26 Topics

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Member Avatar for CrankyMero

Hello everyone I have this XML file that has all the information for payroll, but we have a system where the employee goes and sees his payment for the week, so what i've been trying to get my head around this problem is that we need to extract some information …

Member Avatar for CrankyMero
Member Avatar for Complete_1

I can't work around these errors. Can someone help me out? Error 2 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int Error 3 error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';' Error 1 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<' Code: #pragma once #ifndef …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Pyler

I'm trying to implement a hangman game using linked lists but not getting anywhere. I want guessed characters to be inserted in a Linked list of chars at a position that corresponds to the character's position in the word they are trying to guess.(See example at bottom.) For some reason …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for woomar

Hi. I was wondering if someone could explain to me how to make some new node point to the first element in a list.

Member Avatar for somjit{}
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I would like to get **all** Equipment values. *I have used DOM Document.* It is reading **ONLY LAST Element**. *Equipment Id: 28*. I need all three. Thanks in advanced. XML File: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<Physical> <Catalog> </Catalog> -<Installed> -<Equipment> <Id>26</Id> <Ref>Tew12</Ref> -<Characteristic> <CharacteristicName>Height</CharacteristicName> <CharacteristicValue>160</CharacteristicValue> </Characteristic> -<Characteristic> <CharacteristicName>Tilt</CharacteristicName> <CharacteristicValue>30</CharacteristicValue> </Equipment> -<Equipment> …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for barry.venter.7

Hi I am very new to xml and need some help!! I need to extract a certain value from nodes in an xml file, and then store that value in a variable in php. Have struggled through many internet solutions but are still unsuccessful. Any help would be appreciated. Here …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for amvx86

This may sound like a crazy request. However, anyone from the vb 6.0 days will know what I'm talking about. Remember how the editor had the +/- signs that you can hide the code but it would be as follows: public sub this () End sub and clicking the + …

Member Avatar for amvx86
Member Avatar for boiishuvo

How do you create a node with fullName and studentID in the "add" method and then put them into the correct positions which the name_first and name_second should move until the name in the name_first is larger than the new_Name and name_second is smaller than the new_Name? public class NodeDemo{ …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hey everyone, so I have this project for windows phone i have to do and I have to put some pins on a bing map, but in order to do that I make an API request to google for google places. I get back an XML file and it's like …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Helllo Community, I was wondering if there is a way to get all the second nodes from an xml file example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!--XML Comment--> <Main-Node> <Second-Node> <Third-Node>Node</Third-Node> </Second-Node> <Second-Node> <Third-Node>Node</Third-Node> </Second-Node> </Main-Node> Please Help...

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for azareth

i just need a clear explanation for this: var lastCol = getColumnCount()-1; var lastRow = getRowCount()-1; var table = document.getElementById(TableID); var rowSum; /*Summation of all the values in of rows*/ var columnValue; if(ths == 'on'){ for(var b=1;b<lastRow+1;b++){ rowSum = 0; for(var i=0;i<lastCol-1;i++){ columnValue = table.rows[i].cells[b].childNodes[0].value; if(columnValue != '' && !isNaN(columnValue)){ …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for kernel>panic

I wrote an XML parser that works great to fit my needs, but I can't retrieve the root attribute nodes no matter what I try! So far I have the following code that works great to retrieve the child tag values: import xml.dom.minidom def parse(filename): xmlDoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename) tag = …

Member Avatar for devin2203

I needed to implement a simple cyclic graph in Java so it have nodes in such a way that it can be implemented to represent adjacency matrix or list. Any advice or resources to hep me start implementing this would be much appreciated! Many Thanks

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Kyle Willett

In my cs2 class we are covering simple lists very quickly. I was assigned to add some functions to a basic list class, and after much thought I can not understand how to solve the problem. Here is the assignment: [QUOTE] you will add the following methods: + removeNode(val : …

Member Avatar for Kyle Willett
Member Avatar for tvm78

so i have this program written and i am getting a seg fault and the stack said in operator<<. I have no idea how to fix this...It is due in thirty minutes if someone can please help me asap. Here is where i think the problem lies: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for warlord902

I want to make node heights of JTree nodes to differ. I mean like the parents have different node height and childs have different node height. I tried to put myJTree.setRowHeight(30) while adding nodes but it doesn't work because it does not work for a single node but for the …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Lyandor

Hey guys, is there a way to get a node's name and assign it as a value to a variable using javascript? Here's an example structure of the xml. [CODE] <list> <student id="101"> <name>John Smith</name> <DOB>07-09-1987</DOB> <address>123 ABC street</address> </student> <student id="102"> <name>John Doe</name> <DOB>05-04-1986</DOB> <address>234 DEF street</address> <address2>345 GHI …

Member Avatar for logan_231_2009

Hello everyone, congratulations for the good job. The last 5 days i search for a comprehensible and simple, CPM algorithm and i can't find one. I want to make a program (in C++) that it will calculate the critical path of a given number of nodes..Any ideas? thanks for reading, …

Member Avatar for user786
Member Avatar for warlord902
Member Avatar for warlord902
Member Avatar for Shockbox

Hi there, I'm pretty new to XML and Web Services but what I'm trying to do is allow a user to register with an email address. The email entered is to be checked to make sure it doesn't already exist and if not, it is added to our XML file. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for isamuhunter

Hello everyone...I'm trying to create a journey planner for an underground system...but the first thing Is to create the skeleton of the underground system... my problem is I don't know how to add more links to a single node when the station has an intersection with other lines... [CODE]public class …

Member Avatar for isamuhunter
Member Avatar for srinivas88

Using SAX parsing method is there any way by which we can get all the children of a particular node. For example, if i am having a xml like this <a> <b> <c></c> </b> </a> Using DOM parsing i can get all the child elements of <a> with getChildNodes(). But …

Member Avatar for magesh kumar

HI.... I wanna create runtime graphical nodes using jsp...could anyone send me code for this one...pleassssssss

Member Avatar for chupoi

Hi there ! I have a tree view control and a button in Form1. The button takes me to Form2 which has a text box and a save button. What I'm trying to do is get the button on Form2 to add what i have typed in the textbox as …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Mapper99

Hi there, I am trying to delete XML nodes using PHP. Here is a sample of my xml file. [code] <users> <user> <fullname>PC1</fullname> <flooor>4</floor </user> <user> <fullname>PC2</fullname> <flooor>3</floor </user> </users> [/code] Here is my code so far: [CODE] <?php $users = new DOMDocument(); $users->load("officedata.xml"); $suser = simplexml_load_file("officedata.xml"); $count = 0; …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for sleight

So, hi, this is my first post here. I can't find a good source for my problem here. My problem: Creating a linked node using classes. I managed to create a list of linked nodes but the problem was that I forgot to delete the nodes I created so now …

Member Avatar for sleight

The End.