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Programmer (mainly Java)
5,727 Posted Topics
Re: a bolt cutter and a big bucket of superglue to cut off the spammer's computers from the internet and then glue the door to his room shut with him inside. | |
Re: And similarly I've worked with systems where the devices has SIM cards and a GSM plan but no data. All communication was done using SMS. Bit cumbersome, but that's how things worked back in the day when mobile data plans were either unavailable, unreliable, and/or extremely expensive and the volume … | |
Re: Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no … | |
Re: When the morning comes, Only the wind and rocks remain the same. The rising tide washes away the past, leaving the sand, a new page to be written on. An alltime favourite saying of a freshly deceased very close friend of mine. Rest in peace my friend, you will not … | |
Re: I've been involved with projects outsourced to India several times. All but one of those I got involved because the results coming out of India were so bad a local team was put together to rebuild the product from scratch. The one that wasn't as bad wasn't mainly because the … | |
Re: It's faster to write the code yourself than it is to fix up the junk produced by those AI "assistants". Code generators have been around for decades for specific purposes, and can work well, but these things are pretty much useless. | |
Re: the most annoying things about TV shows are actors. | |
Re: Question is: what level of technology. The clothes you wear are the product of technology after all. So is most if not all of the food you consume. Your toothbrush is the product of technology. | |
Re: Why restrict ourselves to base 10? This is an IT site after all so let's continue in hexadecimal... E | |
Re: VB has not been abandoned. VB6 is however so old nobody should be surprised if it's no longer being maintained, it's been long since replaced with new versions. | |
Re: or just pay google to get boosted in the search rankings... | |
Re: Remember that ChatGPT has no real time connection with anything, it only knows that data was loaded into its database, which is a very selective dataset that is several years old. That's part of the reason for all the disclaimers on not using it for financial advise, any advise you … | |
Re: Iiyama and MSI haven't let me down yet. Had 1 Iiyama fail on me last year, after nearly 10 years. | |
Re: The best thing, and what most sites use, is to not allow a user to post anything until they verify their email address. Not that it'd matter much in the specific case of the homework kiddo not responding to comments, as that's never their intent. They just dump their assignment … | |
Re: "live user counters" are a lie! It's technically impossible to create such a thing as you never know whether a user is still actively using the page you're counting them as being on (or indeed the site). All you can hope for to do is create a counter of the … | |
Re: Ideally you want a mix of experience and new blood. And why do you think experienced people can't be motivated or interested in new things? What's more important in a team than anything else though is that the people can work together well. If you have 10 unicorns, each the … | |
Re: As a business owner, you obviously make your own rules in this, as long as they stay within the TOS of each service you use. That said, don't spam, post things where and when appropriate only, and tailor each post to the venue (as with all marketing efforts). As an … | |
Re: JSP is very old technology, I'd not advise it for new projects but if you're interested in learning it for the same of things or to work on maintenance of legacy code it's quite viable. Yes, JSP is essentially a blend of servlets with html. If you look at the … | |
Re: In finance, or anywhere where precision is important, you use fixed point numbers (integer math), not floating point. In finance moreover, typically (and this is an internationally recognised standard employed by banks) only the first 5 digits are considered significant. Anything over that is irrelevant. | |
Re: Most people who have instagram accounts are bots, whether they're computer programs or brainless humans. Just contact them and pay them to follow you. | |
Re: It means someone who can do everything, frontend, backend, server administration, database administration, security, graphics design, everything. And don't expect to get away with being good at one thing on their bucket list and merely decent at the rest, you're expected to be a world expert at everything while working … | |
Re: Derby was included in Java7, it isn't in Java17 as it was removed with the release of Java9. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53911999/where-is-the-derby-jar-file-within-my-java-11-installation-on-mac Java11 saw a whole bucket list of stuff removed as well, and some more pruning has been going on since. Mostly these are features that were duplicated from Java EE or … | |
Re: Google probably switched to a lower resolution provider. Whether that's forced because of unavailability of other data (maybe a supplier went out of business, or isn't allowed any longer to sell them the data) or to save money (lower resolution images are cheaper than higher resolution ones) I don't know. … | |
Re: better yet, copy/paste the code into a code block. I for one (and hopefully everyone) won't open attachments... | |
Re: Just do like all the other spammers do, spam your website on Daniweb and every other forum website that doesn't have a strong anti-spam policy (or has one but doesn't bother to enforce it). | |
Re: add a million random words in a hidden div at the bottom of your page for the search engines to pick up? Seems popular... And gets your page listed everywhere so people see it whether they're searching for it or not... | |
Re: A GOOD training course gives you time to experiment and practice along with the course material, and knows you need that time to gain proficiency. They also make sure they can meet the needs of both faster and slower students. Which is what in my experience many Udemy course creators … | |
Re: So you want someone to do your homework (because that's very clearly what it is, your school homework) for you. The answer to that from any programmer worth the job name is HECK NO. We don't want fakers with diplomas they didn't earn in the profession as it makes our … | |
Re: flipping schemes like this aren't the purpose of places like Etsy... And most of them are scams anyway, promising shipment of items that don't exist until they are sold, mostly. Often the seller takes the buyer's money, invests it in something (often crypto), and either never ships the actual goods … | |
Re: Get a good book, read it, understand it, and start experimenting. Bjarne Stroustrup is a good place to start if you're serious: https://www.stroustrup.com/ First 3 books he lists (all his own work) make a good start. Another good book is Stanley Lippman's "C++ Primer". Sure you can learn by just … |
The End.