96 Topics

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**Scared that AI will make your job obsolete? Discover five strategies to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a future where artificial intelligence reshapes the employment landscape.** ![south-park-ai-jobs.JPG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/5ee90a5a4f109a528a4b29a12e6ea378.JPG) *Has AI rendered white-collar work obsolete? Image credit: Screenshot from ‘South Park: Joining the Panderverse’* ## The End of White-Collar Work? ## In …

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Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**AI is shown to significantly increase productivity among top-tier consultants. This performance boost holds the potential to reshape economic power structures—if we're willing to take the reins.** The [productivity explosion](https://jczeller.com/2023/05/04/singularity-loading-bar-1/) initiated by AI continues to take shape: A [new study](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4573321) spearheaded by researchers from Harvard, Wharton, and MIT has shed …

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Member Avatar for EricMack

As goes Google, so goes the rest of the universe -- or at least that's the fear this week after the start up-turned-giant-turned-common verb reported disappointing earnings that sent the Silicon Valley stock over a digital cliff after-hours Thursday. [ATTACH=right]15859[/ATTACH]The company pulled in 1.84 billion dollars for the quarter or …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I know that Apple has been expending a lot of hot air telling anyone who will listen that the new iTunes pricing regime is a good thing for consumers. I know that it reckons that for every song which is ramped up to the new 99p (here in the UK) …

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Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16322[/ATTACH]This week players of Facebook games found themselves unexpectedly rewarded for their playtime. The frequent messages that Facebook has awarded the gamer with credits signals Facebook's push to implement [URL="http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=837"]Facebook Credits[/URL], a virtual currency intended to standardize payments across the multitude of Facebook applications. The push of the credits program …

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Member Avatar for BeansForChowder

I need help building a program that displays full-time and part-time employees names and salaries when the user uses a radio button to choose either full-time or part-time employees. It's a program from the Getting Started with Visual Basic 2010 but I can't determine which part of the chapter specifies …

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Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16601[/ATTACH]According to a report released by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) yesterday (August 10), the video game industry put $4.9 billion dollars in the U.S. economy’s back pocket in 2009, laughing in the face of its financial ruin. The statistics, featured in [I]Video Games in the 21st Century: The 2010 …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The economic news has been so bad of late, it's actually difficult to imagine that some businesses are profitable. It's easy to get sucked into the abyss of huge layoffs, high unemployment figures and generally negative fall-out from the economic meltdown, but in spite of all this, there are technology …

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Thanks to the US dollar getting stronger against the Euro as the European debt crisis takes hold, and shows no signs of weakening for the remainder of the year, so the outlook for IT spending growth looks dim. So dim, in fact, that Gartner analysts have cut back the worldwide …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14831[/ATTACH]Two days ago, the Dow Jones Industrialized Average [URL="http://www.montrealgazette.com/business/probing+point+dive/3001581/story.html"]plunged almost 1000 points in a half hour[/URL]. That's almost 10 percent of the entire value of the market in 30 minutes. That's insane! What happened? Well, it turns out, it was a fairly simple technological trigger that caused the problem. Seems …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to Gartner you, as in everyone, will start spending more on IT this year. Richard Gordon, a research vice president with the information technology analyst outfit, says that strong fourth quarter sales along with "an unseasonably robust hardware supply chain in the first quarter of 2010" plus a little …

Member Avatar for happygeek

There has been [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/01/13/no-crisis-in-it-security-budgets/"]much speculation[/URL] regarding job losses at Microsoft of late, and now the truth is out. Thankfully the scale of the damage is not as great as at first feared, and nowhere near the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3757.html"]15,000 job losses[/URL] talked about recently. It would seem that 1400 jobs are to …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

A new normal? That’s what one financial services guru says America consumers can expect now that the housing market has collapsed and people are losing their jobs in droves. “The worst is yet to come," adds Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates. He thinks that the once lofty American's …

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Member Avatar for khess

While companies worldwide look for ways to reduce costs, shed dead weight from their labor resources and streamline their businesses, it makes me wonder if Linux will survive the global economic meltdown. Oh, I know it will survive in terms of us geeks who use it and tout its goodness. …

