84 Topics

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Member Avatar for wesley_overton

Hi all, I've been having a problem adding a record to an Access database using datasets and da.update etc. I'm trying to create a simple program that displays the records of a database table in a series of text boxes. I've managed to get my next and previous buttons working …

Member Avatar for EricAJB
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Hi I have writen a web service. this web service has a method that returnes a Table as XML format and I need to use it as a table. how can i use this web service as a table. is any way to convert XML format to Table format Thank …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jazzyb

I am creating one application visual basic and sqlce I have two forms name Form1 and Form2. I used Form1 to add data to database using OLeDb command and used Form2 to show data in datagridview by using dataset I used following code: FFORM1 CODE is as following [code] Private …

Member Avatar for spandan_1
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I am importing data from excel into datagridview its kind of working fine. my data is like this in excel 10001 MR NEW 10002 MR OLD 10003 MR CLEAN 1MB21 MR DIRTY 1BA12 MR DIXON 1EA12 MR RYDER When I load the data all is loaded untill it gets to …

Member Avatar for Rene vK
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all, I have created project database in msaccessdatabase. It contail ![Msaccess.jpg](/attachments/large/4/a91d2278c08f244b439891bcf7c3b36e.jpg "align-center") form layout as shown in image & i have attached code for reference Imports System Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the …

Member Avatar for Miurei
Member Avatar for nosfa

Hello. I have a SQL database called bd with a table called dados. I want to get one row from it. Web.config <add connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=bd;Integrated Security=True" name="bd" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> variable declarations Dim DS As New bd Dim a1row As bd.dadosRow this code in the method won't return anything. In fact …

Member Avatar for Miurei
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all, I have created database like this. I have 2 manufacture . I would like to create 2 combobox. COmbox 1 -> Manufacture list combox 2 contain -> model no Can some one share example code where it explained. if particular manufacture selected display only his model in combobox …

Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all, Here i have attached form window.I wanted to update form with relative data How to refresh the single form. When New project detail is clicked from loaded with project data , when panel button clicked form loaded with panel data. 1)I tried this method. I created a group …

Member Avatar for darkocean

Dearl all, Is there any way or codes for export dataset or datatabe to excel file. Whenever I use click event in the button, it will save my report in an excel file. My information inside in datatable (dataset) from database and I want to save it in excel file. …

Member Avatar for du_1
Member Avatar for m-soft

Hello, I am trying to learn c# and sql server and I am not sure how should I proceed in the following situation: I have a database with 2 tables: Clients and OrdersFromClients I am trying to make a form with a listbox in which I will display all the …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for dennis254

Hi, I have a DataGridView with a table loaded onto it. I have nine textboxes which will serve as a search feature for the DataGridView. What I want is that once text is entered, it goes through the relevant column filtering data as per what is inputed. This works perfectly …

Member Avatar for dennis254
Member Avatar for CooRay

I need to add the URL property to webbrowser1 (located on my form) from a dataset containing the URL, but am getting the error "Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Uri'. The column in datagridview1 is called link. I need the web browser URL to change with a corresponding textbox and …

Member Avatar for philippeslim
Member Avatar for André_3

I don't know what i doing wrong. I have been on several forums trying to figure out how to sort a table in visual basic. I have treid with and with out a dataview, but noting seams to work. I have a logg that the user can do new inserts …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for TarkiB

Hi guys, I'm using a very simple database and dataset and it appears to be working, except I can't actually save any data. Here's what I did: I created an empty database with a corresponding empty dataset. I filled it in with 4 rows of dummy data (ID, name, address, …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for strRusty_gal

Hi Everyone, I really require your assistance on the issue. I was debugging my code [C# console application] and i step down to the place where there is DATASET in my code and i clicked on the magnifying glass to see the data inside the DATASET. after clicking on the …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for lyndata

i am using employee table to test if i am doing the whole program correct. I have 5 buttons. one is to add records and another to save(commit), to update, to delete and to clear. I am having trouble with the code to save the record to the data set. …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for Centorpe

I have 2 forms. One is a typed list having 3 controls (fields) loaded from access database (copied to project as part of .xsd). The values in this list represent recommended values of items and will also be applied to another 3rd form eventually. In the 2nd form there are …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for perly

I have a large data set (12,000 rows X 14 columns); the first 4 rows as below: x1 y1 0.02 NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN NAN 0.004 NAN NAN NAN NAN x2 y2 NAN 0.003 NAN 10 NAN 0.03 NAN 0.004 NAN NAN NAN NAN x3 y3 NAN NAN NAN …

Member Avatar for perly
Member Avatar for pwolf

Hello, I'm trying to program a basic program at the moment and have run into some difficulties. I have a method as follows: public static void loadDB() { // load data into datasets - this will be called on form2 the login screen loadTblStaff(); loadTblCars(); } the method is called …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mohd.sajid.3367174

In a table,in first row consist of static html control (1 select control and 5 textboxes).From second row onwards i created the rows dynamically(consist of 1 select control and 5 textboxes) on click of html button.Creation is successfull.But problem arised when i wanted to attach dataset table data to html …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for reedone816

I have limited knowledge in coding. can anyone tell me what is worng with my code? the firstrow result in the database is not updated, but it is updated in datagridview. For i As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(11).Value = "true" Next SmsdDataSet.AcceptChanges()

Member Avatar for reedone816
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys... Putting together a Tiny little app which shows VPN Details for use 'In-House' but for some strange reason my DataSet won't fill? Can anyone spot the mistake? :S private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //XML Load of Document. This loads the XML Document and the value of …

Member Avatar for sundog1
Member Avatar for maurice91

Hi, I have a Vb.Net solution that contains several forms that read/write to an MS Access database. My problem: When I copy my Vb.Net solution and Access database to a new computer, the data source connection string needs to be changed. Currently the data sources wizard sets the connection string. …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I want to know what code should be used in order for me to import data from an excel file to dataset and then adding it to the database, how can it be done? thanks

Member Avatar for edgar.alexander.315
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

Being somewhat new to VB.NET, I built a data solution by using wizards and drag-and-drop on forms. My data is in an Access DB and I opened up those tables with Server Explorer and dragged them into my dataset. I connected the tables to datagridviews. Worked like a charm. Then …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for CooRay

I am trying to search a dataset I have populated from several XML files for certain words in each column. The dataset table is "item" and the columns I want searched is "descritption". "description" are several articles from an rss feed. I want to search the articles for sports players …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for mani531

hi every one, ihave to develop one code that need to update gata grid using simple dataset with out any db connection. can any one suggest

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lulu79

Hi, i have a dataset with 2 columns. 1 column is in String datatype and another one is in Timespan. Now i want to generate a chart from the dataset. While i'm trying to generate the chart, it has error: *"Series data points do not support values of type System.TimeSpan …

Member Avatar for lulu79
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi guys, Needing some help here please. I have a 'Save button' setup on my form which seems to be working perfectly. It allows vales to be taken from text boxes and then presented on a datagrid view and also saved to the underlying databse. **The Code for this save …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys.. I've found a little tutorial which seems to show exactly what I have been trying to do which seems to work upto a certian extent. The code I am using is the following: **Code:** using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; …

Member Avatar for nmaillet

The End.