8 Topics

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Just a little notification that our markdown parser is now in strict mode. That means that, when posting headings, there has to be a space after the initial hash symbol. In other words: #This won't work # This will work Hopefully it will stop everyone who doesn't properly indent their …

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Inbetween contracts over the last year or so I have been beavering away building a CMS with a difference. https://www.graphia.co.uk/ It's aimed at companies that have huge libraries of documents that every employee needs (operating procedures, handbooks, guides, etc) locked away in inflexible propriatory formats (aka Sharepoint/Confluence). * documents are …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Dani

I just noticed yesterday that FB Messenger ate my asterisks. Today, I just noticed that it was actually parsing my asterisks into bold! And it parses Markdown's syntax for italics too! I swear this is new. Try sending someone a message with Facebook and you can do: `*bold* or _italics_` …

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Member Avatar for diafol

The current page is here: https://www.daniweb.com/welcome/syntax Sorry, but not sure whether wading through DW's history of BBCode is relevant to anybody. I gave up the will to live after the 100th paragraph of why Markdown and who did what to whom. Urgh. Can't there just be a table? `HTML tag …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Dani

Slowly but surely, I'm making changes to our editor to get it up to speed with other editors out there. Firstly, I made the font size for the live preview larger at I forget who's recommendation (sorry!). You can click on it to hide the preview so it doesn't get …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Dani

This has been frustrating me for about 20 minutes already and I don't want to spend much more time on it, so any help would be much appreciated. The editor that we use which syntax highlights Markdown text has has bug in which it highlights text as code when it …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I've been working on our editor a bit tonight, and there are some changes to its functionality. Now, when you click the buttons such as Bold, Italic, etc., the editor automatically gets focus and highlights the dummy text. Therefore, you can immediately start typing to replace it. Also, I went …

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Member Avatar for Dani

The End.