1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Petrica7

Hi. Sorry for my english... I hope this is the correct forum to post this. If not, sorry in advance. I'm trying to make a setup that will choose automatically the language (at start) depending on the result of GetUILanguage. I made this function in (code) section: Function SetLanguageFile(Param: String): …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for ITwoman

Hi please help me How can create login password window for delphi application? Thanks

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for GoGames1315
Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for especta
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Member Avatar for ritar72

We have number of projects in Delphi 5 that depends one on another and are built in right order. When we compile them on local drive - everything does fine, all projects are compiled successfully. When i put source on mapped network drive - one of the projects failed with …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for GoGames1315

I wont to know how to find Pascal actions (functions?) like, how would you find the CPU speed (if pascal can do that,) or how would you minimize the window. Do I have to look for hours on GOOGLE search to find the code I wont ? cant I just …

Member Avatar for GoGames1315
Member Avatar for Wizbang

Hello, I never programmed Delphi and I got a project that I need to compile and make some changes. The problem is that I have a lot of components missing and I cant find them or even theire name so I can google for them! Any help is appreciated! List …

Member Avatar for fdomds
Member Avatar for andrewblack

Hi everyone.. can i have sample using TatukGIS in delphi please.. i just try TatukGIS sample but somehow canot understand how to make it.. i need for tracking, load shp file, get NMEA from COMPort and drawing a picture (symbol) in map using Long Lat.. TIA

Member Avatar for andrewblack
Member Avatar for iRemember

i just recently started with pascal, and I have no idea what the compiler tries to tell me. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with these procedures? [CODE]Uses Crt; var Answer: Real; AnswerB : Real; AnswerC: Real; (******************************************************************************************) procedure GetData; var A : Real; B : Real; c : Real; …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for adam.intercity

I am new programmer in Delphi. I would like to ask how I convert a query into table foxro. For example[CODE] procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var filetable:ttable; nomor:integer; begin QUERY2.Close; QUERY2.SQL.Clear; QUERY2.SQL.Add('SELECT status_k,tglkirim,status_r,penerima,kdpenerima,kode_r FROM TRM WHERE STATUS_K<>" "'); QUERY2.Prepare; QUERY2.Open; filetable:=ttable.create(self); with filetable do begin active:=false; DatabaseName:='D:\KURIR_SERVER'; TableName:=(edit2.Text); TableType:=ttFOxpro; with FieldDefs …

Member Avatar for me30

how can write a pascal program that do minus,sum and muliply tow number with 50 digit??? please answer or mail to me.

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for khipasi

Hi, I am working on a small project where I want to enter the text in the TEdit in a dialog box such that that information appears in the form arranged in columns. I was able to create the format and its dialog box, and they are able to communicate. …

Member Avatar for khipasi

Hi everyone, I am a new in Delphi,and trying to learn it. I am using Delphi 2005. I will like to find out a code for creating a form that will calculate the average of three different parameters and display the message box with the calculated averages.

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for josh48

I got this code and I cannot get it to work. I want it to show up with the type of attacks you can do which it does. After each time you attack the enemy the enemy attacks you of a damage between 1-10, then its my turn etc until …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for josh48

I want to code a little character fighting game in Pascal, I want to have 2 characters. They will attack each other, one will be computer and other will be the player. Each time its your turn a menu will come up saying what type of attack, I will have …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for josh48

How do I store the value after the orginal value has been calculated. For example I minus 10 from 100, and I want 90 to be stored and in the next calculation another 10 wil be minued from 90 not the 100 which the original.

Member Avatar for josh48
Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand

Hi All I've just been learning about events in delphi. I'm writing a program to communicate with a serial device that reads pressure data. Currently the program has been written with a separate thread to read the data, and when a complete data string is found, an event is called …

Member Avatar for Starmaker

Hi All I´m new to pascal, and need some help ;-) I need one action when i click a button (send a serial string to Com) and a different string when i release the button. I have no problem in sending the first string when I click the button, but …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for digikid

I use Delphi 7 and just installed Win 7, 64 bit When I try to set an environment variable, it does not get saved to the OS. In XP, these same functions would save environment variables just fine. Does anyone have any knowledge to this issue? Thanks, Joe

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

hello, I cant start my Delphi... I had to format my PC .... so I installed it again and I cant start it normally... in the middle of loading bpls and stuff ti pops up: Failed to load IDE add in 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Bin\Borland.SCI.Gate.dll'. Exception has been thrown by the target …

Member Avatar for m610

How to do it? I'm using *.dir in my filter and this does the job of getting OpenDialog to display only directories, but it seems I still have to select a file to select a directory. Is it possible to use the OpenDialog to select a directory? Using ExtratFilepath does …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for HelpMeIT

I need a way of adding data to a database using my delphi form i can handle the sql to add data to a database on ms access but i just do not know how to do it through a delphi form. In other word i just need to know …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for especta

byte range is 0x00 to 0xFF haw to write to text file like this byte 0x00 = byte 0x01 = byte 0x02 = ...... all to byte 0xFF Thanks.

Member Avatar for especta
Member Avatar for azerbaycanli113

Hi.I've just begun using delphi 2010.I used to work with 2007 and I had a lot of 3rd party components installed.As an example Infor POwer is a very powerful 3rd party component and I use it almost in all my applications.But now when I install them on 2010 it fails.I …

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Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello, who can tell me how to format a string in Delphi? I must format 09-120-123456 into: 091200123456 it is, remove the dashes and insert additional 0 in the middle to make a 13 character long string. I searched Internet, but I can't find anything understandable... like: [Format(<qReportIzpis."acDoc">,the result???)] this …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Hello All I am Writing some components that are depend together. for example tow of them named as "TFyzLine" and "TFyzTranse" thay have a same Property that named as "InputFrom" . "TfyzLine" mast connect to "TFyzTranse" via "InputFrom" and get some data automatically from "TFyzTranse" and "TFyzTranse" mast Connect to …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for quaifp1

Hi, I have usually have 2 monitors available but not always. I use one for displaying maps and the other for the data on a called form. How do 1 get Maps on 1 and Data to appear on the other without dragging the form onto the second monitor. Thanx …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for mohsennour

dear, I was asked about how delphi can read RS323, your reply that you will send a componet to me by email but unfortunatly the emails adresses is snapped on this forum ,i'll try to writ my email here but if they snipped it ,please try to find any way …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello, Is it possible to insert the data from dbgrid component into an SQL SERVER database table. The data that is in the grid is imported from Excel worksheet. It may look silly but I need to insert that data into a table. Any help is appreciated, thank you

Member Avatar for cao
Member Avatar for laki4546

Hello I am using Delphi 3. I have 30 edit fields named e0, e1, e2, ..., e29. The thing is, that I want to put something into these edit fields, to be specific: I want to put variable a[0] into e0, a[1] into e1 and so on. i could of …

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The End.