100 Topics

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Member Avatar for Borzoi

I've been trying to find a way to filter the Event Viewer in Windows by the description instead of the event type/source etc. I figure that i need to use the XML tab to customise it as there is no option in the basic filtering for what I want. One …

Member Avatar for GreenVomit8
Member Avatar for happygeek

If the schools that my kids attend are anything to go by, it seems that high on Santa's list this Xmas just gone was an iTouch, iPhone or iPad depending how well off the parents were. That's understandable, they are just as attractive as gadgets for kids as they are …

Member Avatar for luka98
Member Avatar for noelpasia

Can anyone help me with my search engine. I need filter search in the system using PHP. The problem with the code: All the provided fields must be filled up..unless it will not work There were 6 fields such as Remark Status: Industry: Position: Location: Age Range: Min and Max …

Member Avatar for FOURATI
Member Avatar for alan.davies

Why do I always get the default filter of recommended every time I open dw? I am quite capable of decidling if I want a filter or not. How can I turn it off?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for seularts

Hi, I'm back ^_^ Ok, I almost have this cute thing working. I know I am close but I have no idea how to get this working the right way. I am Left Joining a few tables and I want to filter the results after multiple values. ...... Ex: Options …

Member Avatar for Web-Designer
Member Avatar for man.chester.581

I have website project .user can log in to use it at the home page now the problem is if any user write URL for any other page without login it will show him the page I need to ensure that any user visit other page have already logged in …

Member Avatar for milil
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, Trying to develop a custom facet like search in Mysql. I have 3 tables for this: 1.Attribute class 2.Attribute class Name 3.Attribute class Value - attributeClassName Id - productId 4.Products Each product has one attribute class Each attribute class has many values Each value is contained in a …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for echocoder

I have an instance of Tomcat 7.0.32 installed. The server.xml is configured to use clientAuth="want" in the Connector. I have a Context that has a docBase set to be a network share. This particular Context I want the user to be authenticated before they can access it, otherwise I want …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to filter through an email to get all the details. Such as from, to, subject, body and a few other details but you get the idea. At the moment I just have a bunch of text but I want to …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for dennis254

Hi, I have a DataGridView with a table loaded onto it. I have nine textboxes which will serve as a search feature for the DataGridView. What I want is that once text is entered, it goes through the relevant column filtering data as per what is inputed. This works perfectly …

Member Avatar for dennis254
Member Avatar for saleh.keshko.09

Here is my PHP code: $fields=array('eventID','eventTitle','te_events.venueID','te_events.catID ', 'eventStartDate','eventEndDate','eventPrice'); // initialize empty array for WHERE clauses $wheres=array(); // loop through field names, get POSTed values, // and build array of WHERE clauses, excluding false values foreach ($fields as $field) { // get existing field value from POST, mark missing or empty …

Member Avatar for Dean_1
Member Avatar for Ravi Rajput

When i did ppc for my websites I create single campaign and create two ad groups for domain. I want to know that is there any way how can i check that for haw many domains i am running PPC campaign without going inside campaign?

Member Avatar for James_28
Member Avatar for stevieup

Is anyone annoyed by google results as regularly as I am? We are approaching a sum "0" when it comes to search engines, I'd hate to see google fall by the way of Wal-mart in that it's the only choice and it sucks. With that premiss, shouldn't we have ways …

Member Avatar for stevieup
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I am creating a function, that filters products, that are allready loaded into the DOM. JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Klemme/8CFVa/2/ Please read on, two get the issue :-) In each product div, I have listet an HTML5 data attribut like this example: data-options="{"brand":"acer","screenSize":"17","processor":"intel","grafik":"intel"}" I have 2 groups of checkboxes working now, …

Member Avatar for klemme

Hi All I have to create a filtering function for a webshop, and need to do it client side for performance reasons. I load in x number of product, so I can get to them in the DOM - And after this I have a number of checkbox groups which …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for skran

Hi all! I have a user interface where I want to filter a datagridview.. I 've achieved to create filters but I 've failed to filter tha data by date.. I have a sql db and the column of date is of datetime type. When I try to filter the …

