How do I store the value after the orginal value has been calculated.

For example I minus 10 from 100, and I want 90 to be stored and in the next calculation another 10 wil be minued from 90 not the 100 which the original.

in variables you can store these values

How do I store the value after the orginal value has been calculated.

For example I minus 10 from 100, and I want 90 to be stored and in the next calculation another 10 wil be minued from 90 not the 100 which the original.

program sablon;
uses crt;
var a,b,c,d,e,f,g:integer;
     c:=b-a; {90}
     d:=c-a; {80}
     e:=d-a; {70}
     f:=e-a; {60}
     g:=f-a; {50}
{created by FlamingClaw 2009}

:D so simple,or not?

Ok got it thanks! :)

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