20 Topics

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According to the [Australian Federal Police](http://www.afp.gov.au/), it would appear that at least half a million credit cards 'down under' have been compromised and funds in excess of AUS $25 million (US $26 million) stolen. Although precise details are still coming in, it would seem likely that nothing more complicated than …

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Black Friday has historically been a very American phenomenon, marking the start of the seasonal Xmas shopping rush and happening the Friday after Thanksgiving. In the past it has led to scenes of semi-rioting and chaos in some stores as the Walmartarati fight over bargain electrical goods. The UK got …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22544[/ATTACH]Three and a half years ago, DaniWeb was reporting how [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/networking/news/218954"]stolen credit cards could be purchased online[/URL] for as little as $10 per card, complete with a guarantee that the accounts behind the cards were active, when purchased in larger volumes. So how has the market changed since the start …

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[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack"]Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks[/URL] are, sadly, not news these days; they are a fact of online life. But word of how the latest SpyEye Trojan-driven MITM attacks are using clever post transaction fraud systems to effectively erase the evidence of the crime from the victims' view certainly deserve to be. Attacking …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]22459[/ATTACH]Just how desperately are you looking for love? Unfortunately, for some the answer is all too often all too desperately; to the point where common sense leaps out of the window and is quickly followed by the bank balance. According to new research by the University of Leicester in the …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]22256[/ATTACH]England just scraped to a hard fought win against a physical and enthusiastic Argentina side in their opening match of the 2011 Rugby World Cup campaign in New Zealand. But while sports fans the world over get excited about how their country is performing in the initial pool group matches, …

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A new botnet has been discovered which is not only targeting users of UK banks, but doing so in a new and worrying manner. Said to comprise of in excess of 100,000 infected machines, the Zeus 2 botnet is operated and controlled from Eastern Europe according to [URL="http://www.trusteer.com/company-overview"]secure browsing security …

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Earlier this morning, Mercury News reported that a midlevel global supply manager at Apple, Paul Shin Devine, has been accused of accepting $1 million in kickbacks from iPod/iPhone accessory developers. He was arrested on charges of wire fraud, and money laundering, resulting in a federal indictment and a private civil …

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The annual [URL="http://www.infosec.co.uk"]Infosecurity Europe[/URL] show is set to kick off in London tomorrow, which is good news for lovers of security research as the surveys are starting to flow today. Like the one conducted by the organisers of the event which reveals that banks are not to blame for credit …

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On Thursday, notorious computer hacker [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Gonzalez"]Albert Gonzalez (aka SoupNazi)[/URL] was sentenced to 20 years in prison. That is the longest sentence ever to be slapped on someone for hacking. He was accused of targeting a bunch of retail stores in the U.S. including Barnes & Noble, BJ's Wholesale Club, OfficeMax, …

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Chip and PIN credit card attack leaves banks on shaky ground according to one analyst, although oddly enough the banks appear to disagree. Researchers at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory have revealed how the Chip and PIN credit card security system is flawed and left vulnerable to fraud. Steven …

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Internet security giant Symantec has just published the latest [URL="http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/theme.jsp?themeid=threatreport"]Internet Security Threat Report[/URL], based on an in-depth analysis of global Internet traffic and email during the last six months. Beyond all the usual who is hosting what and where, how much malware is contained in spam and which threats are …

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The other day I was on Facebook and a chat window popped up from a college friend of mine. [I]Bob: Hey there. How are u doing? Sharon: ok. you? Bob: Am not too good. Im in some kind of deep mess right now Sharon: uh oh. what happened?[/I] What "Bob" …

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Heartland Payment Systems, one of the biggest card payment processors in the US, has been the victim of what could well be the biggest security breach of its kind. Malicious software installed onto the Heartland network could have compromised as many as 100 million transactions according to numerous emerging reports. …

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It looks ever more likely that 2009 could indeed be the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3781.html"]year of the scam[/URL]. Symantec owned MessageLabs is warning that cases of advance fee [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1198.html"]419 fraud[/URL], along with other financial scams, have spiked as we enter 2009. From December 22nd 2008, through into January 2009, the number of scams …

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India-based IT company [URL="http://www.satyam.com/"]Satyam[/URL] is facing scandal after its chairman, Ramalingam Raju, admitted he falsified approximately $1 billion of profit in the last several years. The incident, which some are calling India's Enron, may end up costing hundreds of IT workers in Australia their jobs and undermining confidence in one …

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It seems that botnet usage could have been behind an increase in the number of click fraud clicks cited in the latest [URL="http://clickforensics.com/Pages/click-fraud-index.asp"]Click Fraud Index[/URL] which monitors such things. Running for three years now, the index monitors and analyses data from more than 4000 online advertisers and advertising agencies. The …

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Researchers at web gateway security specialists [URL="http://www.finjan.com"]Finjan[/URL] have uncovered an underground crime data exchange service which is highly sophisticated in nature. The exchange, known as SellCVV2, promotes the sale of fraudulent credit card data, offering not only volume discounts for fraudsters with bigger ambitions, but guarantees as well. According to …

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A report published today by [URL="http://www.experiangroup.com"]Experian[/URL] suggests that for many a business we are still living in the dark ages as far as making sure customers are who they say they are. Furthermore, the [URL="http://www.qas.co.uk/paperchain"]Electronic Authentication: Breaking the Paper Chain[/URL] report at least partly blames those businesses for the growth …

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The cost-per-click model for Google ads could soon be complimented by a cost-per-action one, if the testing for this click fraud busting technology proves successful. The concept is simple enough: advertisers would only get charged when a particular action is performed rather than simply clicking on the thing. Already a …


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