I know this is a bit messed up (the code), but, I'm baffled why it isn't working. I know I'm not great at delphi, and I'd really like some help.
Form1: TForm1;
SteamString : String;
CommunityString : String;
ZeroOrOne : String;
SteamId : String;
CommunityStringMath : Longint;
Calc : Integer;
Number : Longint;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
SteamString := EditSteam.Text;
ZeroOrOne := Copy(SteamString,3,1);
SteamId := Copy(SteamString,5,9);
Calc := (StrToInt(SteamId))*2;
Number := 76561197960265728;
CommunityStringMath := ((StrToInt(ZeroOrOne)) + (Calc));
CommunityString := (IntToStr(CommunityStringMath+Number));
Label1.Caption := CommunityString;
When SteamString is 0:1:148547, the CommunityString just ends up as double 148547+1. The code never seems to add the 'Number' to it like I want. I thought maybe it was because integers couldn't handle this big number so I made them long ints and still no luck!
Please help. Probably something stupid.