Member Avatar for eldarzeynal
Member Avatar for ss125

Hello friends, I am using sql server 2005 as a backend. I want to filter the datagrid based on fromdate,todate,companyname,employee name. I have done the date filter's.... The problem is with the other two filters. The actual problem is.. The application has to filter based on company only if the …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for Aldic

Dear All, I'm working on application in C# which needs to filter "blanks" in one column and copy some value from other column instead. Filtering works perfectly, but copying is not so cool.. It copies some lines, but rest left blank. I cant find out where is problem. If possible …

Member Avatar for perly

I have a large data set (12,000 rows X 14 columns); the first 4 rows as below: x1 y1 0.02 NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN 0.004 NAN NAN NAN NAN x2 y2 NAN 0.003 NAN 10 NAN 0.03 NAN 0.004 NAN NAN NAN NAN x3 y3 NAN NAN NAN …

Member Avatar for perly
Member Avatar for hazzag1995

Hi, I work for a secondary school in the UK, and we are looking for an alternative internet filtering solution. Currently we are using one provided by the local authority. We have very little control over what ports and sites we can have blocked/unblocked. I have done some reading into …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I'm currently looking at this [JSFIDDLE](http://jsfiddle.net/MH8e4/6/) and it's 50% of what I need. I have a series of Accordions on my page (a list of courses). What I would like to do is assign these accordians to categories so that when a checkbox is pressed with the id …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for furlanut

I have some experience of PHP but limited knowledge of handling arrays. My db table has 5000+ rows and 13000 populated fields. I want to create an alphabtical, visible index of the contents of each field, possibly for inclusion in an html page. If this possible, can it be initiated …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for taekiewzz

Windows Application Form: I have a problem with filtering winform datagridview by listbox items (multiselect). For example: My listbox items have guest name of 'Lim', 'Jack' and 'May'. I would like to filter my gridview data by these 3 guests. Which each guest has their own entry. This is my …

Member Avatar for uis
Member Avatar for taekiewzz

I want to filter my datagrid view in my winform with a date range. I have 2 label with StartingDate(lblStart) and EndingDate(lblEnd) which is called from the datepicker on another form. Filter = "(DATE >= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblStart.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "' and DATE <= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblEnd.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "')"; And this …

Member Avatar for FenrirMX
Member Avatar for rgilmore

Forgive the begginer logic, but I can't afford a new degree until I get a raise. Goal: To create a dynamic text search based on a bulleted style procedure. Objective: Use a string reader to read a richtextbox line by line checking for the start and end of bullet points …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for happygeek

The media, online and off, has been full of scare stories about the 'biggest Internet attack ever' and how a distributed denial of service (DDoS) campaign aimed against anti-spam outfit Spamhaus peaked at an attack volume of 300 Gbps (the highest ever recorded by those who record such things) was …

Member Avatar for rajutech
Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I am having trouble with my condition, i dont know where should i put where in my query here is my code.. SELECT distinct MATERIAL ,Description ,Material_Type -- ,Requested_Delivery_Date ,ATP_check ,Delivering_Plant ,Order_Quantity ,Held_by_Finance ,Rejected_OOS ,Rejected_Others ,ISNULL(Open_Order_Quantity,0) AS Open_Order_Quantity ,ISNULL(Order_Quantity_NKA,0)as Order_Quantity_NKA ,ISNULL(Order_Quantity_RKA,0) AS Order_Quantity_RKA ,ISNULL(Order_Quantity_Others,0) AS Order_Quantity_Others ,ISNULL(Stock,0) AS …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for tristanhall

We are making the switch to iMacs later this year but to improve employee productivity and enforce access policies we need to find a "business class" internet filter for our new iMacs. I can always configure our network to block the sites but this is primitive as it doesn't filter …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for dados

I use this function http://goo.gl/Luxkx to create Fetching Posts by Category with jQuery , but the problem is that I need pagination. For example, I have in some categories more than 10 posts. The first 6 posts show up okay, but I need pagination to show the rest. You can …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for PBubble

Good evening! I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve and display data from MS Access to my project's DataGridView. So far I have the codes to make the options for the CheckedListBox appear. SAMPLE: (Codes for other categories are not included since they're all basically the same) 'view client …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl

The End.