16 Topics

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Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**As quantum computing slowly edges closer to disrupting encryption standards, governments are imposing export bans with peculiar undertones. This article explores the reasons behind these restrictions, the basics of quantum computing, and why we need quantum-resistant encryption to secure our digital future. ** ![quantum-end-to-encryption.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/085ad9800754573666c8e40f1272bd2b.jpg) ## Nations Putting Export Bans on …

Member Avatar for piers

Hi, I have been creating a round robin. This is similar idea to speed dating except everyone has to talk to everyone. Whilst I have been able to create this, there is a lot of repetition in my code and I wondering if any of you have recommendations for removing …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for BibhutiAlmighty

Can anyone please help me to add number of strings to a hash table. Actually i am trying to make a "hangman game". I want to store the answers in a hash table but there's something wrong i my code <sorry!! I can't provide the code>. Please suggest me a …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for woomar

Hi. I am very new to hashtable concept. Here is a skeleton of the methods I need to implement; BUT, my biggest question is the inner Entry class. Am I implementing the entry class correctly?Is my constructor correct? Thanks public class HashTable<K, V> { /** define an inner class to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Pyler

would you just do @Override public boolean contains(T param){ return hashTable[function(param)]!=null; }

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for whtewa

The hash table stores phone numbers and names, uses the names as the keys. The problem I have is when I use the terminal window to enter the names and numbers. The strange problem that occurs then is that all the names get the same phone number. But when i …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for janet@123

I am trying to use the glib HashTable implementation for my code and facing some issues in memory allocations. The code I've written is: GHashTable *g_hash_table; g_hash_table = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); gint *port, *src_value, *value; guint32 *dst_key, *key; . . . while(1) { key = g_malloc (sizeof *key); dst_key = …

Member Avatar for java_sabin

im doing remote desktop project. i need to connect two sockets (each from single client) through the hashtable in the separate application server, so that client1 can see the desktop of the client2. can u suggest me solution for this? how can i achieve this? so far i can connect …

Member Avatar for bambam2174
Member Avatar for picogenkaku

In simulating round-robin scheduling algorithm, is it possible to have more than one time slice, say two time slices. If so, how will it be simulated? For example, I have Q1 = 10 milliseconds and Q2 = 20 milliseconds. In my opinion, it is like this: a) I'll use the …

Member Avatar for haanjae

hello all, i have some calculation codes class in my client side, how my server gonna get those values and display it in my server? i had created windows forms labels in server. know i have the calculation class and main client forms in my client side, and main server …

Member Avatar for dsmush

Hi trying to recover an RSA encrypted 5 character word using a forward search dictionary attack in Python but having difficulty. The word was encrypted in 2 24 bit blocks (3648141 5604637) padding last block with a space e = 5 n = 21508387 table = {} for ptext in …

Member Avatar for farshadak2004

I'm building a dictionary and I have a database of words with equivelant meaning in Access file. I want to use hash table for finding the words and the meaning. My question is how to implement the hashtable which can use the file as the reference. or any other guide …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Warhead88

Hi, Can anyone show me or point toward a link with a decent example of a hash table using linked list. Thank you ,

Member Avatar for Warhead88
Member Avatar for milan2011

Hi, I am trying to use a hash table to sort the two string words from an input file ,display words and again put them back to an output file. so if this is my input in input.txt: thank Merci yes oui hello bonjour the sorted output in output.txt will …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for bfprii

I want to merge 2 or more hashtables together..It doesn't matter what the final form is, as long as I can iterate through it. Here the final form is an array. So I have an unsigned long long as the key, the value is a string,int pair. Each key maps …

Member Avatar for bfprii
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

Hi I have attached a copy of a round robin schedule I have produced, can someone check this is correct. Process Arrival time Service time 1 0 4 2 1 3 3 3 2 4 5 8 5 7 2 If any errors can someone advise where please

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The End.