1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nico_3

Hallo, I have an AP, connected to a router with 2 repeaters connected. I need to know when unknown users connect (play alert) and test if users are connected and if routers are online (play notification). Also test Internet connection. All in one solution. I have in mind you use …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ddory8843

**What is e-commerce software development?** The term eCommerce was coined in 1972 and it has slowly gained popularity as a buzzword since then. Today, we understand it as an umbrella term that covers all online buying and selling, including everything from selling physical products to providing digital services. There are …

Member Avatar for Emanuil23
Member Avatar for amarkevans

I am having a problem in Delphi with the use of multiple monitors. My application consists of a main form, with several different kinds of child forms. If I started running my application (not from Delphi – the executable), and I then enable a second monitor, and then move from …

Member Avatar for Tobie
Member Avatar for iyiolamicheal46

Write a pascal program that accept the name and date of your birth the program should then output your name and date of birth in the format “your name and your date of birth” e.g Pascal your date of birth is 20/10/2023

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ashurà_1

Hi everyone, i hope someone can help me with my activity i cant really catch up on my lessons so i hope someone can help me explain each line of this code this language is pascal https://onlinegdb.com/0Z0pIIsen

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Nestor_2

{program ncic; const home : real = 1500; life : real = 2000; motor_vehicle : real = 1400; business : real = 1200; Var surname : array [1..2] of string; //array to save the surname for each client insurance : array [1..2] of string; premium : array [1..2] of integer; …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for sbaker51

Hello, I’m working my way through a PDF file of the book ‘Assembly language step-by-step programming with DOS and Linux’ by Jeff Duntemann. The CD that accompanied the book included a DOS NASM Integrated Development Environment written in Borland Pascal titled ‘NASM-IDE’. I was able to find it on github, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for caitlina717

program discount; var x:integer begin writeln('what is the total cots of your 3 items'); readln(x) if (x<100) then writeln('you get no discount'); if(x>100) and (x<150) then writeln ('you get a 10% discount'); if (x>150) and (x<200) then writeln('you get a 20% discount'); if (x>200) and (x<250) then writeln('you get a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Gabriela_4

Hello! So I have this homework that i have no idea how to continue. this is an exemple of input,but i have to do it for a general one: **7 pencils car ball candy tshirt bike video_game Mike Andrew Inna** and the output must be like this: **Mike: pencils candy …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sbaker51

I'm embarrassed to admit that I cannot understand why in this very simple example that the "readln(age);" statement in the "else if" clause ignores the first integer entered in response to the "writeln('How old are you ',name:length(name),'?');" statement aroune line 16. It seems clear that the culprit is the "ch …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Dimal

Hi there! This is a simple pascal program I wrote for a cashier. Please note that this is only a basic level program code and can't actually be used for commercial use. Thanks for reading!

Member Avatar for wwwalker
Member Avatar for Manoeljr

Hello guys, I'm starting with mORMot and I'm having a hard time finding some example or tutorial on the subject, could someone give me a good tutorial or some example where I can start to understand better how mORMot works. Thanks. And sorry for my bad English.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Aleksandra_3

How to add d to this? I have a,b,c only. Because I tried many ways and with d it works wrong and showing wrong highest number i tried to add if(d>a)... but this was wrong too if(a>b) then if(a>c) then max :=a else max:=c else if (b>c) then max:=b else …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mikus_1

So I just started learning Pascal and have problems understanding how deleting specific characters works program Project1; var a:string; b:char; c:integer; begin readln(a); b:=(chr(32)); for c:=1 to length(a) do begin if a[c]=b then delete; end; readln; end. The idea is that I input random text and get back the same …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Saeede_1

Hi . Im a pascal beginner and , i have to solve the qustion: Get 10 names in an array and find the longest name , Would anyone just help me , im completely confused with that

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mukti itb

I need help in filling array in Pascal with random number. I have 9 empty array ( A: array[1..10] of integer ), and i want to fill the array with integer for 1 to 9 randomly, but one number can only be choosen one time. So when a number (eg. …

Member Avatar for Horvath
Member Avatar for Aarón_23

I am trying to use many employees, but I do not how I can use case in my arrays. Could you help me, please? ---- program StaffSal(input, output); uses Crt; const SalRate = 0.1; A = 150; B = 85; C = 95; D = 120; type Employee = record …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Rolland_1

Hi, could you please let me know what should I learn first about programing? I mean, may be I need to learn HTML, C++, Java, read a specific book, I don't know where to start and hope you can show me the way, please!! I would really appreciate it

Member Avatar for sonalid1701
Member Avatar for Krystian_2

Write amodularC program that accepts by keyboard input five(5) user-scoresof the PS5 gaming console. The program must repeatedly request from eachuser,ratingson thefollowing factors of the PS5 gamingconsole:•cost,•games, •backward compatibility, and •screenresolution. All factorsare to bescored using a scale of 1 to 5where 5 represents the highest rating on a factor …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for killhha

ok i dont really know how to explain this but... c:=readkey; case (c) of #13:Halt; #27:goto menu else goto quit; as you can see above if you press Esc(which is 13) the program quits and if you press Enter(which is 27) it gos to the menu. I want to know …

Member Avatar for RandomGuy2606
Member Avatar for aaa801

Hi java coder here im converting a program into delphi for a project basicaly ive forgotten my whole delphi maths soo can anyone convert this into delphi [CODE](l1 & 0x2 ^ 0xffffffff) == -3;[/CODE]

Member Avatar for dausmus
Member Avatar for Walterion

Hello everyone, [Dadroit](https://viewer.dadroit.com) is a tool that threats JSON as a Data format, not a plain text. It provides you quick outline view with the help of tree representation of JSON Data from root to last nodes. You can browse and query JSON like an enterprise DBMS. * 10X faster …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for WpgnGaming

So am looking for a way to only select caption text from a listview like the screen shot shows below I dont want to highlight image only text thanks. Yours Simon ![selected.jpg](/attachments/large/4/7befe0a3722ff61ba22a14ea74569724.jpg)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Tony_26

hello guys, i know you all are familiar with DOSCOMMAND to run a console and catch its output .. but what if i want to send a PAUSE keystroke to the console ?? with SENDLINE i can send string and char but how do i send a PAUSE or ENTER(RETURN) …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Markuss_1

How i can get in result this picture: [Click Here](https://imgur.com/a/ddBb6) for now my code is: program cikls; label m; var a:byte; begin write('Ievadiet veselu skaitli:'); readln(a); if a<1 then goto m; repeat writeln(a); a:= a-1; until a = 0; m: readln; end. When i runit it make numbers counting down. …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for ultimate_fusion

hi, i am looking for a sample program for delphi for a server client. I was wanting to use sockets and i am using pascal. if any one know of any good resource site or has some same code. I tired the following example [url]http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~bill/delphi_page.htm[/url] but when i compile t …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for isam_1
Member Avatar for Chandler_2

I have a pascal script, which basically pushes information into a 3rd party system. I have an excel macro written, which saves raw data into a CSV file, which I would like my script to read, and take the data (each row is 1 record) and put each portion in …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hagop

Hey folks ! So I got this task and I really need your help to program. The question follows as... "Input one sentence which you can see on the top part of the monitor. Then for each letter find words of sentence where they are meeting and write the list …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sarah_23

A children's game of 'count out' is played as followed. '40' children are arranged in a circle, a sentence containing of 'm' words is used to eliminate '1' child at a time until '1' child is left. Starting at child '1' the children are counted from '1' to 'm' and …

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The End.