jammerjoe 0 Newbie Poster

I didn't say I disagree with that, it's just my opinion that loosing a few battles on the way is part of the game.

Probably the most irritating though. I remember that often, bands of one group or the other (Horde or Alliance) would camp out in newbie country and terrorize the lower levels. The only real fun came when the area flooded with dozens of top levels on both sides. But for newbs questing and farming it really sucked

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

I'm not into this kind of games but I showed this thread to a friend who is into them and he told me that bodyguards are not all that unusual in online gaming, but what is unusual about this one is that the bodyguard is a 15-year-old kid.

stultuske 1,116 Posting Maven Featured Poster

and that he demands payment :)

jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague

I'm not into this kind of games but I showed this thread to a friend who is into them and he told me that bodyguards are not all that unusual in online gaming, but what is unusual about this one is that the bodyguard is a 15-year-old kid.

in Ryzom there's guilds that offer weekly excursions around the world for new players, where they're shown all the world by enough high level players to safely get them everywhere.
There's no pvp involved, but in Ryzom even the wildlife can be dangerous enough that several maxed out players together can't survive against it :)

jammerjoe 0 Newbie Poster

and that he demands payment :)

Smart kid...wonder if he is smart enough to get payment BEFORE he shelters the weak :)

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