time = time()+60*60*6; // the time is saved for 6 hours // then save the cookie with the $id data setcookie("ln", $id, $time); ?> [/CODE] but with my new website. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, I will try describe the algorithm. I have a website, with articles. Administrator can upload image files and then put them into the article. Sometimes it can happen that admin uploads file but does not save the article and closes the browser. So the file isn’t needed anymore - …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for TheSassyDragon

This is the code at line 23: [CODE] foreach($form->getErrorArray() as $m){ $x .= "".$m." + "; header("Location: Form_Display.php?message=".$x."") [/CODE] Gives me two error messages 1. Passwords don't match 2. Email not entered I've banged my head out, smoked a carton of cigarettes and had a quiet meditation session after raging. …

Member Avatar for joeyxaza
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

When I was studying computer programming in college many years ago, I didn't imagine that our work could impact lives, particularly in a negative way. We've heard reports (mostly true) of death, dying, and destruction as a result of software problems, such as the time a plane flew right into …

Member Avatar for max121
Member Avatar for happygeek

The [URL="http://twitter.com/kevinrose/status/22303570291"]post on Twitter late last night[/URL] simply said "changes coming to digg v4" but it was enough to get me excited, mainly because the person posting those five words was none other than Digg founder and head honcho Kevin Rose. [attach]16949[/attach]The [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story306994.html"]launch of Digg version 4[/URL], which as we …

Member Avatar for pcalior
Member Avatar for wolfeater017

I have python 3.0 and im trying to get this code to work but I don't believe it is recognizing all the attributes it's supposed to. [CODE]import pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * #*******************************************SETUPVAR************************************************** BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) …

Member Avatar for wolfeater017
Member Avatar for wolfeater017

Please help me with this bug. I have python 3.0 and I was using pygame and for some reason it isn't reconizing [CODE]windowSurface[/CODE] here Is the code Im having problems with and thanks in advance. [CODE]import pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * #*******************************************SETUPVAR************************************************** BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE …

Member Avatar for tbone2sk
Member Avatar for leiger

I've created a Java application and converted it into JAR format to redistribute. It works fine on Windows 7, Windows XP, SunOS and Mac OS X 10.5 ... but whenever I try to run it on Ubuntu 10.04 I run into a few problems: [LIST] [*]When running the application it …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for manolisvl46

On the php manual i realised there was a bug that got fixed ..but still cant make it work... my attributes are used like shown below.. [CODE] $r=ldap_sasl_bind ( $ds, bind dn..., 'MYCODE', 'GSSAPI', NULL<--?(realm of the heimdal), 'jimmy'<--?, 'dn:MY STUFF...?');[/CODE] there was another opinion that i schould recompile Apache …

Member Avatar for manolisvl46
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I have noticed that since the upgrade, when previewing the text that we are about to post, the previewed text is smaller than it should making the number of words per line misleading and at times hard to read. Also in this same preview area, code boxes with a line …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for newsguy

Safari 4.0.3 is out now and available for [URL="http://support.apple.com/downloads/Safari_4_0_3"]download[/URL] from Apple, for both Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. While there are the usual claims of making things more stable when using third party plugins and in particular for handling the HTML 5 video tag, it is with regards …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

On Saturday afternoon during a weekend visit to New York City, we were walking back to the hotel when we spied a place called the [URL="http://www.spy34.com"]Spy Shops[/URL]. Think Q in James Bond and that's what you'll find here. A gadget lover's paradise, all designed for snooping. Naturally I had to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Steven Sinofsky, the Senior Vice President for the Microsoft Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, in an attempt to quell a beta tester rebellion over a perceived lack of feedback concerning bug reporting has made an astonishing confession: Windows 7 has at least 2000 bugs. Sinofsky [URL="http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/02/25/feedback-and-engineering-windows-7.aspx"]states[/URL] that more than …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for EddieC

Who couldn't use some extra cash these days? Thousands of dollars in prize money is up for grabs as testers face off in [url=http://www.utest.com/bug_battle/]Battle of the Browsers[/url], a seven-day contest that starts today. Applications in the contest's arena are Google's Chrome, Firefox 3.1 alpha 2 and IE 8. To qualify, …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for newsguy

Look, I know it is fashionable to knock Internet Explorer. It is an easy target, and I will admit to aiming my own fair of kicks over the years. But when Beta software gets slated for having some bugs, well isn't that just taking things a little too far? That …

Member Avatar for Diguelo
Member Avatar for khess

Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel, posted a [URL="http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/706950"]nasty smackdown [/URL]on security nerds and their obsession with security in the gmane.linux.kernel newsgroup. Linus is referring to security professionals who feel that security should be the only focus for bug fixes and patches. His argument is that all bugs are …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for John A

[URL="http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=security&articleId=9013481&taxonomyId=17&intsrc=kc_top"]According to ComputerWorld[/URL], MySpace seems like the next target for the now-famous "month of bugs" project. The hackers are of course, anonymous, which is perhaps part of the fun of doing such a project. They say that they're going to expose a new bug every day for a whole month, …

Member Avatar for John A

While Apple has displayed a [COLOR=Black][URL="http://www.apple.com/"]new banner[/URL][/COLOR] on its website declaring Happy New Years, "The first 30 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2007," the [URL="http://projects.info-pull.com/moab/"]Month of Apple Bugs[/URL] has been launched, as if to scorn Apple's website banner. The Month of Apple bugs aims to reveal a new …


The End.