3,122 Topics

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Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Hiya, I program on PC laptop mostly throughout the year. And in winter, program on my mobile phone. Nokia 2 (old timer). I got now Samsungs which are better. So thinking of programming on them too, just for fun (so to speak). I am curious to see my Samsungs Desktops …

Member Avatar for Fitmovers
Member Avatar for romromillys

hi guys Black screen appears when I try to use my laptop webcam. I’ve already: Uninstalled and reinstalled the webcam driver[.](null) Checked privacy settings to ensure the webcam is enabled. Checked for hardware changes. Despite these efforts, the issue persists. I have an interview coming up and urgently need to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Bunker
Member Avatar for katelynmseng

Hello everyone i have problem with asus tuf a15, you can manually control the fan of it, and there are so many restrictions on the power management of this laptop. is there a chance to unlock it. even the biod you cannot edit anything

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for amarkevans

I am having a problem in Delphi with the use of multiple monitors. My application consists of a main form, with several different kinds of child forms. If I started running my application (not from Delphi – the executable), and I then enable a second monitor, and then move from …

Member Avatar for Tobie
Member Avatar for Dani

Currently getting increasingly frustrated with my 5K widescreen LG monitor for an assortment of reasons.

Member Avatar for David Elder
Member Avatar for Al-Fareed

i dont know i used my pc last mornign and then i came back at night from work to use it i turn on the pc it blinks the light twice and not giving any signal i dont know what happend , i know that if ram or other hardaware …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for SCBWV

Has anyone experienced the function Windows SystemParametersInfo reporting a different display resolution after returning from sleep mode? My display is 3840X2160, which the SystemParametersInfo reports accurately. However, upon returning from sleep mode, SystemParametersInfo gives a resolution of 2560x1392, which doesn't match any configuration in the Windows Registry under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers. The …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ELIGEBRE

Recently I Bought Asus Motherboard (model P5RD1-VM).I Put This Motherboard And Connected It With All Parts.when I Started The Pc Everything Went Well. I Have Installed All The Necessary Softwares And After The Pc Runs For About Two Hours I Turned It Off. The Problem Now Is When I Pluuged …

Member Avatar for jacquelinelop
Member Avatar for ekstrovrtn

Hi. Just bought a new pc,intel i7 2600 (integrated intel hd 2000),4x2 ram,1tb hdd. Worked normal for a couple of hours of gaming (ETS2,idk if its cpu heavy)then suddenly it turned off.Waited for a couple of minutes then it turned back on normally. Weird i thought but alright. After some …

Member Avatar for HelpingHands-IT
Member Avatar for Lp_baez

So I recently purchased 2 5k2k monitors to improve workflow for game development. I noticed once I run both displays the GPU gets hot and eventually the display goes black and the GPU fans go crazy. I also noticed that before that happens the GPU fans do not turn on …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for manjeeta

Input devices are used for giving input to the computer. But output devices are used to get the result back from the computer. The examples of input devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, digital camera atc...whereas output devices include monitor, printer, projector etc

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for stefh

Hi dear fellows, I requested from a friend (who sells machines) a PC, to remplace the current and old one I use, he proposed me a second hand PC which characteristics seem quite reasonnable, considering the price (300€ ~ 339.39 USD). My main concern is about he GPU, it's a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for belzeyhus9666

Hello guys.I have a problem with my pc.It actually works good but after about 4-5 days when i restart it he won't boot up and shows me message on the monitor no video input check for cables.Then i have to shut it down and when i boot up pc works …

Member Avatar for Tex_tech
Member Avatar for Ovidiu_1

Hi, my pc has suddenly shuted down , and won't power on again.I tried some of the solutions but didn't worked...Please help me !!! (Sorry for the writing,im from anothe country)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for markii.borabon

guys! Im new in PHP and im developing a small website wherein there's many images on the page and when i click one of the image it must be shown into another page with full details.. but the problem when i click one of the image it shown's nothing! I …

Member Avatar for Ahmed_152
Member Avatar for Rejanu

Hi there, I have a Toshiba Equium A300D-16C laptop. It was fine until now... When I press the power button, my laptop turns on but the screen remains black / off. HDD indicator doesn't flash or anything ... ( in case this helps ) I've also tried to remove the …

Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for anetry

My toshiba laptop screen suddenly turned black,but if looking closely you can still barely see what is on the screen, like the screen saver turned it self on, but I restarted my computer many times and it loads up but still no results. I had this problem about 4 months …

Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for zippytdewda

I have a SOny PVM-4300 45" monster monitor and am told I need a tv card to use the screen---I am totally lost as to what to do and hope someone out here can point me in the right direction and/or tell me what I need.....I would appreciate any help..........thanks

Member Avatar for omnicow
Member Avatar for mahela007

Hello everyone! and Seasons greetings! I'm thinking of putting together a new PC and I don't know what type of specs would suit me best. Here's what I usually do with my PC: 1 : To be honest, it's web browsing. But I want to be able to play 4k …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for MeBryan

What would be a good choice for a graphics card for a HP DC7900 Windows 10 64bit because of the low power supply? Here is the specs..... https://h10057.www1.hp.com/ecomcat/hpcatalog/specs/provisioner/05/KP721AV.htm Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Shwesha

I was normally using my laptop, closed the lid normally and when I returned to use it I opened the lid half of the screen went white and the other half was multi- colored stripes, then it just went completely white, turned off the laptop and turned it back on …

Member Avatar for havana cab
Member Avatar for Kufre19

Pls guys how do i fix my u8799 mother i wrongly placed the ram in it then it sparked now the gpu, keyboard and other components are working but it coming up and the cooling fan is working so please help me out

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Raul_8

I'm looking for a gaming monitor for my PS4 and Xbox One. My budget is around $200. Any good suggestions?

Member Avatar for Dan Stewart
Member Avatar for vijayabhaskar_1
Member Avatar for Alv45525

Hello, I want to buy a new graphic card GTX 1060 6gb which is directx 12 and my motherboard supports up to directx 11. I would like to know if i can used the directx 12 GPU on my directx 11 motherboard

Member Avatar for Trasser
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

I have a form that uploads a news article with it's picture and then stores all the info correctly. I am using codeigniter with Active Record and would like to know how to display the image with the post it was uploaded with. here is my upload script: public function …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ranjanj2me

Sir can you please send me an example to upload an image to the server (with user defined file name and display message if name exist) at specific folder "images" and save its path to the mysql database. And again display the images uploaded on the server folder by using …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This code shows how to obtain and display a GIF image from an internet website using the Tkinter GUI toolkit that comes with the Python installation.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Mark_87

Hey lately i have currently been looking for a new cpu cooler considering that i still have the default stock cooler that came with the cpu and/or case... Which isn't really doing its job too well not cooling and extremely loud (doesn't help that the computer is in the hottest …

Member Avatar for Kreethika

The End.