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36 Posted Topics
The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)) My Code is Private Function GetXlUsedRange(ByVal filePath As String) As Object(,) Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlWorkbooks As Excel.Workbooks Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheets As Excel.Sheets Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim xlRange As Excel.Range xlApp = New Excel.Application xlWorkbooks … | |
how can i configure ip address, submask, getway, DNS1 and also DNS2 please help me i use this code but DNS not added what is the actual code for add all with DNS1 &2 Please help me Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Button2_Click(sender, … | |
How can I check special characters are there (String) or Display on label? I Use this but it is only count Dim input As String = "Hi! Hello, How are you?" Dim pattern As String = "[!""#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~\s]" Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(input, pattern) MessageBox.Show(String.Format("There are {0} special characters in … | |
Debug time Application run good all private sub and Function work properly, but with out debug not run properly please help me | |
All Time Show Null value Please help me what is the wrong in my code declare @mxdbvlu int declare @dbvlunm int set @mxdbvlu= (select max(Database_name) from TBL_FY_SELECT_1) if @mxdbvlu = null set @dbvlunm=1000 else set @dbvlunm=sum(@mxdbvlu+1) select @dbvlunm,@mxdbvlu | |
How can I get internal HDD_DETLAIS = SerialNumber, Model, Manufacturer,TotalHeads ...... etc. Please help me.. Now my problem is my code run ok, but when I insert external HDD or pen drive then showing the last counting device Details please help .... i want to show only internal HHD device … | |
Show error when I login to the SQL server management. First, I change the server name. Second restart the server/1st stop services the start services. Then I check the server name SELECT @@servername AS 'ServerName' using this line the show new change server name. Then I closed the window of … | |
** Cannot open MSSQLSSQLEXPRESS service on computer'.'. ** **What I have tried:** Dim myController As New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub Service_status() If myController.Status = ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running Then TextBox1.Text = "Started" ElseIf myController.Status = ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped Then TextBox1.Text = "Stopped" End If End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, … | |
hello sir getting error when run the loop and going to last value of row count please help and i can not use the 2nd loop in the place of cells(?????) number how can i use this **Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size … | |
Getting error when showing data in list view, please help me..... Error :* Cannot add or insert the item '10-07-2018' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it. Parameter name: item* I use Vb.net 2010 visual basic sql server 2008 r2 … | |
I create a project on vb.net 2010 and SQL server 2008r2 I showing a report in listview report am show fine and error free. But now I want to add a sub total column every end of the category. How it is possible please help me sir Please see the … | |
I create a project encrypt and decrypt data in vb.net how to use this code as a function please help it is work only on a textbox i want to send a string value then return encrypt value and when i send encrypt value then send me decrypt value. [Click … | |
How to copy a store procedure one to another database in same server I work on a project. I want copy all or single store procedure from old financial year **db_17_18** to new financial year **db_18_19** I want to do it using sql server command. i try it but showing … | |
showing Error "Failure sending mail." please help me i used port 587 because maximum example 587 used this port how i can know the my mail port or it is right error in this line SMTP.Send(Mail) massage is:- Just "Failure sending mail." ------------------ Imports System.Net.Mail Public Class Form1 Private Sub … | |
How to change the color of a cell(back or fore color) of listview item according to item value with if condition. I do it but it is not work and show no error Please help me...... For k = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1 If ListView1.Items(k).SubItems(6).Text > 100 Then ListView1.Items(k).SubItems(6).ForeColor … | |
automatically duplicate rows in sql server 2008 r2 select query i have two table name 1) tbl_Stock_Journal 2) tbl_Stock_Journal_Details i run a select query with where condition i have 5 data in table1 and in table 2 have 3 data when i run the query result is showing 15 row … | |
Sir. I create a project in vb.net 2010 sql server 2008r2 and crystal report 13. i use this code for showing the report. Public Sub PrintSaleRInvoice() Dim PrintSale As New DataSet objsale.saleinvid = txtSaleInvid.Text PrintSale = objsale.PrintSaleInvoice() ' Procedure name PrintSale.Tables(0).TableName = "DataTable1" Dim rpt As New SaleInv rpt.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = … | |
Vshost.exe has stopped working... Posted A minute ago vshost.exe has stopped working this error showing after using the Crystal Report. The error show when I closed the application. If I not use the crystal report then the error not showing. I am creating a program in vb with visual studio … | |
hello sir how can I get my system short date format in a label in vb. net. I try this code : Label1.Text = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern() but show wrong data. all time show "M/d/yyyy" format. I change it(to "dd/MM/yyyy") manually and by coding result is same("M/d/yyyy") please help me..... For Change … | |
How can I show the database in a single mode (windows or SQL authentications mode) please help me..... How can I Show the database in a single mode (windows or SQL authentications mode) please help me. I create a project VB.NET 2010 and SQL server 2008r2 , When I login … | |
i have 3 table i inner join with 3 table and add function but now getting error please help me how to solve the the problem please help me ERROR :Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Column 'TBL_pur_inv.invno' is invalid in the select list because it is not … | |
How to the excel data please help me In the original excel sheet data show column wise. But now I want to same change to data showing structure and re arrange the data structure. I can't upload the excel sheet that for i attached the IMG please help me https://ibb.co/jdzC4m … | |
Visual Studio suddenly close when i open crystal report right click on page and design>page setup i try many time result is same please help me please.... please help me https://ibb.co/iBfiaG I used --- vb.net-2010 sql server 2008 r2 crystal report 13 OS windows 8.1 | |
Sir Please help me about MenuStrip Control used. I create a project there one parents form and two child form MenuStripControl-1 is on parents form (main_form) Menu Item name a) Trans. b)Report c) Setting and MenuStripControl-2 is on child form (purchase_Entry_Form) Menu Item name a) File. b)Close I want to … | |
Procedure or function P_UpdatePurchaseInv_test has too many arguments specified. ALTER PROC [dbo].[P_DeleteForUpdatePurInvDet] --Purchase Invoice Details 12 pic(13pic active) --@purid int , --@purinvid varchar(255), @purinvdt date, @invno varchar(255), @invdt date, @nrr varchar(200), @partyIDpur int, @invtypidpur int, @tottaxblamt decimal(18, 2), @nettaxamt decimal(18, 2), @invamt decimal(18, 2), @totalcgst decimal(18, 2), @totalsgst decimal(18, 2), … | |
how to Generate Auto Alpha numeric Inv. number in SQL Store procedure i used Sql Server 2008 r2 and vb.net 2012 I got a error ---- *Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure P_GetAutoIDPurchaseInv, Line 13 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '17-18/00002' to data type int. * When … | |
How to Update Sql database from vb.net 2010 i want to add a stored procedure in sql database from login time on button click.. **database name ** db17-18 **stored procedure** Create Proc P_SelectAllRole As Select StatusId,Status from tblStatusMaster | |
I use the this code. showing "Update" msg but not update and if i add an item then show "Update" not "save" Please help me..... Private Sub Button14_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button14.Click Dim sql = "select Count(*) from pur_invdet where purinvid= txtpurinvid.text" Dim cmd = … | |
Hello Teachers I create a project in vb.net 2010 with access database. I want to show data in listview. It Is show in listview but a problem I entry **Id wise**. So, when I click on the show data button I see the **Id** . How to show the id … | |
how can I use Alt+Del to Delete listview item ... Now I just select the row and press del key delete the item, But I want to delete item by press alt+del key. How it is possible Please help me.... What I have tried: Private Sub ListView1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, … |
The End.