1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for MorrisL

I am trying to convert a piece of code into Delphi but fall down when it comes to this example : [CODE] void __stdcall GetBuffers( short **xBuffers, unsigned long nValues) { ....... memcpy(TargetA, xBuffers[0], nValues * sizeof(short)); memcpy(TargetB, xBuffers[1], nValues * sizeof(short)); memcpy(TargetC, xBuffers[3], nValues * sizeof(short)); memcpy(Targetd, xBuffers[4], nValues …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for jodhy

Hi, im making hangman in watcom pascal and i need some help i have counted how many letter the word is, but now i need to replace the word with something like *, so that it is hidden to the user, but when they guess a letter it turnes the …

Member Avatar for zelboka

need the solution for these [URL="http://light-bearer.nm.ru/0_help.jpg"]Click Here[/URL] need to be written into a code its for a friend of mine trying to finish class :) thank you very much

Member Avatar for glubbish
Member Avatar for jodhy

How can i randomize words that i have put into an array so for example if an array has the words: hi bye what how would i make it say a random one? THANK YOU

Member Avatar for jodhy
Member Avatar for glubbish

Hi all, When I click on the add button I get "exception class EdatabaseError with message 'DBedit2: Field 'RoomNumber' not found I am trying to get the max roomnumber to insert a new room max(roomnumber)+1 Its a fundamental hole in my knowledge here, on how to get a result from …

Member Avatar for glubbish
Member Avatar for jodhy
Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for glubbish

I have been able to extract a single column with help here but now I want to get two, but the same process does not seem to work. [code=pascal] Procedure Tform1.showroom; begin adoquery1.close; adoquery1.SQL.Clear; ADOQuery1.SQL.Add('Select roomname,description from Rooms'); adoquery1.Open; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ADOConnection1.KeepConnection := false; datasource1.DataSet := adoquery1; …

Member Avatar for glubbish
Member Avatar for Kesarion

I'm trying to translate a Pascal mouse movement algorithm to C++ but I'm not too good at it. The mouse moves to a position but when it moves again it only goes a small increment and crashes after a few more moves or if I move the mouse a few …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for saravanan.cse
Member Avatar for glubbish

Hi All, I have cut this down to a simple example. The access file has a table called rooms which contains a description field of type memo I want to load this into a dbmemo (delphi 7) I run this by a button onclick event [code] procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin …

Member Avatar for glubbish
Member Avatar for jodhy

How can i create a button in watcom pascal, that can be clicked which has a certain variable in it. the program then advances depending on what you click?

Member Avatar for Turtle85

I really need help in trying to understand what the "dat:table" is in this procedure, and how to translate it to Java. procedure Taylor(var dat: table ; cd: integer; h: real); begin for i:=2 to cd + 1 do begin dat[i,1] := dat[i,1] + (i-1)*h; x := dat[i-1,1]; y := …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for jodhy

Can someone please give me code for hangman in watcom pascal please thank u this is for personal purposes only thank you

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for KE50

Hello All, I have been trying to send data to a pole display i.e. DigiPos WD202, I am trying to use the following code but nothing appears on the display [B]Procedure CSPortWrite(PortID, PortData : string); var f: THandle; NumberWritten : dword; begin NumberWritten := 0; //assigns the stream to the …

Member Avatar for KE50
Member Avatar for glubbish

I am looking for a way to extract an icon from a program and save it to a file, then load from the file and use again, keeping 32bit colors I have tried using ConvertTo32BitImageList() saving as file and stream When ExtractIcon() is used the icon is fine, I can …

Member Avatar for glubbish
Member Avatar for especta

Hi I have constant Byte Array like This: Array = 0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 and second Array not constant; Like This [01] Array 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i need to calculate xor from first array (static) and secod array dinamic but controled by This value [01] if 01 then calculate xor only 1 byte …

Member Avatar for ebacci

Hello, I need to create a service application which can be started X times as a service. I used the following code: procedure TMyService.ServiceBeforeInstall(Sender: TService); begin if ParamStr(1)='-install' then IHotel := ParamStr(2) else IHotel :=ParamStr(1); IHotel := TRIM(AnsiReplaceText(Copy(IHotel,2), ' ', '')); if Length(IHotel) = 0 then begin Showmessage('Hotel name not …

Member Avatar for lukegw

I am trying to make an IP chat using TcpServer. As many people are behind a router, how would it be possible to connect to them directly? I know how to call up my external ip, and how to find out my internal one assigned by the router, but how …

Member Avatar for lukegw
Member Avatar for lukegw

Everytime btnSendClick is execute, 2 messages will be added to the rich edit. The first needs to be of fixed values (BOLD, size 8 etc) The second needs to be changable by the user using a FontDialog box. This is my below code, but it doesnt quite work, it pretty …

Member Avatar for lukegw
Member Avatar for Lefty_AU

Hi Guys, Ive been trying to write an app to receive exports of songnames from a broadcast automation system it receives the export via TCP/IP for the most part it works however I cannot get it to rotate songnames around in an array [CODE] var export:array[1..175] of char; songs:array[1..8] of …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Simon180

how would i go about spliting a string that is stored in a StringList ? information in string looks like this: Name RanK now i need to split them so i can use a funcation like this data[0] for Name and data[1] for rank can sumone help me please? thanks

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for JRHughes

Hey All, I'm struggling with a project set to me that involves allocating shifts to staff that work within an Event Venue. Basically, staff only work when there are events on. Therefore, I have a database that contains tables showing: - Staff - Events - Shifts (for the above events) …

Member Avatar for JRHughes
Member Avatar for dad45

I have an open source program that I want to use & associate with my New program. Started the new program with FileNewApplication. I then added the unit SerialNGBasic. When compiling I get an error (halts) in procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); of Unit1/Main form. Any hints? Tks Vern Attached is the …

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Member Avatar for iRemember

In my class, we are learning how to create graphics and such, and our first project is to make a basic house. (Triangle roof, rectangular base, door, and window) Though because of some problems with the networking and the computers themselves, our computers cannot run, which means I can't try …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for danielgraham

Hi, Does anyone know how i can AutiFix (ie check that all tables and primary keys are setup) an SQL database? A company i was working for a few years ago had this facility on their software and i was really handy. Daniel.

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for _yanto_

when you develop a database program, what's your choice and why (may be your choice not in list). - use dBase table (easy to use but not secure). - Paradox table (secure table) - MySQL (good for network but not simple/must install MySQL) so what's your choice?

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for freakvista

Hello guys. I need for my homework to make a game, and i wanna do "who want to be a millionaire" but i donno much commands in pascal:| so .... i wanna be like reality>:) it's to hard? i dont think so...

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ara1009

I am learning pascal and i can not figure out how to use the binary trees. I need to find a way to input a string into a binary tree and use recursion. Input:string (unknown length) Output: the word taken from the binary tree in traversal(alphabetical order) Could someone please …

Member Avatar for turbomen

Hi, Are there any web version of Delphi? It is because I cannot install the Delphi from my portable harddrive to the public computers. Cheers,

Member Avatar for bperiod
Member Avatar for WackyZ

Can someone please help me - I need to write a function that will validate UK postcodes written in a textbox but every tutorial and example source code I find for it is in other languages such as VB and Javascript. The VB code looks extremely small: 1. Public Function …

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The End.