35 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello everyone its been a while, btw this fresh look its freaking awesome i love it! :) So i got in mind an idea which i want to try it, selling remote controls for tv online. I need an list or something which i can find the TV model number …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for CJMW

So I'm maing a 3D game editor in Java using LWJGL (Lightweight Java Game Library), I have the editor set up so that the user can create new levels, load up saved levels, save and quick save current levels, import textured models etc.. the basics. I am now trying to …

Member Avatar for CJMW
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hello everyone, I am trying to write an object loader in c++. Currently, I have a file that is made up of many sub objects and I am having a little difficulty figuring out how to process the data. First of all, here is an example of part of the …

Member Avatar for annndrey

Hello! I've got a question about implementation of a standart tree model for TreeView. I have a response from database that lools like [ [A, [a,b,c]], [B,[a,b,c]], . . . [N,[a,b,c]] ] And I want to pass it through treemodel to treeview, for in GUI it looks like that: A …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I am having trouble letting my listeners wait on each other. I have a 1. JComboBox 2. JList - groups 3. JList - students The choice from the JComboBox, clears and updates the groups JList by way of an actionlistener. The ListSelectionListener for the groups JList, then …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. Here is my problem: I have retrieved some a couple sets of data from my sql database and saved them in ArrayLists of (custom)types <Student> and <Subject>. I am using a single Table. I want to create a custom AbstractDataModel that displays the data from the ArrayList<Student>. …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

hello all, I want to make some simple database in access that would track student information, semesters etc... I have created basic tables like: students, professors, subjects.. now I am stuck with the most important part: semesters and subjects... here is the link [Click Here](http://prntscr.com/2jafl6)where you can see database relationship …

Member Avatar for Shahbaz_2
Member Avatar for Encheiridion

hi, i need to past *.x 3d model file into vb6 script. can someone recomend some comprehensively teaching online redaction about? it will be good if there could possibly find way of puting multiple objects in. ex three to see the regle. thanks, i will publish the resultats, for next …

Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello all, I need to make a simple database, and then some windows application (possibly C#) connecting to it... but first... First I need to design and model a good and functional database, right? So I am stuck in it now :) and please help if you can. I dont …

Member Avatar for azapovjednik
Member Avatar for Shari_1

Hello. I'm having some troubles with my code and was just wondering if you could give me a hand. I'm working on a MVC project using data access layer (DAL, BLL, Model). So, I want to list some categories. When I click on a category, I want to list all …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

Hey Daniweb! What's a good site, or maybe someone could write up a quick-and-dirty example of a desktop app showing how to use the Model View Controller pattern? I'm no slouch at google-fu and found this lovely example through Wikipedia: http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_mvc.html which I'll look at after class tonight. I'd still …

Member Avatar for hulkishungry
Member Avatar for Singlem

I have been trying to get a single model, with multiple partail views that use that model to sumbit the form correctly. @Html.Partial("_EmployerDetails", Model) <br /> @Html.Partial("_OutcomeControl", Model) When I submit the form only the firt PatailView model is posted. The second partailview values is null. I need to modulize …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for bops

Hi there, This question relates to data structures, performance and approach to a problem. It is best explained with example so bear with me. For the record, I will be using a combination of PHP, MySQL and Apache server on a dedicated Linux server. The problem is how we would …

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hi. I am using Zend Framework Models. I have 2 tables: 'results' and 'resources'. Table 'results' has the columns: 'results_id', 'resource_id_team1', 'resource_id_team2', 'match_result'. Table 'resources' has the columns: 'resource_id', 'resource_name'. I want to retrieve the results from the table 'results' and I want to join 2 times the table 'resources', …

Member Avatar for eburlea
Member Avatar for divin757

When I click the login button I never get any values posted to the server. I accept a AuthViewModel but it is always null. I have tried using @html.EditorFor but have not had any luck with it. **User Controller** [HttpGet] public ActionResult Password() { UserModel user = (UserModel)Session[Constants.SessionVars.Authenticate]; //error - …

