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web designer and developer. Working with .Net, PHP, Objective C and Angular.

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1,576 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for සශික

I think your problem is here: If (newpage) Then e.Graphics.DrawString(dgvreciept.Columns(cell.ColumnIndex).HeaderText, .Font, Brushes.Black, rc, fmt) Else e.Graphics.DrawString(dgvreciept.Rows(cell.RowIndex).Cells(cell.ColumnIndex).FormattedValue.ToString(), .Font, Brushes.Black, rc, fmt) On the first row to be processed (whether set to 0 or 1) newPage is true but inside that if you only draw the header if new page is true. …

Member Avatar for anoshmilton
Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

Download wordpress ;) Or, if you want to do this yourself, what areas of web design are you familiar with? Are you asking for help with site design, databases or the actual coding? Simply put you will have one page that allows you to enter your blogs (unless you intend …

Member Avatar for shahid.tariq
Member Avatar for thecoder2012

Can't you just call the auto complete code again? The last text entered is still in the text box at this point? It would just be a matter of detecting the enter key press and calling the function.

Member Avatar for Leroy_2
Member Avatar for hiiiiii@

undefined index means you tried to access an array position that didn't exist. E.g. $array[10] when $array only has five elements. Associative arrays have the same problem e.g. trying to get $array['bob'] when that isn't in the array. Which lines is giving the error? At a glance your code looks …

Member Avatar for Daju Emmanuel
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

You may be onto something. I read these polls that say he rates low with women in the Republican Party and a majority of men don't like him either yet he still wins state after state for the nomination. I don't profess to understand American politics at all, this drawn …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tarunap

Magento - it is free for the community edition, it works pretty well out of the box without customisation, there are many extensions that you can add, there are a heap of good looking themes around and if you do want to add special functional that you can't find an …

Member Avatar for nikitacod
Member Avatar for sathyakumar23

White hat obviously, unless you don't want to be at the top for long... No offence but I often wonder how easy people think it is to get to position 1. If it were easy everyone would do it (which of course is impossible) - There can be only 1 …

Member Avatar for DanielKeith
Member Avatar for mike888

You have two if statements that check if the query string is empty or null but not one that checks if it isn't. Therefore, if the query string["ID"] is set to some value nothing will happen. Your first check needs to be if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) Then the code that …

Member Avatar for vishal_30
Member Avatar for NA

Simply include the username is the result from the login query against the database. Then store it in session, or whatever persistance option is available to you. Then you have it available to use whenever you need.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for NA

Firstly, I'd check that the is_dir command is workinf correctly. Which folder are you running the script from? I doubt '/xampp/htdocs/image' is relative to where the script is running and it isn't an absolute path. Add more echos to ascertain which code is running and where it stops. At least …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for davy_yg

I maintain 2 legacy Symfony sites that make use of tpl files, in that site for creating ebooks from PDFs. A tpl is a 'template file' that can hold information about the another file type that is to be created. For the Symfony sites the .tpl files are used to …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Which browser are you using? Both buttons appear to work fine in Chrome and Firefox.

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for mlesniak

Does running `php -m` on the command line show the moduleas enabled? How about phpinfo()? Which module are you using: pdo_mssql or sqlsrv? I had some issues a few months back with pdo_mssql and but right now I can't remember what I did to fix it. I'll get back to …

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for random_1

Option one is to make a new query that does include the filter clicked as a WHERE clause and get the subset products returned. Seeing as this is purely PHP and you need to postback regardless of what the user does, appending the selected buttons onto the query as a …

Member Avatar for random_1
Member Avatar for random_1

Type is a reserved word in MySql so this line `$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM tbl");` will be failing. You need to quote the word type for it to be treated as a column name. `$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT 'type' FROM tbl");`

Member Avatar for random_1
Member Avatar for pape_1
Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for random_1

Follow through each step and make sure everything is as expected. So check $_POST['password'] holds a value, check that password_hash() doesn't return FALSE and check the error message from your db call. Everything looks fine from a cod epoint of value.

Member Avatar for random_1
Member Avatar for Ummu_2

Help us to help you. What error are you getting or what behavior are you seenig that you don't expect?

Member Avatar for Ummu_2
Member Avatar for davy_yg

You'll want to either toggle or set display: none on: $('.image_road img') and $('.profile_picture img') Although you'll want to remember that if you hide the profile pic completely there is nothing left to click on to bring the buttons back.

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for iyk

I don't see whre you're selecting the old password for the user, other than this: `$chg_pwd=mysqli_query($link, "select account_number,password from Login");` And that doesn't get the details for the particular user which makes me think you're just retrieving the first user each time.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Jarrod_1
Member Avatar for peter_62
Member Avatar for Royal_3

You're passing your comment string into the .comment-info div as text. You need it to render as HTML so instead try: `$(".comment-info").html(comment);`

Member Avatar for Royal_3
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Trying running `npm rebuild node-sass` It should help rebuild the correct binding for your setup.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

That format is called a ternary operator. It's a version of an if/else statement. `row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL"` is the same as if(row[i]) { // use value row[i] } else { // use value "NULL" }

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Dietrich_1

The problem with your findMean method is that you aren't using the passed in array at all. You're ignoring it completely, creating your own array, doing the correct maths on that and returning the result. Bu tthat result is incorrect when considering the array passed in. It can be fixed …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for JModak

That error generally comes from having an incorrect number of parameters in you SQL queries or, in some other way, introducing an error involving the parameters. Pay close attention to the table schema and double check all of your mentioned parameters are correct.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for dongtrien

It sounds like you are missing the 'using' statement for the required class at the top of the code file. So, if you have the class Properties inside a namespace XXX you would add `using XXX.Properties;` at the top of any other class that intended on using it. This may …

Member Avatar for dongtrien
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello, First up, no Java needed at all. Angular is based in TypeScript now which has a very similar structure to JavaScript. If you don't know Javascript that well, it's easy to pick up. Using Ionic will mainly come down to running some commands on the CLI to build, deploy, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Jamshaid _1
Member Avatar for Adam_40

The End.