1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for hosamath

Hi Friends... I use Delphi 2010 application.. To do some calculation I load array of numbers into string grid but some times i have to make some of the rows inactive and do the calculations..Can any body help me out with a code to disable selected rows and do my …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for cubicbox

hi experts I am now writing a procedure for my main program in order to let people search for their required entries (eg. user inputs name and the program returns the name together with the tel no. etc.) The procedure is now in its simplest state as users can only …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for instinctfx

I have this one specific pas file that i try to open, its just plain text in it, i can view it elsewhere (notepad, wordpad etc!) BUT [B]When i open it in d2007, she displays it as hex[/B] [CODE]756E697420494658 5F5574696C733B0D 0A0D0A696E746572 666163650D0A0D0A 7573657320537973 5574696C732C2043 6C61737365732C20 53796E634F626A73[/CODE] WTF!!! Any Ideas ??

Member Avatar for instinctfx
Member Avatar for Jang743

I am just learning Delphi, I want to create a login using the form 1 and form 2, falidasi how if that's true of direct Form1 in form2, but if one does not enter into form2 but issued a message "error",,, or form2 as the main form so before entering …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for tchant

Hi All, I have a application that uses Delphi 200 bpl files - I know these can just be put into the c:\Windows\System32 dir and all will work - but is it possible to put them into a directory under the Application eg c:\Program Files\ DGL-Apps\IMS\_sysbpl ? It is just …

Member Avatar for mr.romero99

Hi all, I am newbie at Pascal programming and I need help getting started on one of my assignments. I am totally lost on where to begin. This is what my professor gave us to start: Implement a menu based program with the following array-based list functions: * ADD (at …

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Member Avatar for wongcc13

I'm working on a pascal project. And I want to append record on a binary file without overwriting it again.I've tried using the 'append();" statement but it doesn't work.

Member Avatar for wongcc13
Member Avatar for chineerat

Hi! i am having trouble sorting an array using a for loop. the problem occurs when using iterations i and i+1 for example count:=0 for i:=0 to count do begin if a[i] > a[i+1] then begin .... end count+1 end problem is when the for loops reaches the LAST array …

Member Avatar for chineerat
Member Avatar for donald1804

Hi, Thanks for opening. I'm writing a "fill-out" form in Delphi, with each section enclosed in its own tab, using TPageControl and TTabControl. When the info on each tab has passed validation rules (all working fine), the next button is enabled and the tab can be moved on. When the …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for Soulcito

Hi! First of all, sorry for my english. I have a function that edit some data from every record in a table. I'm using a for to make it work. The problem is that in every loop it asks me to set the table in edit mode ([CODE]table1.edit[/CODE]). That makes …

Member Avatar for cepukom
Member Avatar for raud10

I have problem with pop-up screen. The code can be compile and run but when the pop-up screen appear, I can't close the pop-up screen. I have to click a lot of times on the OK button. Here is the code:[CODE]i:Integer; begin for i := 0 to 4 do begin …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for older3

[CODE] var t:array[1..3,1..3] of integer; i,j:byte; v:text; begin for i:=1 to 3 do for j:=1 to 3 do begin write('Enter elements [',i,',',j,'] '); readln(t[i,j]); end; assign(v,'output.txt'); rewrite(v); for i:= 3 downto 1 do begin for j:= 1 to 3 do write(v, t[i,j], ' ' ); writeln(v); end; close(v); end. [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for sfp

hi, I'm fairly experienced with delphi however have come across a tiny problem, i have a create box known as Edit1 for my web browser, but the label on this is always edit1, before you type the text into it, how can i make this blank or at least edit …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for wongcc13

I'm working on a porgram for the school works. I wrote the procedure below to save the array of records(directory) into the file. But the procedure won't work when there is a record in the file.It's urgent. Thanks for your help. [CODE]procedure saving(input : array of directory); var i : …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for sfp

Hello :) I would appreciate some help with these few areas, i do not intend to use any of this knowledge maliciously, and am just merely interested... 1) Does delphi have the ability to make a form partially or fully transparent / invisible? 2) I understand and have come across …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for casper_wang

