81 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

I’ve made some UI changes to our forums page after my husband told me it looked too old school and like a 1990s webpage. Let me know your thoughts: https://www.daniweb.com/forums As you may have noticed, I also made some changes to the sorting and filter buttons on forum listing pages. …

Member Avatar for UWInsure
Member Avatar for Dani

Late last night, I launched a rewrite of our front end HTML and CSS that is designed to look nearly identical, but is much faster and designed to be more easily updatable and manageable moving forward. Let me know if you spot any bugs or inconsistencies.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Over the past week, I’ve made a handful of UI changes across the site. What do you think? Am I on the right track? Is this an improvement?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I found this great article on [User Interfaces](https://datagubbe.se/decusab/) that I wanted to share. Two points I wanted to add 1. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. 1. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's better. And can we please all decide that light grey text on a white …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for happygeek

Huge congrats Dani, the new DaniWeb is not only looking slick and on-trend but actually *feeling* so much better to use, more powerful and more professional. I'm loving it so far! A BIG thank you from me for all the hard work you've put into this.

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you visit the Member Search page, the hamburger navigation menu top left is missing. You have to go back to the home page instead. Is this intentional?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi, as I was told that my code doesn’t scale well at all, I thought perhaps I’d try to get a better understanding of interfaces/abstract classes and classes and the relationship between them. I don’t want at this stage work on a big separate project as I've already got plenty …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

Hello Dear DaniWeber's. I've been away for some time, and have recently made the transition from VB to C# (Finally). Using C# has opened my eyes to many things that I had either not fully understood, or had a lazy attitude towards. I find myself visiting the core of OOP …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour
Member Avatar for manaila

Hi All, Interfaces cannot be instantiated. Could you please explain why the following is valid: interface MyInterface{} MyInterface[] myInterface = new MyInterface[]{"a", "b"}; Cheers!

Member Avatar for manaila
Member Avatar for ogsirus

I found a bit of code which im unsure about in this poorly documented project im on. To be honest I havent got a clue what is going here. public void TestMethod(ISystemScriptingInterface system, ScriptEventArgs eventArgs) { var databaseScriptingInterface = system.GetInterface("database") as IDatabaseScriptingInterface; if (databaseScriptingInterface == null) { throw system.GetException(LocalisedSystemText.InternalServerError(), "Database …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for iConqueror

Why do we use interface references to call methods of an object? For example: class Program : Iabc, Idef { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello interfaces"); Program refProgram = new Program(); Iabc refiabc = refProgram; refiabc.xyz(); Idef refidef = refProgram; refidef.pqr(); Console.ReadLine(); } public void pqr() { Console.WriteLine("In pqr"); …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mayyubiradar

Hello All, I have searched every forum and google etc but nothing directed me in right path. Requirement: I am using a COM object which can be initialized only once. But, when I try with webapi the first run goes fine and the rest fails as the COM object does …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pirat4e

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace interfejsi interface Figura { String Plostina (); String Perimeter (); } } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace interfejsi { class Kvadar : Figura { int a,b,c; public String Perimetar(int a, int b, int c) { return (a …

Member Avatar for pirat4e
Member Avatar for Pyler

What is the difference between `CoffeeInterface<Beverage> cup1 = new Coffee<Beverage>()` and `Coffee<Beverage> cup2 = new Coffee<Beverage>()` `Coffee` is a class that extends the `CoffeeInterface` Is `cup1` an object or can it be used as one. Are there any differences betweeen `cup1` and `cup2`?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Richa_2

interface Interface1 { public int method1(); public int method2(); } public class Salary implements Interface1 { public static void main(String args[]) { int sa[]=Integer.parseInt(arg[0]); float pf,hra,da,tax,net; public int method1() { System.out.println("salary="+sa); try{ if(sa>250000) { pf=sa*5/100; hra=sa*10/100; da=sa*8/100; tax=sa*10/100; net=sa+tax; System.out.println("Net salary of an employee"+net); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("I/O …

Member Avatar for Richa_2
Member Avatar for Prakash.G

To integrate our data base with other site, I've got a xml coding (given below) but they require a JSP output steps and tips to achive that would be appriciated. TIA. <?php include('db_connect.php');?> <?php $query=mysql_query("select * from tbl_seat")or die(mysql_error()); $xml="<libraray>\n\t\t"; while($data=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $xml .= "<From>".$data['fromloc']."</From>\n\t\t"; $xml .= "<To>".$data['toloc']."</To>\n\t\t"; $xml .= …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Khoo

Hello, I got a error 'Does not implement interface member' I search around the net and try a lots of solutions, both did not works for me. How can I fix this problem ? 'Browser.CoreServer' does not implement interface member 'browser.iDataConnection.tcpclient' ... namespace Browser { public interface iDataConnection { TcpClient …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for StephenopolousINC

Hello I am trying to create a class that called Lootable and create subclasses such as trunk, locker, etc. that will contain items that can be looted, they will inherit their lootability from the Lootable class. I am thinking of using the ArrayList for this. I have thought of different …

Member Avatar for StephenopolousINC
Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello, I have a difficulty with changing interface from ordinary one to generic one. Could you suggest me how I can achieve this goal, please? This is the way how I initialize API, based on user's choice from configuration which implementation of interface should be chosen: /// MyServiceApplication.MyServiceApplication.cs GeneralSystemAPI.Initialize(); This …

Member Avatar for johnyjj2
Member Avatar for bhone
Member Avatar for mintcrops

I'm using netbeans IDE and I created a Jframe with two Jpanels one is for Jbuttons and other one is for load another Jpanels to it when clicks those buttons. I tried to do it from buttonclick action. Jpanel2 j2=new Jpanel2(); JPanel1.add(j2); j2.setVisible(True); but this code is not working. I …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for joshl_1995
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Member Avatar for jessada.dissopa

I wonder how to interface octave with c++ I already have m-file that can run on octave but I want to run a C++ program that can get/send command from/to octave Anyone can guid me? Is there any link for the tutorial or example code?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jessada.dissopa

following the article title, I'm dealing with octave, it goes right on command line. but I need to build GUI for my program to easier interface with people. then I chose Java to build GUI. my problem is to connect my GUI java to Octave. Anybody has ideas to do …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for darkseid

hello. i got a project to do using oracle pl/sql and i want to add a interface (preferably, web) so there aren't just some plain sql scripts. some text boxes, buttons, etc. so it looks nice :D. any suggestions? thank you.

Member Avatar for ackness
Member Avatar for SPRINGHEEL

Enroller.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HRSYSTEMPROJECT { class Enroller : IEnroll { #region IEnroll Members public String Enroll(String a,String b ,String c,String d,String e) { return a; return b; return c; return d; return e; } internal string[] Enroll() { throw new NotImplementedException(); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vaishvik.nakhashi

How can I attach the OCX of WMP to my dialog based application? I want to use the methods of IWMPControls interface such as play() and pause(). I want to call these method by clicking the button given in the dialog box. Its Urgent...

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! recently i complete my project management application in .net , now i want to make a attractive main form , i google alot and searching attractive interfaces of application of same domain. i want to you to guid me or if possible then give some links . you …

Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

Suppose i have a class that implements an interface, the interface is not implementing anything currently. This class and interface are bundled together in the same java program. So i have another program, and through a dependency i want to get that information from that class i spoke of in …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

Hello all, been a while since I've asked a question. I'm working on a project just to practice and for fun and I've run into a snag. I'm working on a painting type program and I'm trying to get a generic Buffer class for the images so I can use …

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The End.