Hi. I used Infopower for a long time but I can't afford to upgrade it to Delphi 2007. With Infopower I got TwwDBLookupCombo that allowed me to display a value, for example, a text ID, while updating the record with an internal ID. To place the component into the grid, I did something like dbgrid.setcontroltype(<fieldname> , <insertion type>, <component>).
I've spent some weeks by now trying to do something equivalent in Delphi 2007. I tried it with lookup fields and data fields, to no avail. Picklists don't work for me because I need to the internal ID, harder for a human being to choose, while showing a text ID. I'm using Delphi RAD 2007 with MySQL 5.0.45 and DBExpress (Delphi native driver) and all I get is a stack overflow.
I know it must be something really simple, but I can't find it.
Thanks for your attention.