Greetings fellow coders, I have read many tutorials, and tried many different code snippets but I have hit a brick wall and decided its time to give my brain a rest and see if other coders can find a solution. with the push of a button I will log into …

Member Avatar for redagent
Member Avatar for Haggard1

Hi, I am looking for a solution the longest common substring problem. I have the code but in C++. Can someone help me to convert the code in Multi-pascal because I need a code which is for parallel processing. Thanks. [CODE=C++]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () …

Member Avatar for raud10

What does Try and Except mean in this code? [CODE] if node=1 then begin ankunftnode1:=now; //.................................................. try thot:=(rawdata2[2]+rawdata2[3]*256)/10; except thot:=0; end; chart1.Series[1].AddXY(time,thot);[/CODE] Can anyone explain it to me? Thank you...

Member Avatar for raud10
Member Avatar for jamshid

Hi dear friends: I am going to post some nice Pascal examples here , i hope it will be useful to you all. I hope you will also post here your good programes : lets start : 1) [code] program operators; uses crt; begin clrscr; writeln(17 div 3); readln; writeln(7 …

Member Avatar for csharpisatechno
Member Avatar for jacobchry

I have a doubt regarding the exception in tmaskedit component in delphi.i am using tmaskedit with editmask as date option.i am using three maskedits with these same property.but when i am trying not valid date or giving empty data,exception is caused which i am not able to handle.i dont knw …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for sabrinax

Hi all, I am using a TQuery to do a select * from a table. I have a PC with a very large database, using SQL express 2008 SP1 10.0.2531.0. Through the SQL management studio interface, I can see that my table has 7 million records. The result of the …

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for nose

I am trying to convert this to Delphi, but I'm lost, please help [CODE=cpp]enum Error { Ok = 0, ErrorUnsupportedFunction, ErrorInvalidParamaters, ErrorInternal, ErrorUnknown = 0xffffffff }; typedef enum Error Error; Error __stdcall GetLastError() { typedef Error(__stdcall *FunctionType)(); FunctionType GetLastError = (FunctionType)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(NULL), "GetLastError"); return GetLastError(); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for gtourville

I get an EOLE Sys Error Accurate AntiSpam 00073EDD Error on start up for about the last month....I have Windows XP & Norton 360....I have run Windows update with no success...Thanks

Member Avatar for sfp

Hi, i apologize if this is in the wrong section (First Post); i am fairly new to delphi / pascal but was wondering how to create a form within a form, e.g. click a button on Form1 to open Form2, i am aware that tform.create is a function but am …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for princeknz

Hi All, Im new to the forum so not sure where to post my question, any help would be greatly appreciated. I have written a program in Delphi 2007 using MS SQL connection, My program runs fine on the development system but as soon as I put it on a …

Member Avatar for princeknz
Member Avatar for webdragon89

I need to write an overloaded function for a pascal triangle. I have to include another function that fits n!/((n-r)!r!), I can't figure it out. Help please! This is what I have so far: [code] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int my_fib(int,int); int x,y,j; int main() { x=0; …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bobsacamano

I have a problem using the GetAdaptersInfo funtion on Delphi 2010 on Windows 7. The following code works fine and returns the adapter names/descriptions to the memo when compiled using Delphi 2007 on Windows Vista. When compiled using Delphi 2010 on Windows 7 it returns blanks or garbage (output below). …

Member Avatar for GregPeters

Ok this is the problem... Basically when someone enters a figure, say £100, I want to remove the £ sound before doing some processing. at the moment I have this: [CODE] program remove_pound; uses crt, sysutils; var s: string; p: char; begin P := chr(156); Writeln('Please enter an amount of …

Member Avatar for GregPeters
Member Avatar for GregPeters

Hi all, I have been creating a program that checks the length of an inputted value. The value inputted needs to be between two specific bounds, e.g. 10 < length < 120. However, I want to ensure that an individual cannot enter text, or a value which is not between …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for janevblagoj

Hello, I work in Delphi (6) a few years. Now I begin to work Delphi Network but without success. I need TUTOR for Delphi Network who via e-mail to help me in this area. I expect volunteers who periodically to introduce me In Delphi Network. Thank You Blagoj Mail: [email]jblagoj@yahoo.com[/email]


The End.