83 Topics

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Member Avatar for TNT_321

Hi, i went to install mac OS Sonoma into my macbook pro 2017, But when, i have try to download and install, i got error that, my Book not supportable. What i can do. Can you please suggest me the setting or i leave it.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Am I out of date? For over a decade I never worried about any virus on MacOS/iOS. But https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/11di44n/do_i_need_antivirus_for_a_macbook/ is kicking it around like you need such a thing. And while I tend to be precise, folk today call everything a virus even if it's a trojan, malware or a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for harukichi

My mac book is a little angry so I take the drive nd used it as external. How I run my IOS on windows pc?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for arjun_8

I just upgraded the software to OS X Sierra and I use a multi usb port for connecting my mouse since there are just two usb port and the harddisk has to be plugged in directly. The light appears at the bottom of the mouse which means that the power …

Member Avatar for Steve_52
Member Avatar for idaryl

Up until 5 days ago Outlook 2011 on my iMac was working fine -but now it recieves emails but I cannot send them - all it does is save them as drafts. I have it setup so it receives and sends from my (imap) gmail account (as I said it …

Member Avatar for rma
Member Avatar for tompatrick

**Video players** 1. [VLC Media Player](http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html) - VLC is a cross-platform and open source multimedia player for Mac OSX. 2. [Perian](http://www.perian.org/) - Perian is another open source video player for that are based on multi-platform form of FFmpeg project. 3.[ Mac Media player](http://www.macblurayplayer.com/mac-media-player.htm) - Mac media player provided all the …

Member Avatar for Zed_2
Member Avatar for Shyam_3

We have developed an app for iPhone. Our business requirement is to run the app at the background and listen to our server for the updates. We need to get the list of online users. This helps us in getting the list of online users and also in listenning to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for john-carter

What are my chances of data recovery from external hard drive which is password protected. I consulted one data recovery services and their asking price is $350. Do I have some other less costlier option for data recovery? HDD Manufacturer - WD Elements WDBUZG0010BBK-EESN 1TB Portable External Hard Drive"

Member Avatar for steven.lsyan
Member Avatar for holye459

I am going to sell my old Mac Mini and i need to erase all the data stored on the drive. I heard that a factory reset is not secure enough. The data recovery software can still access the data on the drive. Is worth to a buy third-party app …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for chetanbhasin

This may seem absurd at first but please read on. Recently I've heard that a lot of people are installing Mac on standard machines made for Windows - either using hardware Virtualization or using some kind of tweak with their BIOS. I also heard that Apple recently switched their working …

Member Avatar for Honny flussia
Member Avatar for pars99

Everytime I link a `webview` into my OS X project, it always brings up `Use of undeclared type 'WebView'`. How am I supposed to fix this? I've tried linking the WebKit framework and things like that, but they never worked.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

I am sitting in front of a brandnew 27 inch Apple Macintosh running on OS X Yosemite, trying to compile a timed insertion sort from my Windows days. The Xcode app is a sweatheart, but there are some Windows things in the code that cause a problem. This line ... …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for happygeek

As any fan of the The Matrix trilogy of films will tell you, the Keymaker is a character in The Matrix Reloaded who has the keys to provide Neo access to the system mainframe and by so doing hopefully save Zion from the ongoing sentinel attack. In the movie, the …

Member Avatar for MrWonderful1961
Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft this week acquired [url=http://www.teamprise.com/]Teamprise[/url], a division of [url=http://www.sourcegear.com/]SourceGear[/url] that built tools to give developers access to Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server from systems running Linux, Mac OS X and Unix.SourceGear's flagship [url=http://www.sourcegear.com/sos/]SourceOffSite[/url] provides remote access to Visual SouceSafe, Microsoft's version control system. Teamprise comes in [url=http://www.teamprise.com/products/download/]three forms[/url]. The …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for khess

I'm a fairly prominent member of the Linux Community as a writer, contributor, and longtime evangelist for the cause and there are a few things I'd like the Community-at-Large to consider on my behalf. These are five things that I wish Linux had. Consider this as my wish list for …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jack_7

hello to all I want convert this code to assembly for mac osx intel 64 : #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> //#define RCVBUFSIZE 4096 int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int sock, length; struct sockaddr_in server; char *command; // …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for jack_7

How I can increase size of stack in assembly (NASM OS X intel64) I used **.STACK 4096** before **section .data** but return this error error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels error: parser: instruction expected Please guide me.

