1,899 Topics
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This is my programm which is to search in the data file. I cannot search the data with key words/character but only the full words. How can I correct my programm to become searching in key words/character? The DATA: 20081231 Betty 03/09/1978 The programm begin write('Member ID > '); readln(tid); … | |
Hello, I'm using Inno Setup for the first time and just a beginner in Pascal. My code: [CODE] XMLHTTP := CreateOleObject('MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP'); XMLHTTP.Open('GET', myUrl, False); XMLHTTP.Send(); ... MyFileStream := TFileStream.Create(Path + MyFilename, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); [/CODE] But,I don't know how to use MyFileStream to write XMLHTTP.ResponseBody or XMLHTTP.ResponseStream. Could you please … | |
Windows 7's new Aero Shake feature isn't working on my Delphi SDI application. Does anyone have any idea why? And what needs to be changed to make it work? Thankyou... | |
Dear Sir, Could you please give me some of the ideas of making the hotSeat game in pascal? The following is the simple mode of my coding:- [code] Program yeungkt1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { Who wants to be a millionaire. Author: Chris Yeung Version 1 } uses SysUtils, OurCrt; Type hotSeat_record=record … | |
- I've used DevExpress Components to develop my App. There's problem when user attach their image to database: it's so big. Of course, it influences my database speed. - Please instruct me some solution to solve them? | |
Dear Sir, Please help me on Delphi. Could you tell me how can I do the following question? Calculate and display the sum of the even numbers from 2 to 20 inclusive. Cheers, | |
find replace hi i have 2 txt files in 1 i have stored numbers numbers.txt ex. 10 20 30 others i have stored word.txt 10,hello 20,welcme 30,text ...... i need to auto replace numbers with words .. plise help. | |
Hello, I'm trying to download the binarys of the [b]FPC ver. 2.1.2 Win32[/b], because i need to develop a program that i only can compile it in this version of FPC, then if you have the binary of this version of a link to it i will be very happy. … | |
I want to show a simple example about writing record to a file,and for checking,read back from that file. Created By FlamingClaw | |
This algorithm will add the searched element's place in an array This works only when there is so element what we're searching for. By FlamingClaw | |
This algorithm will decide that is there a serched element in the array.If it finds one then the loop halts.If the loop halts cause we're stepping over the last element of the array then there is not searched element. By FlamingClaw | |
Counts that how many propertied elements are in the array example:negative numbers By FlamingClaw | |
The Rule: s:=0; Loop i:=1 To N s:=s+T[i]; End of Loop; Out:s; By FlamingClaw | |
Prime or not?This little program will show prime numbers with green color from 0 to 100.By FlamingClaw; | |
I want to show you some rules about bit operating like Not,And,Or,Xor,Shl,Shr... By FlamingClaw | |
I've seen,there are guys that did not know,where to use a unit... See it just reference By FlamingClaw | |
This little program a solution for putting a string into an array. The method is that the string is divided for chars.... By FlamingClaw | |
This little calculator can +,-,/,*.Very simple,by FlamingClaw | |
We change the order of elements of a vektor Created by FlamingClaw | |
Often there is a case when we want to fill an array with record,and this program will demonstrate it... | |
Many people says 'Don't use the GoTo statement,because your code will be unreadable....'.I say,can be use | |
Pascal's triangle is a geometric arrangement of the binomial coefficients in a triangle. The rows of Pascal's triangle are conventionally enumerated starting with row zero, and the numbers in odd rows are usually staggered relative to the numbers in even rows. A simple construction of the triangle proceeds in the … | |
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This program generates lines of pascal's triangle, numbers after 23 generate weird output. | |
A simple guessing game for amatuer programmers like myself. | |
Based on [url]http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/insidepoly/[/url] Converted to Delphi by Lord Soth |
The End.