4 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sunil_12

Hello All, I have writtern a c++ code to implement Koch Snowflake pattern using recursion. The code written compiled well but did not run saying linking error for some variables as shown below: ============================ 1>kosh_snowflake.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _moveto referenced in function "public: __thiscall RecursiveCurve::RecursiveCurve(void)" (??0RecursiveCurve@@QAE@XZ) 1>kosh_snowflake.obj …

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Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Hypnos_16

[I]This exercise will explore the queue and stack data structure implemented with linked lists. The Koch snowflake can be implemented without recursion by using a queue or a stack. Assume that L is either a queue or a stack, L.add( seg ) adds a segment, and L.remove() removes the segment. …

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Okay, first off, I know my code is atrocious. I am not a c++ programmer, but my OpenGL course requires it. My lack of c++ knowledge is most probably my biggest problem here. I am simply looking for quick fixes to my ignorant mistakes. I just need the algorithm to …

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The End.