108 Topics

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Member Avatar for zekstein

Hello there ! I wrote a dll( using MINGW and Codeblocks ) that should do the "background work" of my app. I have an interface build in Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Is posible to control some TextBoxes, or Buttons( enable/disable ) or ProgressBars, or opening a new Form from the …

Member Avatar for Sarlacc

I am creating multiple C++ DLLs which have a C wrapper around them for use by an external application. I wanted to have a single error handling library that each DLL has access to. If I created the error library as a static library and then include it in the …

Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Hi guys, To make Some things easier, I want to make a program that can do the following: 1. Import a .txt file to a specific .xls file. The .txt file contains several lines of data which is build like this: (aaaa,bbbb,cccc,etc.) sererated by comma. Imported in excel, I would …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Elixir42

Hi Answerers, **Background:** I just figured out how to solve my unresolved external symbols by just dragging the project files from explorer (contained in exe's directory) and plonking them in the dll project, under thier own filter! **Original Situation:** I was getting 'unresolved external symbols' errors because I was #include-ing …

Member Avatar for Elixir42
Member Avatar for peeyush.budhia

Hi, IS there any way to load a `*.dll` file at run time into PHP project. For instance I want to use the functionality for encrypting the a string using `MCRYPT` module without installing the module. I found on internet that with the usage of `COM` class I can achieve …

Member Avatar for renoldscott
Member Avatar for duguti999

Everytime I try to use mozilla firefox or google chrome a message pops up reading "The application or DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette". It only lets me use internet explorer web browser. I have tried many different things to try …

Member Avatar for sandeep.bhaskar.961
Member Avatar for Riteman

I have created a C# code where I'll input a code to it and it returns me an encrypted entry pass code. Its all working perfectly. Now the question is that, I want to apply this code to every application I create so that only after getting the pass code, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for carmamir

Hi Guys, Quick question. I have DLL which can't be embadded. DLL is added to reference. DLL is added to solution (folder -> /lbr/*.dll) Issue start with not found error (IO) for used DLL. I'm using advanced installer to add DLL. Problem is that I don't know how to add …

Member Avatar for Elixir42

Hi, The problem I am having is that the returned object, from a dll factory, is not lasting for more than the function scope that recieves it. Despite reading [How to prevent the static initialisation order fiasco](http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/static-init-order-on-first-use.html) I fail to see how it even applies to my code. `g_spEngineLog` is …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Patrick_3

Hello, I am attempting to make a section in my application where a user can enter their own code which will be executed at runtime. I have looked up how to compile and run Visual Basic code while the program is running (Below). Dim VBP As New VBCodeProvider Dim CVB …

Member Avatar for Elixir42

Dear Kind-Coders, I am trying to learn to use boost::shared_ptr to manage the lifetime of a DLL, but I am having a type conversion problem whilst setting it up. Please see the following code: #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> int main() { { class CMyClass { public: CMyClass() {} ~CMyClass() {} int MyInt; …

Member Avatar for Elixir42
Member Avatar for Seba Sama

Hello, I'm trying to approach .dll's. Tried some tutorials and got into 2 problems: 1. Using rundll32 from the command line is not working as expected. I write in cmd: "rundll32 mydll.dll MsgBox -32". It shows the MessageBox with text "15991798", changing every time I run it. 2. Calling a …

Member Avatar for Seba Sama
Member Avatar for Junior_1

hello! i want to add 3rd party EXE into form. but problem is i think it almost impossible to change without using dll injection . before i was try several method but all failed. actually i was try with vb or vb.net because i almost don't know c++ but vb …

Member Avatar for meta.quota
Member Avatar for 9tontruck

HI I am trying to make a dll file that performs its tasks using CUDA library. Here is a simple version of my code: CUDADll.cu ` #include <iostream> #include "cuda.h" #include "cuda_runtime.h" #include "device_launch_parameters.h" __global__ void test(int a, int b, int* c) { *c = a+b; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) …