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for cuivenion

Hi, I'm running a mid/late 2007 Macbook Pro with Mavericks: [Click Here](http://everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook_pro/specs/macbook-pro-core-2-duo-2.4-15-santa-rosa-specs.html) When I connect a second display the cpu temp goes through the roof, 90C with the fans at max. When I disconnect the screen the temperature comes down. Temperature Monitor shows that it's the CPU's not the GPU …

Member Avatar for cuivenion
Member Avatar for krystosan

I have made a python script that takes path of a folder and dispalys images in gallery or slideshow made in pyqt? So how do I add a right click menu of the folder in finder to pass the same folder path as argument to python script ?

Member Avatar for rae08

Hi guys! Just conducting a survey for those who have tried these two operating systems. How would you compare these two in terms of these parameters: Ease of use Availability of Software Overall Security Virus Attacks Thanks!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for G

I want to make a Cocoa applictation using all code in Xcode, not using the Interface Builder. I have searched a lot on this and have not found anything since most people want to use the Interface Builder. Please don't say anything like "Don't waist your time on it", "They …

Member Avatar for bondo
Member Avatar for G

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I am new to this site. Actually, I just joinned about 10 minutes ago. Anyway... I want to make a Cocoa applictation using all code in Xcode, not using the Interface Builder. I have searched a lot on this and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for clouds_n_things

So I wrote a cool little python script for terminal commands that I get sick of entering. Most of the script is explained in docstrings and comments. Looking for useful terminal commands or things I missed or could have done better. I'm actually quite proud of it. :) #!/usr/bin/env python …

Member Avatar for clouds_n_things
Member Avatar for tristanhall

We are making the switch to iMacs later this year but to improve employee productivity and enforce access policies we need to find a "business class" internet filter for our new iMacs. I can always configure our network to block the sites but this is primitive as it doesn't filter …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for dboxall1234

hi i've recently been learning about python on cssciencecircles.com. After a while i decided to download it so i can save some of my programmes. When i make a programme in the IDLE shell and save it, even the most simple instructions, eg. print('hello world') , when i try to …

Member Avatar for dboxall1234
Member Avatar for jsepeta

I would like to run older versions of OSX on my Mac Mini. Apple dropped support for Classic Mode and for PowerPC code, which broke SoundDiver, an important tool in my home music studio. All I've been able to dig up so far about OSX virtualization is that it used …

Member Avatar for MichaelLAX
Member Avatar for John Linux

Hi, I am trying to write a Bash Script to sort some images but I am new to Bash and not having any luck. I have a folder of images. Example: P100.jpg P172.jpg P342.jpg P400.png I need to change these filenames to <filename>_DEFAULT<extension>. ie. P100_DEFAULT.jpg and then move the file …

Member Avatar for KenJackson
Member Avatar for dannyniu

As you can see from the title, I'm suffering the problem. developer.apple.com didn't provide much information about this, I have to ask for solution somewhere else. I already know how to up/down-load files and create directories, but the official reference doesn't say how to undo it. I hope some one …

Member Avatar for dioioib
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Flashback Trojan has infected at least 600,000 Apple computers running Mac OS X according to the Russian AV company [Dr Web](http://www.drweb.com/?lng=en) which researched the spread of the malware which was originally discovered at the end of last year and for which Apple issued a security patch just this week. …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for John Linux

Hi, I am trying to write a Bash Script to sort some images but I am new to Bash and not having any luck. I have a folder of images. Example: P100.jpg P172.jpg P342.jpg P400.png I need to change these filenames to <filename>_DEFAULT<extension>. ie. P100_DEFAULT.jpg and then move the file …

Member Avatar for histrungalot

The End.