1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for AKJo

I have a problem using Media Player to play a number of parts of .wav-files after each other. While one part is being played I don't want the program to wait. If I set Notify := true; and Wait := False; then Play; I get no sound at all. What's …

Member Avatar for AKJo
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A function that takes a string and returns the number of words in the string. An example of using pointers in Pascal.

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for zahmatkesh

hi i have a table with 1 milion record. i want to sort and read in 1000 groups. i can read diffrent groups but i want to apped 2 datset to each other. how can i do that? pleae help me. thanks

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for marygreen

With Delphi, is it possible to make a grid like in java word-search puzzles? I have a collection on word-search puzzles for children (pdf files) and wish to make small app of it (they’re already done; I need just to set them up). I could make it work if each …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Hi I Have Some Problem with ScrollBox As Below 1- If I Put a ScrollBox On a form and Put Some Objects such as TButton,TImage , .... on it If I move an object to right (or down) and trepass right side (or Down) of ScrollBox the horizontal (or vertical) …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for mohsennour
Member Avatar for AKJo
Member Avatar for Vdub.za

Hi there, Me and a buddy are having trouble in getting shellexecute to work in delphi 7. No matter what permetation of the word shellexecute i use, when i want to run the app shellexecute is not recognized. so how do i get shellexecute to work. been trying to get …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for TomRandall

Hi All, I'm using a TStringGrid (has to be Delphi 7, and no 3rd party components) I've customised it to allow per-cell colouring/fonts/borders/validation etc, by using a custom onDrawCell method. I really would like to add per-cell tooltips too, but I've been unsuccessful so far. I've modified something I found: …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for prefer

Well, again from my current school project. I've been told to make a traffic light that changes automatically, and you should be able to specify how many times the cycle should run. I have my working version, but I just want to know if there's a shorter way to do …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for alikSmehoff

Hello, how can I open MS Word application in my Delphi program? I think, it is necessary to work with ActiveX or maybe there is any other way or some free software for this purpose?

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for Vdub.za

HI I want to calculate the amount of days left between now and let's say 5 days from now using daysbetween. everytime i try to run my app, it says that daysbetween is a an undeclared identifier. i want to use this function to limit the length of time a …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for Vdub.za

Hi guys, I got a another question. i want to know how to go about saving a form1 to disk instead of printing it, so that i can email it to someone in a format that can be opened and read by the recepient. like for instance a home loan …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for mohsennour

how i can draw chart for some values stored in Access Data base ? like this kind of chart in Excel chart wizard . i want frist to get the data or nimbers from the data base, then fill string grid by this data , then draw chart or certain …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for mohsennour

hi, my program is to call data from D.Base and fill grid by this data, i want to make some calculation on this data like the addition or the sum of the numbers in certain column or row and which the biggest or smallest number in column or row . …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for Vampirewombat

Name Address1 Address2 Addess3 ---------------- --------------------- -------------------- ------------------- Name1 Address1 Address2 Address3 Name2 Address1 (NULL) Address3 Name3 Address1 Address2 (NULL) I need to take this information and export it into a CSV file with the Owners Address (combination of add1, add2 and add3) As a single string, Then take the …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand

Hey All I've recently picked up a VCL delphi project and am quite new to the language. The software so far consists of a main form, with several GroupBoxes and panels covering the entire form. I'm trying to implement some user short cuts, for example when "Ctrl+1" is pressed I …

Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand
Member Avatar for amazing_grace

ok, when the user types in a non-exist file name, the program simply shut down. i dont know what happen [ICODE] procedure set_up; begin write('file');readln(file); assign(f,file); reset(f); {$I-}if IOresult<>0 then writeln('NO File....'); close(f);{$I+} end; .... {this is the main program} begin setup; end [/ICODE] this proceure is called in the …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for especta

i have problem to allow enter only from 1 to 65535 bicouse example if enter 10000,2000 is ok but enter 99 not. hire 1 example (not working) [CODE]If somthing.Text > '65535 'then ShowMessage(' you enter biger Number from 65535'); Exit;[/CODE] hire 2 example (not working) [CODE]var result : Integer; string1: …

Member Avatar for especta
Member Avatar for frank_albers123

I need to write a program that uses the following function [CODE]def pascnext( L ): currentrow = [] if len( L ) == 0: return [1] if len( L ) == 1 and L[ 0 ] == 1: return [ 1, 1 ] else: currentrow += [ 1 ] for …

Member Avatar for jice
Member Avatar for josh48

I need help creating a login screen. I don't know how to start it off. I have a newb in devpas so please bear with me.

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for robso2

l need help to design a bill wth a main screen showing introductin,customers data entry,individual bill,full bill report,exit. the data section should have a customer number,name,actual readind and previuos reading, the bill should show the customer number,actual reading,previous redaing,customer units,price per unit,total,vat,amount to pay. your help is highly appreciated

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for frank_albers123

I am writing a program in python where in the function I input a row in Pascals triangle and the function returns the NEXT row in the triangle. Below is what I have so far and am getting really frustrate...I'm new at this and bad at iterating things. Can you …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for quaifp1

Hi, I want to create a line on a canvas ( similar to a visio connector but not as fancy) which will allow a mouseover event to be trapped ( this would trigger a property sheet to display the atributes of the line - a microwave link in my case …

Member Avatar for quaifp1
Member Avatar for FlamingClaw

This small program shows that how we can arrange strings by alphabet in a vector.By FlamingClaw

Member Avatar for sobari
Member Avatar for mohsennour

I have weighing indicator connected to my pc via RS232c , I want to know how I can read the data , how I can store it in access data base? by using Delphi7 programing I tried to read by using hyper terminal (windows start menue-programs-accessories-hyper termial) I used the …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for janinesamson

Hey, Is there an easy way with a TListView in report mode, to store a unique integer with each row? I've tried using the ".Data" property, but seem to end up with corruption quite often. I'm trying to do this because I want to associate each row with a primary …

Member Avatar for cao
Member Avatar for docdoc

My laptop doesn't have a parallel port so I purchased a USB to parallel convertor. I wrote a program which sends data to the parallel port to turn on some LEDS and it works ok on a PC with a built in parallel port but it wont work on my …

Member Avatar for azze
Member Avatar for ARC1234

Hi, I am using delphi 7 TClientSocket Component non blocking socket. When data arrive on socket i have mapped TClientSocke.OnRead to MyRead function. function MyRead(Socket: TCustomWinSocket) var begin Log('ReadIN......'); //Class variable MemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create; RcvLen := Socket.ReceiveLength; MemoryStream.SetSize( RcvLen ); MemoryStream.SetSize( Socket.ReceiveBuf( MemoryStream.Memory^, RcvLen ) ); FReceiveNotify( Self, MemoryStream.Memory^, MemoryStream.Size …

Member Avatar for Krishna0001

There is an option in 'Run'-> 'Evaluate constant' (Ctrl+F4), but I believe that's not working for variables, how can the values in the variables viewed while debugging (tracing by 'Run'-> 'Step In') Thanks, Krishna.

Member Avatar for Lord Soth

Note that the angle is in 1/10 of degrees. Any attempt to manipulate font.size or font.color will reset the angle to zero degrees.

Member Avatar for Vector Khanal

The End.