Member Avatar for mark5rockzz_1
Member Avatar for androidz

I made three projects the first one is a windows form, the second one is a class library and the third one is another class library to be the reference of the second and first projects. Inside my second Project which is a class library there are two files a …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for n1csaf3

I have been trying to call a C++ function in a DLL, from a C# WPF application I'm working on. I've done it before and it's worked but I can't remember how I did it and can't seem to find an example that works for me. I'm doing something wrong …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for mattster

Hi everyone, Heres my problem: I've installed Qt 4, and there is **no** qmysql.dll/.a in C:\Qt\4.8.4\plugins\sqldrivers\. I am running a MySQL database program and I get Database error: Driver not loaded. Theres not really a lot of help anywhere on google so hopefully DaniWeb will yet again prove itself as …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for mattster

Right everyone, here's my problem. I have just paid £45 for a book on Qt, have had a nightmere getting it sorted, and finally I can build apps to this extent... I have an app, *test.pro*. I have built it using `qmake test.pro` -> `make` which works. I am using …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for cucolino

Hello. I wonder if anyone can tell me something about calling the external dll file from delphi. I have a main form, which has the procedures locating the dll file, and then I have about 30 other forms, in which I use these commands. Now my question is, is it …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for FearlessHornet

I have been working on a few projects and needed a method similar to pythons string.split(). I decided to make a reusable piece of code and export it as a .dll, the code is below: std::vector<std::string> Editor::StringHandler::Split(std::string data, std::string tokens) std::vector<std::string> returnList; std::string temp=""; bool found=false; for (auto i : …

Member Avatar for FearlessHornet
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I need help with this script, i can't seem to use this to switch beteen dll files that contain a form eg. if i use it to open a form from the dll file called "Dll One" then when i click the button again it still opens the …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to programmatically import a dll containing a form. Example: When i press a button it will open the form from the dll. NOTE: I need to programmatically import the dll. Please help

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Experts,can we make dll in turbo c and use that dll in vb 6.0. Actually i have a program in c and it has so many constant 3 dimensional array.I have to use some API which can not be used in turbo c so i am planning to make …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for krunal1986

hi, i have just migrated from CR8.5 to CR9. now i want to run/display Crystal Report 9 on client machine without installing it there. so, which .dll required for this situation? thanks, krunal

Member Avatar for apurvac
Member Avatar for nishant.rathee

I am trying to call functions from a DLL `function oziRepositionWP(Number:integer;lat,lon:double):integer;stdcall; ` I have written the code in python no = c_int(1) lat = c_double(34.00962) lon = c_double(74.80067) var =windll.OziAPI.oziRepositionWP(byref(no),byref(lat),byref(lon)) But i get the message var =windll.OziAPI.oziRepositionWP(byref(no),byref(lat),byref(lon)) ValueError: Procedure probably called with not enough arguments (8 bytes missing) where am …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on a c# project , but i had done all this is vb before , now i have all the code in vb.net and i want to use it in c# project , someone told me that if i make dll of my vb modules …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for anuj.juthani

I am developing a IE toolbar using MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 VC++ I have a popup menu, having two options WEB SEARCH and IMAGE SEARCH. my problem is the pop up menu works fine when i see the output in DEBUG mode ... The pop up menu works fine even …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am using code::blocks and have written a dll. I am currently testing it but am getting tired of having to compile it, copy the DLL, DEF, H and A files into a test project, and then compiling the test project every time I need to fix something. Is there …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for fafa70

hi. i have some code in visual basic and i wrote some classes in c++ and i want make it dll but i don't know that when you use dlls it decreases the speed of process or not. thanks.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for AT--O

**Precedents:** Using visual basic express 2010 on windows 7 pro 64b. Solution one CLB is a class library with multiple projects. Solution two WFA is a windows form application with a reference to one of the CLB projects .dll located in the bin release folder (not the debug folder). **Problem:** …

Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

The End.