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for shujat132

Hi everybody How are you? well, i need usb dirver of qmobile model Q9 [Click Here](http://qmobile.com.pk/75/Q9.html) for windows7, few drivers are given on offical website but windows7 is not recongnizing them. so please help me in this regards. thanks ![q9](/attachments/large/3/q9.jpg "q9")

Member Avatar for shujat132
Member Avatar for Smeagel13

<div class="parent"> <div class="child"></div> </div> /* Final Width: 200px */ div.parent { width: 200px; } /* Final Width: 202px (with border) */ div.child { width: 100%; border: 1px solid #000000; } /* Final Width: 200px (with border) */ div.child { /* Width Inherited -- Assumed as 200px? */ border: 1px …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13
Member Avatar for kubiak

Hi I am the new in C# and I do some semestral project, I have done generating the entity data model, and I want to connect to the database from class by dbcontext using the ConnectionString. I have problem to bind a connection to these database. Can someone help me? …

Member Avatar for kubiak
Member Avatar for xescjp

Hello everybody: I am using one table that has cells that msut be 20px height. These cells have border on top and bottom. They are 1px width. My question is, which would be the total height of cell including borders? 20px (borders included) or 20px + 1px(border top) + 1px …

Member Avatar for xescjp
Member Avatar for resmi sanker

can u give me some details regarding this paper?can u plz tell me what is a master defect record and feature association?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for charl_i

Hello! I'm searching for a UML tool that can comprehensively 3D visualize a big (class) diagram. Something like a crossover between Google Sketchup and a proper modelling tool - or a tool which uses an XMI export as a base for its 3D visualization. Ideally it would also provide an …

Member Avatar for internetscooter
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

I need to turn the attached ER diagram into a relational model. This is what I have came up with, is it going the right direction or away off? relation AB1relationship a1 : A1 b1 : B1 primary key a1 foreign key a1 references A foreign key b1 references B …

Member Avatar for vjwilson

I have run into an interesting problem. I have inherited a database for daemon process that polls and accepts reports from remote embedded systems. Each site that has one of these systems can monitor over a dozen different fuel tanks. (In practice, most monitor 2, 3 or 4 tanks.) When …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for dionisov

Hello, I'm currently trying to figure out how I can get the information in ASE file and put it in my own arrays. Heres an example of ASCII scene export: [CODE]*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT 200 *COMMENT "AsciiExport Version 2,00 - Fri Aug 26 13:58:27 2011" *SCENE { *SCENE_FILENAME "" *SCENE_FIRSTFRAME 0 *SCENE_LASTFRAME 100 …

Member Avatar for dionisov
Member Avatar for capiuy

I'm having troubles designing the following ERD, I find it extremely hard, so I would appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve it. I need to store sentences in PHP and another ones in JAVA, always mapping them between languages and map their equivalent position between them too, so every …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for syeda amna

hi is there any difference between servlet and HTTP server. I want to develop client server model (two tier) please help. how to do it?

Member Avatar for syeda amna
Member Avatar for Agni

I have been reading the 'inside the c++ object model' by Lippman and one of the sections has me a little confused. It is the section where the author explains how virtual tables are created and virtual pointers assigned, in the scenario of multilevel, single inheritance. If anyone here has …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for rocco123123

Greetings everyone, I'm a noob here. I could use some help designing part of a MySQL database I'm working on. This is an event database, so think of say a conference. I have sessions and every session has a session_type. A session_type might be a Keynote speech or a Workshop. …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Pinchanzee

I'm looking to create a 3D environment for an escape-the-room game that I'm making with Flash. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it with the 3D features of Adobe Illustrator but am unsure. I need to be able to move the view-point angle in the pictures to take the …

Member Avatar for Pinchanzee
Member Avatar for alc6379

Hey gang, Looking for some opinions here. I'm working in an ASP.Net MVC2 application. We've built a collection of "domain objects", ie, the data that represents our "real world" problem we're going to solve, and it's also the representation of what will be serialized to the database. Each of these …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.