18 Topics

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## Introduction ## In the previous tutorial, we learned how to [set up our own RabbitMQ server](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/tutorials/538619/how-to-set-up-a-rabbitmq-server-in-docker). In this tutorial, we will learn how to create our own exchange and queue. ## Goals ## At the end of the tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to create your own …

Member Avatar for k99rs

Hi, I am trying to import the package com.google.android.gms.gcm.GoogleCloudMessaging into my project. I get an error saying the cannot resolve symbol. Can you please help me. Thanks in advanced.

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Member Avatar for james.hamilton.16144

hello, I need some help and maybe pointing the right direction. (website/tec/forum/something which could emulate this) I want to do a project where a user can send a SMS(texting) message to a database/sever which then sends a message back to the phone if any results are found on the database. …

Member Avatar for kentzia

I'm currently doing some research for a project about mobile devices and could only find apps that perform instant messaging, but not how they do it. So I'd like to know what are the technologies/methods behind instant communication between mobile devices? e.g. facebook messenger app. Do the messages go from …

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Member Avatar for zacharysr

I am making a online social networking site, and have messging section, i want it to make it show only 1 messge from each user, So if you have a message from for ex Username "bob" id "32" and you have 5 messages from him Then you have 20 messages …

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Member Avatar for maxlipman

Hi, Here is what I want to do: I already have a php login system and I want to integrate a private messaging system into it. Does anyone have any recommendations of Private Messaging scripts? Thanks so much, Max.

Member Avatar for ronysios
Member Avatar for Nazmul Haque

I am thinking of a web applcation where users can register and get their username and password to log in. Now they can send message to each other for free. There will be a 'msg received' section from where a user can check out if he/she has got any msg. …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya

I don't have any syntax error with this code on my PHP file.. I have only a problem when it comes to output of the search query error messaging... here's the code postback.php [CODE=php]<?php $q=$_GET['q']; $words=explode(' ',$q); $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '')or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("ajax_demo", $con)or …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for WASDted

I just applied. Get yours before someone else takes your name: [url]http://apps.facebook.com/livemsgs/[/url]

Member Avatar for youwill
Member Avatar for chalasesha

i am developing a social networking site as my project in college. i have a doubt on php and mysql.. """ I TWITTER OR FACEBOOK OR IN GMAIL WHEN THERE IS NO ACTION FROM USER(BROWSER) THAT IS, THE USER LOGS IN AND STAY STILL(NOT RELOADING THE PAGE). HOW CAN WE …

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Member Avatar for avario

I am trying to set up a sort of instant messaging system on a site I am creating. Users submit their messages which are then stored in a database. Other users looking at the page should then be able to see this message as soon as possible. The only way …

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Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Yesterday I downloaded and extracted ActiveMQ and ran the consumer/producer example and it worked. Today I did the exact same thing but I get the following feedback: [CODE] C:\Java\apache-activemq-5.3.2\example>ant consumer Buildfile: C:\Java\apache-activemq-5.3.2\example\build.xml init: compile: [javac] C:\Java\apache-activemq-5.3.2\example\build.xml:146: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable …

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Member Avatar for khess

The other day, when involved in a lengthy text-based chat session with a coworker, I realized (for the first time perhaps) that we need a smarter chat client. I spent a great deal of time and energy attempting to explain a relatively simple concept to my coworker, when it occurred …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for khess

On the heels of my idea from yesterday, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story274873.html"]A New Social Media? Instantaneous Messaging[/URL]" (Yes, I realize that it should be "Medium" not Media--so sue me), I've decided to grace you with another idea that I've had for some time: Drag and Drop Messaging. This idea, that you'd think would …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for khess

I've just come up with something better than [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL], [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL], Email, [URL="http://www.hellotxt.com"]HelloTxt[/URL] or any of the other so-called social media messaging systems. I call it Instantaneous Messaging. Don't confuse my Instantaneous Messaging with the lamer, last century version called, "Instant Messaging." Instantaneous Messaging is better than Instant Messaging or any …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for smarty_t2

Is there a device that is connected through a pc and sends sms to cell phones in a particular range...My teacher has asked me to make a project on it and i cant find such device....Can someone help me with this problem....I want to know the details of any such …

Member Avatar for winiwa09
Member Avatar for EddieC

MySpace Tuesday announced some changes to its developer program, fine-tuning its policies about the way member applications are allowed to communicate with users. It also leaked news of enhancements to its messaging API set to be available in June. The [URL=http://developer.myspace.com/Community/blogs/devteam/archive/2008/05/20/new-app-guidelines-must-read.aspx]new guidelines[/URL] were outlined in a blog post by the …

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If you’re developing applications for MySpace or just thinking about it, the social networking company has made it easier to get the word out about and popularize your apps. An update to the fledgling [URL="http://developer.myspace.com"] MySpace Developer Platform [/URL] released last week lets app builders add messaging and posting capabilities …


The End.