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Just wondering what everyone else is thinking. Due to the ongoing economic situation and the fact that the stimulus has been a bust (unless of course you are working for the government!), I think more people will look to pay cash rather than use credit. Even with paypal and the …

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Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit …

Member Avatar for ingalex
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Windows 7 is coming next month. That's hardly news to any of you, I'm sure, but have you considered that this major OS release could be the catalyst to end the recession? I'm guessing not many of you have come to that conclusion, but consider this: Many, many companies steered …

Member Avatar for cosuna
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple released its [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/07/21results.html"]third quarter numbers[/URL] yesterday and by any benchmark they were impressive. Consider these numbers as [URL="http://www.macworld.com/article/141829/2009/07/appleq309.html?lsrc=top_1"]reported by Macworld[/URL]: * $8.34 billion in sales and a net profit of $1.23 billion * 5.2 million iPhones * 10. 2 million iPods * 2.6 million Macs (of which1.75 million were …

Member Avatar for Lead Goat
Member Avatar for khess

I received a newsletter from [URL="http://www.rpath.com"]rPath[/URL] concerning Lean IT and it occurred to me that Linux is the keystone in each one of the elements listed in it: Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Cost reduction mandates. As more businesses work toward saving money, they'll look for ways to save on IT …

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Apple came out with its earnings report yesterday, and while all wasn't rosy for the Cupertino technology company, bottom line is they made money as earnings increased an impressive an impressive 8.7 percent in year over year earnings with net profits up 15 percent (as reported in [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/apr/22/apple-quarter-results"]the Guardian[/URL]). All …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

President Obama – who only weeks ago warned of the greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression if his $1.1 trillion stimulus package wasn’t passed by Congress - now says that he sees a “glimmer of hope” that the financial trauma is ending and that things could be stabilizing. Call …

Member Avatar for khess

I read a [URL="http://tech.yahoo.com/news/infoworld/20090403/tc_infoworld/131038"]news story[/URL] by Paul Krill about how Linux OS Server shipments have and will continue to slip by double-digit margins in 2009. Windows Server shipments are hit hard as well but almost 5% less so than those of Linux. The original report came from IDC. The IDC …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft has been active lately, showing some signs of spunk. I reported last week that Steve Ballmer was going straight after Apple at the McGraw Hill Summit (as I wrote in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4155.html"]Ballmer Wastes No Words Going After Apple[/URL]). This week we see the release of an [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2009/03/new-microsoft-ad-goes-after-high-price-of-apple.html"]ad campaign comparing Apple …

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Member Avatar for khess

Is there a stimulus package on the way for those who use Linux and Open Source Software? You bet there is but it might not come from where you'd expect. Too many wasted stimulus dollars have already rained down upon those who wasted their own money but this time it'll …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

When Warren Buffett talks, Wall Street – and Main Street – listen. And now he’s talking about the future of the U.S. economy. In a wide-ranging, three-hour interview on CNBC yesterday, Buffett said, “the economy has fallen off a cliff.” Noting people have "changed their habits", Buffett seemed very frustrated …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Crikey! And there I was thinking we were slap bang in the middle of a global recession. Things can't be that bad, I guess, if a retailer can find $5.1 million to pay for a new domain name. Yet that is exactly what Toys R Us has paid out in …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Charlie Payne, sounding a lot like Revolutionary War pamphleteer Thomas Paine, says that we're in the 2009 version of “these are the times that try men’s souls”. Of course, the historical Paine once also said that those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Two pieces of dispiriting information on the economy hit the big wire services today: The Associated Press -- The economy contracted at a staggering 6.2 percent pace at the end of 2008, the worst showing in a quarter-century, as consumers and businesses ratcheted back spending, plunging the country deeper into …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

You have to give Microsoft credit. They keep trying, even if what they are trying is copying Apple. This time they have announced they are going to open retail stores. Sound familiar? It should because it's what Apple has done so successfully with its Apple Store strategy. The problem Microsoft …

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Remember last month when DaniWeb [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3847.html"]reported[/URL] how some 1400 jobs were to be lost at Microsoft? These losses forming the first part of a plan to trim costs which would see a total of 5000 Microsofties facing the axe. Well now, in the most bizarre of twists, it seems that …


The End.