30 Topics

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Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi, im trying to increment the numbers to create unique id so i did: twin_chairid1 = 1; twin_chairid2 = 2; var twinseatsid = "twinseat" + twinseats; //create div for twin seats $("<div class='twin_seat' style='width:120px;display:table-row;'></div>").attr('id', twinseatsid).appendTo(cinema).draggable({ containment: cinema, snap: true }); //create unique id var twin_chair1_id = "B" + twin_chairid1; var …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for sammry

Hi, I use the following code from phpmyadmin to reset one of my table's auto increment value from 1. SET @count = 0; UPDATE `mytable` SET `mytable`.`id` = @count:= @count + 1; ALTER TABLE `mytable` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; But I want to run this query from PHP file and set …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for rrajeswari03
Member Avatar for Rahul47

The expected outcome dosent agree with result. Following is the code snippet. int a,c; a=10; c=0; c=(--a)+(--a); printf("C: %d", c); printf("\nValue of a: %d", a); I expected C to be 17 i.e (9+8), but it comes out to be 16. And a becomes 8 as expected. When expression is changed …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for amcath

Hi Could you please tell me how to solve this simple problem in c++. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int a=5,b=3; int y=a-b++ * --b; /* manually I get the answer as 6 , but the compiler gives as -4 . how?*/ cout<<y; getch(); }

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for kanoy83

hi guys, am testing this script, but its not working. my requirements: current file in database and in folder is 135.docx, and if i want to update it by uploading a new file, the new filename should be 135_1.docx , if update again it must be 135_2.docx and so on, …

Member Avatar for kanoy83
Member Avatar for Indians

i have the db with serial no and reference no. serial no is auto_increment value. it is worked perfectly. but i want ref no column also as auto_increment value start with 0000001,0000002,0000003...., how to do that? i cannot able to add two auto_increment values in mysql.

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for prakash4

1. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() int a=10; printf("%d%d%d",a,a++,++a); getch(); return 0; } o/p:12 11 11 #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { double a=5.2; if(a==5.2) printf("equal"); else if(a<5.2) printf("less"); else printf("high"); getch(); } o/p: less Can any one give me explanation for the above outputs.....

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

You can fix one parameter of function call by calling underlying method of fixed parameter instead of using functools.partial or lambda statement.

Member Avatar for paddy3118
Member Avatar for atikah8890

Hi all. I have two tables (question and answer) with q_id as the link. I would like to output the data that each table holds alternately like this: [Question 1] [Question 1 Choice of Answers] [Question 2] [Question 2 Choice of Answers] ...and so on. I've managed to filter the …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Im incrementing a value in a while loop, but its only incrementing when my mouse is moving. Any ideas? while (isAlwaysTrue) { value += 1; } Thats basically what Im doing.

Member Avatar for Doogledude123
Member Avatar for zeroflee09

I have a different buttons for each item i have, each buttons has a function of which compute total price of item versus the quantity that have been entered in the textbox qty and summing all the total bill of all items to textbox3 or totalbilltext. but it seems that …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for nunntb473

I have written a very simple program inside of a standard .NET 4.0 windows form (well a form opened by another form to be more exact) in C# using Visual Studio 2010. The basic idea is I have a series of text boxes with numbers. I want to be able …

Member Avatar for nunntb473
Member Avatar for ss123456

i have a database consisting of a table PROJECT(p_id,p_name,P_manager) i am using oracle 9i as my backend and auto increment is possible only through triggers and sequence. instead i would like to retreive the data p_id onto a combo box. simply put- when i add data into my table PROJECT …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Nirvin M

Why does the following snippet produces different result than expected? #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i = 5; printf("%d %d %d", i++, i++, ++i); getchar(); } I compiled and run this code with Visual C++ 2010 and it produces the output 7 6 8 instead of 7 6 6 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for miramiey

Hai, I have 2 question to ask about vb.net. Now i'm using Visual Studio 2005 with connection MySql... 1. how if I want to passing the data from database to the textbox by SEARCH button. I Have 1 SEARCH button and 3 textbox [txtname],[txtage],[txtaddress] and to pass it also on …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for singularity~

I have an integer called: int pID = 0; Inside my while loop I'm using pID++; to increment it. Sometimes the pID doesn't get incremented and sometimes it will. My sample output would be. 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 Does anyone have an idea …

Member Avatar for singularity~
Member Avatar for Esmerelda
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well what I want to do is that when a button is pressed it increases the value in one of my database cells. So my question is how do I do this? As I cannot get this to work. My code so far: Any help would be appreciated …

Member Avatar for DJSAN10
Member Avatar for daydie

hey guys this code is not working [CODE] Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Do Until X = TextBox6.Text X = TextBox5.Text + 1 Label4.Text = X Me.Refresh() WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("subject").SetAttribute("value", TextBox3.Text) WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("message").SetAttribute("value", RichTextBox1.Text) WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("btnSubmit").InvokeMember("click") WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://forum.ea.com/uk/pm/sendTo/" & X & ".page") ReaderTimer.Interval = 5000 ' In thousands …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Lillylionhert

I was just wandering if there was a way to put information in to a string but increment a section of the text when putting it in the string. To put it simply: [CODE]string="to be put in string[this is to be incremented]";[/CODE] I was wandering if there is a way …

Member Avatar for Lillylionhert
Member Avatar for aishapot

I want to have an alternative way to increment my student no. the current way I'm doing to is in my database, mssql. there's a property called Identity Seed(201200001 - my studentid format) and Identity Increment (1 - no. of increments). The 2012-is the school year, while the 00001- is …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for techlawsam

total += nValue; so would that mean that whatever the total is it will be added towards nValue, or is something being incremented? Thanks

Member Avatar for jnmisa
Member Avatar for NickPatton

My assignment is to write a program that outputs the following columns of numbers using mathematical operators and the loop index. This is what I want the program to output: [CODE]1 10 0 1 1 0 2 20 1 4 2 0 3 30 2 9 3 0 4 40 …

Member Avatar for NickPatton
Member Avatar for siva28

i need code for vb.net 2008. That is invoice system i have number in each invoice. my database invoice number is null. when i click tab automatically invoice number increased number 1 ( EC000 to EC001). I used tab control . please reply...

Member Avatar for siva28
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hello to all java programmers I have a java database problem specifically the auto increment. In my MSAccess I have a table named "[B][COLOR="Red"]Confirm[/COLOR][/B]" and in that table I got two fields, the "[B][COLOR="Red"]confirm[/COLOR][/B]" which is set to text and the "[B][COLOR="Red"]id[/COLOR][/B]" which is set to auto number or auto …

Member Avatar for nagatron
Member Avatar for kayoh

[CODE]Dim Processors(4) As ProcessorType For j = 1 To 4 Step 1 Put #filenum, WritePos, Processors(j).byte0 WritePos = WritePos + 1[/CODE] I'm in the process of translating this VBA code to python, and essentially what it does is creates 4 Processor Objects but as you can see from the for …

Member Avatar for kayoh
Member Avatar for caierhui

I am making a request form with a uniqe FORM NO. in order to recall the data faster. The FORM NO. is formated as follows, yyyyMMdd-000 the 000 will be incremented for every transaction made that's easy... but the problem is how to reset it back to 000 the following …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Jbvo

I have been looking for an answer for the last few hours on google with no success. I am trying to create a program that will determine what file to open from user input. For example: names of the text files are xaa through xzz. The text files contain integers …

Member Avatar for Jbvo
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i am writing a program and i need to increment a table row. How would i increment a table row on the click of a button?

Member Avatar for tcollins412

The End.