403 Topics

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Member Avatar for sliver_752

Hi all I am trying to write a batch file which would recursively delete folders with a specific name inside a tree. i am just not able to do that. Please help me. thanks for your help in advance

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for cruisemiraz

this is a ccavenue payment module which was downloaded from here [url]http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/48837/[/url] it is not working properly for indian merchants...it is redirected to world.ccavenue.com/.../.. so what will be the exact url or if needed please tell me whats the problem ...hereby i am attaching the module zip file

Member Avatar for Deepgosai
Member Avatar for Clanham

I am looking to add a video section to a local community site. I am wanting to set it up very simlar to Youtube, but it would have a different purpose. The website would also have other password protected pages therefore the video section could not have a seperate log …

Member Avatar for clone website
Member Avatar for jeffry
Member Avatar for vivekarora83
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi, I am hosting two websites with the same IP addresses. I made the following configuration: website 2 (xyz.com) is online. However, website 1 (abc.com) is not online. When I ping both IP addresses, it shows request time out. NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName [url]www.abc.com[/url] ServerAlias abc.com *abc.com DocumentRoot /www/domain …

Member Avatar for McLaren

hello, I am very disapointed by facebook like button, because it throws stupid error when I set color checme to light. But it works perfectly when I set color scheme to dark :D come on where is the logic? I spent all day trying to figure out this stupid thing …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for us0343

hi All, how i can get daniweb forum software ? From where i can know about daniweb software's features and admin panel? And the other hand what forum software would you like to recommend for student's forum. I want to make an organization type forum for students. Suggestion will be …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I am using the script below which generates random colours for the background of an image. However, what I would really like to do is limit the colours to a specific range. Can anyone help? The script is here... [URL="http://buildinternet.com/live/rainbow/"]http://buildinternet.com/live/rainbow/[/URL]

Member Avatar for weekendrockstar
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I've been using the gallery script below from the Codrops site and managed after a bit of reading on the forums to get an autoplay function working. However the image fades in nicely but it doesn't fade out - it just dissapears. Can anyone give me any pointers on how …

Member Avatar for titusnainggolan

Hello guys.. I have installed two kind of local server (localhost). They are AppServ and Xampp If I type localhost in my browser's address bar, it will be directed to appserv. But I want to make it directed to xampp as default. Please help me to configure my localhost. Best …

Member Avatar for jonow

Hello, I am trying to set up E-Commerce using Magento. I was wondering if I need SSL for it. If all the transactions are through PayPal then do I need it? And if I do need SSL, can I use shared or does it have to be private. Thanks

Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hello everyone, I need some help. Does anyone know any plugin I can install on my website to allow people to log into their facebook, twitter accounts and chat publicly? I have a client who needs this to be done and am pressed with time. Am not using wordpress Thanks

Member Avatar for ginG3R
Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking for a decent directory scripts. I've looked at clones, free and commercial. The commercials look promising but am not sure if they really are worthit. I really need to be able to edit the theme/template and wouldn't mind if there were a plethora of themes available. Are there …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I have seen a script online that makes twinkly stars appear when the mouse is moved. Is it possible to change this so that the twinkly stars appear in a div for a few seconds when the page loads? I am a jQuery newbie and although I have tried a …

Member Avatar for gurmatchanan

Can any one let me know what script is this? Just want to get the same script or similar one for live video TV website. [url]http://www.baani.net/[/url]

Member Avatar for Cronless
Member Avatar for theonlylos

For awhile I've been relying on the official pages of Wordpress and Joomla along with a few design sites like SmashingMagazine, NetTuts, and Mashable for finding outstanding templates and useful plugins for clients. Still, I've noticed recently that the sources I've been searching haven't been able to help as much …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for Lightninghawk

I'm looking for an online inventory management application *opensource/freeware* that I can use to allow my stores to load their inventory at night and it tracks the amount sold, item sold, if the differences are correct... things like that. If anyone knows of anything like this please let me know.

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for ann345

We are running a contest and want to require users to have to login on Facebook or Twitter to cast a vote. The top ten list will update ever few minutes live as new people cast their votes. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to best do this?

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for dc013

Hello, I have purchased this software and I am wanting to upload it to make a website and the software came with instructions on how to install it and I would like to ask if you could explain to me what I need to do. Thank you for helping me …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for gikonyo

hi everyone, i have some files in the cpanel that i want to edit. how do i unhide this files?

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for gikonyo

i want to edit my webpages in the Cpanel yet i con't locate them in the public html folder. how can i locate them?

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for TLCJohn

Hi all, I am looking for some help, can anyone point me in the right direction. I am looking for a Events Calendar for a community website I am building in WordPress. I am looking for it to a UK flavour but easy for people to fill in. If anyone …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

So I am at the fork in the road. Do I use a ready made script like Drupal or WordPress, or build my own system. I have a client in need of a website to store object information (we will call it an object). All the conceivable specifications and then …

Member Avatar for mizan9

I want to show a category on the home page,where the product image will be shown and below the image,the manufacture name will be shown and below it the price will be appeared.I want to show 3 product on this category.My site is on Version think it can be …

Member Avatar for Dani

This is a very quick 'n' simple vBulletin SEO hack. It's easy to apply and it's the one I have been using here on DaniWeb for the past couple of months. I was going to wait until we went vB 3.5 to release it but I might as well do …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for alexanderlegend

Colorbox is a modal window that is jQuery based and is lightweight. I decided to use it in my blogger blog for a one-time subscription box based on the tutorial at: [url]http://www.bloggermint.com/2011/06/how-to-create-modal-subscribe-box-using-jquery/[/url] On a test blog, it worked perfectly. : [url]http://downloads.neuronhub.com[/url] (Ignore the missing images) However, when I tried the …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for tusharbhatia

Hello, I am trying to get a dictionary definition from the Wordnik API. I copied the code below from their example and it's not working. I've played around with it and I can't see what's wrong. I get this error: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end on line 56". If …

Member Avatar for tusharbhatia
Member Avatar for saucy6969

Hi there, I am trying to create a socialbar using either Wibiya or Bumpin. Both looked great in Google Chrome. Bumpin's wont stay static in IE or Firefox which inturn covers the footer. I wrote their tech support for help...no response. Wibiya's went completely haywire in IE...split bits and pieces …

Member Avatar for dw_user

I am using mApple theme of Magento. I just want to get the contents of the rightmost column and the leftmost column interchanged. I think it is a very easy thing but as I am a novice, I need help ASAP. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for dw_user

I am talking about Social engine 4(SE4) ([url]http://www.socialengine.net/[/url]) which is written in Zend. I can go up to the IndexAction of IndexConroller in Core Module. But then I am at a loss. Which models are used there to build the homepage? I think when I can learn about the models …


The End.