Cek this website: http://fresway.com/
On the left corner you see there is a big circle when you press it hides all other round buttons around it. Now, I would like it to hide the profile_picture as well and the light jpg under it. How to make such a thing?
Here is the profile_image codes:
<div id="profile_image">
<img id="profile_picture" src="{{url("").'/'.$user->image_profile}}"/>
{{--<div class="dropzone" id="edit_image" data-width="176" data-height="174" data-resize="true" data-url="{{action('AjaxController@postUploadProfile')}}" style="width: 176px;height: 174px;left: 0px;display: none;">--}}
{{--<input type="file" id="profilefileupload" name="thumb" />--}}
<div id="image_upload"></div>
<div id="profile_image_edit" style="display: none;">
<a href="#" id="btn_upload" onclick="javascript:editProfile();"><span
class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit icon-pp" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
{{--<div id="profile_pict" class="dropzone" data-resize="true" data-url="canvas.php">--}}
{{--<img src="{{url("")}}/images/user1.png"/>--}}
{{--<input type="file" id="profilefileupload" name="thumb" />--}}
What other codes should I add to hide the profile image and the light jpg under it?
Here is the js code to hide the round buttons under it:
$('#profile_picture').click(function (e) {
What other codes should I add to it to hide the light jpg?