2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for herryalex

hey expert! I have some problems with website some pages . when I open my website on chrome then some pages is not working properly & when open site on Firefox then it's working correctly . kindly solve my this issue

Member Avatar for odeskavita
Member Avatar for Catherine King

How to display text in modal popup from the grid's cell by clicking the hyperlink In jquery part I used window.open the code I wrote opened a new popup window so I changed it to modal popup but it loads while pageload before the click of hyperlink and blurs the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Nhlanhla_1

am developing an assembly language program that will check whether an inputted number is divisible by 3 or not, now I am struggling to get things correct but my code is running..and it seems like dx register always have content zero even after div has been executed.. org 100h jmp …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for bandanasc

I am trying to edit a file that contains: Time Column 1 Column 2 Column 3. I need to print Column 2 after column 1. Time Column 1 Column 2

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for JModak

Debug time Application run good all private sub and Function work properly, but with out debug not run properly please help me

Member Avatar for Bert Pitt
Member Avatar for chahinez.abdelo.9

classification of a text in a corpus with five themes and each theme contains 10 items in perl for exemple: i have: 1 theme food 10 articles about food 2 theme politic 10 articles about politic ...etc and i give him a new text and he classify this text on …

Member Avatar for Sarah_41
Member Avatar for hassanumair1

how can i convert xml based script; which is created by SqlYog software. I want to convert this xml based script to batch file (full coding from xml to batch file script; not only batch(.bat) format.) So i can run the synchronization / backup directly clicking with batch file. give …

Member Avatar for jimmichaels29
Member Avatar for nanakumi75

Hello, I need some help from experts. I am testing a site I have created. I have an issue with login system. It worked fine using XAMPP on my computer but when I uploaded to a live server, login has been a problem. This is what I get when I …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Anvi9

Hi, I'm a Perl program in Windows 7 32-bit using ActivePerl. I have created a registration form using HTML and saved this file as Details.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <form name="myform" METHOD="POST" ACTION="D:\Application\perl\cgi-bin\app.pl" onsubmit= "return validation_form()"> <p> <label for="employee name">Employee Name</label> <input type="text" id="employee name" name="employee name" /><br> </p> <p> …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sadiyah_1

Hey!!!!I'm looking for the perl to java conversion!!!! Can Someone please help me with the snippet!!!! As soon as possible!! Its very important!!!! my @hosts = get_hosts_ips_bymkt(); for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@hosts); $i = $i + 1){ my $ssh_true = eval { Net::SSH::Perl->new($hosts[$i]) }; // # $success = …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for MiketheBook

I run Sierra unsupported on a late 2009 Mac Mini and have had no problems with it until now after trying to uninstall and re-install (unsuccessfully) Skype. The Finder is not working properly. I can't open the Finder window from the Dock nor will Finder - Go work on the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Girish_1

Compare two files & output in third file in Perl scripting file 1 = 1,2,3,4 filw 2 = 1,3,2.4 output = 2,3 putput =3,2 basically want compare 2 files and store diff in other output fil

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Jag_1

I am trying to process the data in a single file . i have to read the file and create a hash structure,get the value of fruitname append it to fruitCount and fruitValue and delete the line fruitName and write the entire output after the change is done.Given below is …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for cereal

Hello, I hope not to scare you with this long post. I'm testing [Solr](https://lucene.apache.org/solr/) (read solar) and it works fine. I have an issue with the **DataImport** handler, it's set to get data from a MariaDB database, which works fine if I save the database credentials in plain text in …

Member Avatar for tesseract1919
Member Avatar for Sunshineskin
Member Avatar for Tekmaven

Somehow, I think my OS X is borked. Whenever you mouseover a menu, it's supposed to highlight, right? Well, mine doesn't... Also, my dock magnification is turned on, but if I highlight apps on my dock, they don't magnify, and it doesn't say the apps name above its icon. If …

Member Avatar for 1338
Member Avatar for Dev_9
Member Avatar for Kang_1
Member Avatar for Dev_9

Hi, Please help in the below task using perl script compare file1 and file2 and print the updated line in file2, should print new line added in file2 and print missing line from file2

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for mexabet

I'm trying to create an online learning courseware and connecting to MySQL database via PDO. What I'm trying to achieve is: if a user is logged in after registering for a particular course, the courseware should display the registered course, as well as its course weeks. I want each course …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for ibrsbk

Hello, I'm not able to display the whole select result information in the table and I have no idea what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate your help so much. So here's my code: <?php $DBServer = 'localhost'; $DBUser = 'root'; $DBPass = ''; $DBName = 'world'; $conn = …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

I have an If Statement that isnt loading the right image any help would be great <?php if($formattedNum6 > $PeriodSalesTarget):{ echo '<img src="images/TargetMetGreen.png" alt="" />';} elseif($formattedNum6 > $CummulativePeriodSalesTarget):{ echo '<img src="images/TargetMet.png" alt="" />';} else:{ echo '<img src="images/TargetNotMet.png" alt="" />';} endif; ?> $formattedNum6 = 515,839 $PeriodSalesTarget = 1,366,000 $CummulativePeriodSalesTarget = 503,600 …

Member Avatar for Anil_17
Member Avatar for Lim_2

HI,everyone , I m stum in this question for long time, could somebody help me out, my output is success ,but the arrange in table is wrong. below is my code.. <?php $no_pensyarah=$_SESSION['no_pengguna']; $tahunsemasa =date('Y'); include '../includes/dbconnect.php'; $sql_rekod = "SELECT a.*,b.nama_subjek,c.nama_kursus FROM info_subjek_pensyarah as a, subjek as b,kursus as c …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for UI

Php Buddies, Why do you reckon the following script is unable to replace the 'https://' or the 'http://' words with 'http://mymydomain.com' ? It is able to replace the words 'www.' with 'http://mymydomain.com', though. Open 2 tabs in your browser where one opens to the page where you are running the …

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Member Avatar for Daron_1

How can I validate each of (upper textboxes) using AJAX to see if the username and password is correct and if they are not correct, display the error messages in red below each respective textbox. Here is my code. Any suggestions would be help. <html> <h1>Welcome to Cuyahoga Community College …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Daron_1

How can I get my current content to slide to the left and bring in new content from the right (after clicking on button 1) when an existing student's username and password are correct, and if it's not correct display error messages that either the username or password isn't correct …

Member Avatar for Daron_1

I am working on creating a BEFORE UPDATE trigger which should display an error message if I UPDATE a student's EnrolledDate with a future date. For example, the last inserted EnrolledDate in the Student table is '2016-10-18', so any other record after that date should flag an error message saying …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for Daron_1

Hello Everyone, I am working in MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE and trying to use a trigger inside of a stored procedure to see if it will detect if my email format is not in the right format I specified in the message text error, but I am having trouble because …

Member Avatar for Daron_1
Member Avatar for Jason_31

Hello. I've been programming in Perl for a while and wanted to add something to my code in order to pull data from a text file. I am using regular expressions to get the data I need with the exception that once in a while, the data I need will …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for find_1

How to take the maximum digits file linked with the folder using perl? my $location = $output_dir; print $location; open LOGFILE, $location; my $first_line = 1; #print $first_line; my $max_id; while (<LOGFILE>) { if (/rev_(\d)+/) { if ($first_line) { $first_line = 0; $max_id = $1; } else { $max_id = …

Member Avatar for find_1

The End.