23 Topics

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Member Avatar for aneeqtariq_143

i want to create a form for my client. My client require to create a dynamic for him. suppose, i want to insert 1 record in main table of mysql, and record multiple records in secondary table which has reference key of main table. I dont know how many records …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hello. I have a form with captcha element. The text field displays on the right of the image. How can I make it displaying below the image? $path = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl(); $captcha = new Zend_Form_Element_Captcha( 'captcha', array( 'label' => 'Type the characters you see in the image below:', 'attribs' => array('id' …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for DrEinstein

Hi everyone, Does anyone have an idea of how to skip a line in a JTextField? In System.out.println, I would normally type n but it didn't work for me when I used it in a textfield: text1.setText(**"n"**+coloumn[counter]); where the output displays well as desired excpet that it doesn't skip a …

Member Avatar for DrEinstein
Member Avatar for Dimonai

Hi everyone, I'm working in a project where its required a dynamic insertion of a grup of 3 textfields where one hiels dates. So far I manage to do the insertion part, but Im still with the problem of jquery datepicker only working right on the first(original) textfield. I notice …

Member Avatar for Dimonai
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

Hey Guys, I am working on a search that takes in a value via textfield. Once taken in it should display another Jframe with the info but the searchbox crashes the second I run it. Its some stupid mistake I have made or i have gone about it the wrong …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for guilherme.carvalho.9250

Hello to everyone, I´m having problems on retrieving data from mysql to a textfield in html, the data appears with queston marks inside of a "black diamond"! I researched and followed the steps like putting the database charset utf8, the table too! When I insert for example Alimentação its goes …

Member Avatar for guilherme.carvalho.9250
Member Avatar for utchia

hi i have been working on my project to create a store and i have to add items and sell items, and once i add items i store them into a textfile separated by commas, and i made the add item button work perfectly but i am having trouble with …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, I want to set the length of the textfield in java... Please check my below code....it works finely if I press the keys one by one slowly... But suppose if I press any key for a longer time the actual length exceeds and so the validation is not …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for leechang.kevin

hi, another question here. i'm a beginner at php and i need a php script to automatically retrieve data from a database and fill in a form. all the data is in the database and I already have a script to search and return the results. I just don't know …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for FALL3N

I know this is a basic question. I asked the same question a while ago, even then thinking it was a simple question. The answer I got seemed to be what I already know and was obvious.. however, when I tried it, it did not work, so I just worked …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for androidf

I need to have a update button to update a edited textfield and save it to the database. I have created the button but have no idea on how to make it update the edited textfield and update the SQL database automatically. Pls help!!): This is my code: [CODE]private JButton …

Member Avatar for androidf
Member Avatar for Danielhuo

I am writing a Java program, a MP3 Manager, but I have problems to work with buttons, TextFields, and TextArea. Here are the problem descriptions. Create a class MP3 with instance variables for: artist, song, album, track length (in seconds). Provide a constructor, get/set methods, and a toString. method. The …

Member Avatar for Danielhuo
Member Avatar for dennysimon

hello all I have one textField and one textArea. How to move the cursor to the end of Text of TextArea when -cursor is in textField,and keyboard [Enter] pressed thank you denny

Member Avatar for dennysimon
Member Avatar for MrVladar

Hi! I am creating a desktop Java application using Netbeans. My task is to generate an array and than sort it (InsertSort, SelectSort, BubbleSort). My question is how do I show the value of all elements from generated array into the textfield? What i have tried to do is: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for MrVladar
Member Avatar for v5rox

i m trying to update a table in my sql database using stored procedure. i have executed my stored procedure and dat works fine, no problem in that. i knwo because the values are updated when i execute it. however when i try to do so through asp.net code that …

Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

Hello Lovely People, Please have a look at my GUI first, before reading the rest (I've attached a picture, see at the end of my post). I'm having two problem with this GUI. 1) I don't want my Start button to be as long as it is. I want it …

Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana
Member Avatar for Ambislm

I made a simple application that have a combobox which is loaded with database value and a textfield which should display text related to combo box selection. Name Number number1 1234 number2 2345 number2 5678 number3 2212 So combo box will have values number1, number2, number3. when user selects number1, …

Member Avatar for Ambislm
Member Avatar for soroushc

Hi:)the problem im facing is that i created a control Textfield.Example :the user types in 75000 in the textfield and after he or she presses enter the List view appears. But i want them to hit a button so after hitting the button the list view appears?plz help

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for aladar04

Let's say, user input on prompt is 1 so JavaScript will create one textfield. We'll test Assess() if its working. Type "1" on textField and click "Assess" button. No alert message appears. Please help. Thanks in advance. [CODE]<html> <head> <title>JavaScript</title> <style type="text/css"> font{ color:#663300; font-variant:small-caps; font-family:calibri; font-size:15; } </style> <script …

Member Avatar for aladar04
Member Avatar for xo_vicke93_xo

No idea if this could be done by just javascript but don't know where else to post it... I have a contact forum where i want the visitor to select if they're a member of not, if they select no, nothing happens but if they select yes a new text …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, i have a DOB input that I am trying to output to a textfield called "StarSign" The DOB works great, uploads to the database fine, What I would like to do is from the given DOB - Output the StarSign to a textfield called starsign. i have dob_y …

Member Avatar for wrivera
Member Avatar for einjelle

This is a program for generating a state table for flip flop circuits. My problem is that the program does not get anything from the Textfield which gets the value for KAEquation, but for JAEquation, it works just fine. [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /** * @author Jenielle …

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Member Avatar for xilamei

The End.