18 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tina_5

I want to send an email only if the field name 'Active' has changed in my database table bus_status.. It is a boolean field (TRUE or FALSE) so if it is False and changes to TRUE upon update I want it to send the email or if is TRUE and …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Moderns

Hello, I want to make a conditional SQL. I have one table "users" and it has two columns (id, status) I need to search for users IDs based on their status. For example. Every 5 seconds I am querying from the database (by AJAX) as per the below description: Let …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for dbalas

Hi! Need help with conditional formatting of table rows... What i need to acheave is to change table row background in red if date_needed is <= than 48 hours than now(). This is what i have now `if (date('d',strtotime($data['date_needed'])) <= 2) $row["rowstyle"]='style="background:red"';` it works in a way... It changes background …

Member Avatar for dbalas
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS

is it possible in php java scrip and jquery that we give a condition and redirect page to another pages on depending on those condition like if($id==1) { header(location:page1.php); } else { header(location:page2.php); } the value of id comes from database. something like that using jc jquery enything please help …

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello all: I have the following mysql query statement: SELECT COUNT(*) as ttl_rows FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(date(timeentry)) AS day, COUNT(*) AS total FROM history where MONTH(CAST(timeentry as date)) = MONTH(NOW()) AND YEAR(CAST(timeentry as date)) = YEAR(NOW()) GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(timeentry, '%d') ASC) as ttl_row the statement performs a search for all records …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for eman neercs

This is the second part of a script. It gets the EAN from the form in the first part. Where there are sales, it will show total number but if not I want to show a message to say "none" or "No Sales". Don't quite get the else/if errors. Could …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Aiedail

My code does not work in certain versions of IE and I want to include a conditional comment that includes a different navigation file so that links to pure html5 content wont be there. is there a way to remove the include of the menu.php and then i can just …

Member Avatar for Aiedail
Member Avatar for 3nrichedd

hello everyone, I am recieving this compiler error stating that `else if(input%100 || input%10 == rndNum%100 || rndNum%10)` this line ^ gives me the error error: bad operand types for binary operator '||' was hoping someone could explain this error to me if possible, also any advice would be greatly …

Member Avatar for picogenkaku
Member Avatar for ibthevivin

So the program I'm writing should count how many of each individual vowel is in the program and then print that. I'm basically stuck with while and conditional statements. I think my if statement is where I've gone wrong. I'm not sure how to have it read the letter properly …

Member Avatar for SirMG
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

I was wondering, is it possible to do something like the following? The given code obviously doesn't work. [CODE] l = 5 (l == 5)*(k = 7) #Returns error message.[/CODE] The reason is, I'd rather avoid doing something like the following for the project I'm currently working on. [CODE] if …

Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid
Member Avatar for rugged1529

need help here's code I'm almost finish I'm trying to find out how can i search down to the student who is taking at least two database classes here's the code [code] drop table student; create table student (student_id varchar(10) primary key not null, student_name varchar(10), major varchar(20), gpa decimal(10,1)); …

Member Avatar for babyDBA
Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

I have this code, it's basically a program which I wrote, a 'Guess my number' game. The only problem is that I did something, and now I can't choose from my options anything else, that the first option. I put all my conditions in the while True loops, and now …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for eman neercs

I have a php/mysql/html table of results The query is [CODE]$result = mysql_query(' Select var1, sum(var2) round(Avg(var3),0) round(Min(Price),2), round(Max(Price),2), round(Avg(Price),2) as AvgPrice, Country, From table Where country = "Australia" Group By var1 having var3 > 5 Order By var3 DESC') or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); print "<table width=800 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Paul Norris

This question is a bit academic now as my contract at this place is coming rapidly to a close. But for future reference, I'd be very interested in the answer. We're talking about .Net 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. Don't limit your responses to this platform though; I'm interested in …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for cozmo87

I'm writing an application for processing scientific data. The data is displayed in a jTable. I'm done with the data processing itself, now I want to do some conditional formatting to make interpretation easier for the end user. [LIST=1] [*]The last column of the table contains a threshold value, and …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for mikeflash

Hi, I'm developing a web app, but I think that maybe I'm not doing it the right way. See, for each page I take the GET variables from url, for instance: [url]www.webapp.com/?mode=register[/url] That way, the index gets the variable and displays the right page, in this case, the registration page. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for laokn

Can you help me with the following Mysql question? I get a table, say, three variables: ID, Date and Value, for example, ID Date Value 1 2001 2 2 2005 3 3 1986 7 4 1985 1 How can I add a variable, sum, to each line, with the condition …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I have a query, that I am trying to have a conditional statement for a variable that I will pass into the query. If I use one of the conditions it works, but if I try both I can't get it to work. I would appreciate any help. Thanks, …

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The End.