63 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhishek_s_n
Member Avatar for Sofiia
Member Avatar for skatamatic

When working with TCP client sockets I often find myself frustrated with the lack of event-driven support. I usually end up writing a whole bunch of code to determine disconnects, reconnecting, etc and I figuired it's time to just write my own class for this stuff. I figuired I'd share …

Member Avatar for Alejandro_8
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi All, I am looking for a design approach to implement TCP socket server which is going to serve requests based on multiple ports. (1) port1 : dedicated for video streaming (2) port 2: dedicated for audio streaming (3) port 3: dedicated for data streaming. In above scenario do i …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi all. I'm working on a client server application, eventually to be a POS (point of sale) system. The model is something like, client (till) does not have access to the database, instead it sends data to the server application, which in turn deals with the database and any other …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I am having a bit of an issue with my networking addition to my game engine. The engine uses SDL to provide an event-driven programming environment. I tried adding networking functionality, but it doesn't seem to work. Here is the relevant code: //includes #if defined(_WIN32) #include <winsock2.h> typedef int …

Member Avatar for lena1990

hi all, i create full duplex application to transmit voice using udp protocol , i use AudioRecord to record voice and AudioTrack to play it but i hear echo

Member Avatar for lena1990
Member Avatar for Xsmael

I am developing Client-Server application in C++ using Qt framework, but the clients can be android phones and computers(Qt client app) Now i'm having troubles to handle Reception of data on the server side; the server is not receiving data properly. First, I got things working nicely between the server(Qt …

Member Avatar for tnd2491

Hello All; I want to display logs in the following format as below:- XY,1,1114,ABCDEF,d1744783-0681-4f0c-adee-83277f5e4b85:286,\n where:- XY is servername. ABCDE:- UserName. I want to display this specific log from the multiple logs of different server with different name. How to do that using threads ??

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for missil9

Hello, I am currently trying to use boost asio for IPC. I ran into 2 strange issues: 1) when using the acceptor class, when I bring my process up, I get the error 'Already open' when trying to listen. The port I am trying to bind to is definitely not …

Member Avatar for missil9
Member Avatar for cswong

I need some help to make AES work with UDP. I keep getting this error. Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal(CipherCore.java:750) at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal(CipherCore.java:676) at com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCipher.engineDoFinal(AESCipher.java:313) at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2087) at AES.decrypt(AES.java:31) at EchoServer.main(EchoServer.java:26) It seems that upon receiving the …

Member Avatar for Vaspar

Hello, I have made android application which provides remote desktop administration, I used port 5556 and socket programming TCP. I have to forward this port from router on every computer is there any other way so I can use some open port to communication with android device?? Like TeamViewer doesn't …

Member Avatar for perrytje

Hello! I'm trying to code a C# server for flash apps, and I'm currently working on a broadcast function. When flash clients connect to the server they are added to the connClients list (List<TcpClient>), and with the following function I send the stuff to my flash apps: [CODE] public void …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for ankit.4aug

Hello I want to know how windows TCP scaling works.I know it performs left shift operation but If we do that wont our data will be lost.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Fedhell

Hello everybody, Im using datagrams to send a DatagramPacket, however, unless the router has ports forwarded, the clients dont recieve the packets. Is there a way to set this up so that my clients dont have to port forward on their router? How to main stream gams like LOL or …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Alexkid

Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could help me, I’m trying to send various packets of data over network via UDP. I’m using the sendto() function in winsock2. I’m trying to send different data types over UDP, for example; I have positional data such as: int time; float LAT; …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

We have a sensor on our local network that is sending a data telegram using UDP Broadcast. How do we use Winsock to capture these messages. The Port number that the data is being sent on is 42567. I tried the following code WinSockControl.Protocol = sckUDPProtocol WinSockControl.RemotePort = 42567 WinSockControl.Bind …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for desup

Hi, I need just simple help. Could you just give me a tip for some good TCP server/client library for Csharp? It should be easy to use, and can handle big data size. Because I was using a Netcomm library, and while sending Image bytes, It has god frozen. Thanks …

Member Avatar for Fedhell

**edit** I just realized that Im on a single core machine atm (stupid work machine), so theortically the server isint actually executing on the CPU 50% of the time (while the client is running), so packets would be lost right? Or is there something else im missing alltogether? Ill post …

Member Avatar for Fedhell
Member Avatar for barfi.anana

i am trying to make a program where i have a server with multiple clients, where a client sends a message to the server and when the server replies to it, the server broadcasts the reply to all the clients. the code has some error and is not working. i …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for cemal21

Hi, I am developing a critical program for a company. I am not cheking the data which come from socket because I am not using UDP on my program. But can someone tell me please if TCP is exactly %100 secure for data verification. Some cheking algortihms works propely but …

Member Avatar for learner_new

> this is my udp server code #include<iostream> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; void error( char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main() { int sockfd; sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); struct sockaddr_in serv,client; serv.sin_family = AF_INET; serv.sin_port = htons(53000); serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; char buffer[256]; socklen_t l …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for albertHankock

So I need to write an ping client and server for my networking class. Server code is running no problem but I'm a bit lost on my client code. I copy and pasted the server code because I figured it would be easier to modify.. Please check this out.....THE PROBLEM …

Member Avatar for ponnds

this is my server code i want to receive more than 1000000 bytes ,so the data should be splited into many packets so i use loop to receive all data ,if i use like this server always wait for client even client sent all data to server ,my messsage is …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for marvelmind

Why a router does not have only one IP address (i.e. for itself). and why a unique IP address need to be associated with each interface? Whats the scenario which neccessiates each interface to have an IP addresses?(TCP IP)

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ananth88

Hi, I just want to know which is the best way to transfer files between clients and server. My server is accessed from client through internet. I found some results after googled as using tcp/udp/ftp... So , i just want to know which one is best and why ? . …

Member Avatar for ananth88
Member Avatar for jaffi034

my professor provided us with the java program so we could each compile it and run it on our computers. heres what i get: socketProgramming$ java TCPServer <--------name of program - TCP Server program started. - Server welcoming at port #: 6789 im trying to connect to my professors terminal …

Member Avatar for skilly
Member Avatar for srinivas88

In a client server program ... generally when the server goes down the client on executing the send command 2 times returns a SIGPIPE signal . I want to know y this happens. The client must recieve sigpipe immediately when it sends a message after the socket connection is broken …

Member Avatar for srinivas88
Member Avatar for noorf

Hi everyone :) This is one of my first programs using C, so I am facing some issues. our professer asked us to develop a TCP socket (client/server) where the client sends lets say an ID,Name or Major and the server searches into a txt file and returns the line(s) …

Member Avatar for Trentacle
Member Avatar for thatscrap12543

Hi, networking is new to me in vb.net as I normally use third party components to do my networking like Winsock Orcas. However I want to make my own classes for networking. The following is what I have so far. It has problems. 1) Its disorganized...particularly the way I'm multi-threading, …

Member Avatar for dmtYork921

Hi, I was trying to figure this out. I've been scratching my head all morning and I'm at a mental dead end. Can anyone help me? Malicious code in red [CODE]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.