388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw, I want to get the keys and data of the php json response, heres the response I get {"content":{"1":{"title":"Present","start":"2025,01,29","end":"2025,01,29","backgroundColor":"#f39c12","borderColor":"#f39c12"}}} all I'm interested in starts from title.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke

# Extract Schema.org Data Script # Maybe this is helpful for somebody... ## Description ## This script extracts Schema.org data from a given URL and saves it to a file. ## Usage ## 1. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment. 2. Input URL: Enter the URL …

Member Avatar for suwaidi
Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke

# Extract Schema.org Data Script # Maybe this is helpful for somebody... ## Description ## This script extracts Schema.org data from a given URL and saves it to a file. ## Usage ## 1. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment. 2. Input URL: Enter the URL …

Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke
Member Avatar for Dani

We use a lot of AJAX that loads JSON files that return an application/json mime type. In some instances, these JSON files are used to assemble elements on the page, so we don't want to hide them from Google because we want Google to see the page fully rendered. My …

Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke
Member Avatar for codewasher

Hi, I am new to Odoo ERP development. I have a requirement as below. I need to connect to an external API and get the response JSON data. From this response, I need to prepare the reports and show it as the list, then click on each item, it will …

Member Avatar for developer707

Hi, After searching for many days I was not able to find any good PHP JSON Schema Generator, most of them seems to have only the ability to validate schema with a JSON payload. I just found this [php-json-schema-generator](https://github.com/evaisse/php-json-schema-generator) today but it seems to be not maintained often, it does …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for a_165

Does anybody know a good way to parse JSON strings in vb.net .net6? Newtonsoft is obsolete for .net6. Thx

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

Hi, I'm trying to desirealise the json data from a external file where i want to read the key and fetch another dictionary value based on key please letme know if i can read dictionary inside dictionary , I have tried using DIctionary<string,object> where as am looking for Dictionary <string,Dictionary<string,string>> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Hamsterking

Hello i'm working on a small project that i have to retrieve movies data from a json API, then save the result into a csv. i'm able to display data with php eco but when i'm trying to write csv file i get the following Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for SP SINGH_1
Member Avatar for Tarzan_1

Hello, I am creating an app that will list the recent govt job openings. For this, I am looking for some solution that can give me updates for jobs. I know there is no such API available that could do this job. I am thinking to scrape some websites that …

Member Avatar for Christine_14
Member Avatar for Abubaker_3

hey every one thank you in advance i have a jason resonse befofe the start of the json respone i get a hyphen like this i have been stuck for a day here so any help is much appreciated -{ "responseCode": "", "responseStatus": "200", "responseMessege": "Success", "product": { "id": "60", …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

i want to unserialize? and display Array from my text field in db table. This is what i use to serialize on Insert statement. `$persons = serialize(array($paymentData['anArray']));` and this returns after var_dump `["persons"]=> string(104) "a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:5:"value";s:15:"Producer: Simon";}i:1;a:1:{s:5:"value";s:13:"Writer: Simon";}}}" ` Now the object that i return from Select statement is memberDetails $sql …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Tanvi_1

I want to make a function in ReactJS which can read values from multi layer JSON file (http://latamdscmtrg03:4001/api/get/?dbtype=oracle&servername=LATAMDSCMTRG03&username=SCPOMGR&pwd=scpomgr&port=1521&sid=JDAS&sqlquery=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20UDT_PROMPT_VIEW)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ahmed_101

How to return value of longtide and latitude from json using angular 7? my url as following : http://192.168.7.xxx:9200/location/_doc/27737 json returned from url above is : {"_index":"location","_type":"_doc","_id":"27737","_version":1,"_seq_no":5577,"_primary_term":1,"found":true,"_source":{"Locid":27737,"GPS1":"25.0173, 121.462","GPS2":"25°01'02.2\"N 121°27'44.8\"E","CompanyID":1005070,"ads":"142 Sec. 1, HsIn Nan Rd cung Ko Dšst, New Taipei City, Taiwan","Crid":75,"con":"Taiwan","Ctid":5894,"Cn":"Zhonghe District","pushdate":"2019-12-26T03:38:20.883"}} I need to return two values from GPS1 …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for benson.tairuakinsola

I am trying to set up a json object.array to retrieve the data from this mysql query. the data required is posted from java and that seems to work fine, but I get parsing errors. I tried testing the php file and I get the "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected …

Member Avatar for Veera_2
Member Avatar for Walterion

Hello everyone, [Dadroit](https://viewer.dadroit.com) is a tool that threats JSON as a Data format, not a plain text. It provides you quick outline view with the help of tree representation of JSON Data from root to last nodes. You can browse and query JSON like an enterprise DBMS. * 10X faster …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Rushabh Verma

I´m need to parse a json object into a c# class, my problem is that json object has a nested array and it´s throwing some errors when parsing. I have tried a couple of options: a) do foreach in the elements of nested array, and add them to a new …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dwlamb

I am working on a project for drag and drop items in a shopping cart. For an item dropped into the cart, I am trying to implement jQuery $.ajax. The result back from the PHP is pre-pended with '`' and I can not figure out why. This is the javascript: …

Member Avatar for Taher_3

I'm fetching client records from the database and after concatenating the model class properties(FirstName and LastName) I converted these records in JSON string. My goal is to display these records in Jquery Datatable. I observed at debugging, all these records are in a single string causing the error **"Requested unknown …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ariowishnu

hey its me again.. now another matter about fetch data from db for provide information to modal form ( edit data ) not shown, [Click Here](https://i.ibb.co/L8jP6tb/update.png) here's just part code fr each related page : **modal edit** ill try with first input type with **id="name" name="name"** <!-- edit modal --> …

Member Avatar for Ray Paseur
Member Avatar for Sheetal_1
Member Avatar for patk570

I have a JSON array that has multidimensions to it: { "@id": "a", "@label": "A", "drecord": [ { "@id": "aaliyah", "@rdate": "2001-08-25", "@lease": "bh05", "name": { "surname": "Aaliyah" }, "job": "hip hop singer/actress", "dead": { "@value": "y" }, "cause": "Burned to death in a plane crash", "ddate": { "date": "2001-08-25" …

Member Avatar for alan.davies
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

The following code is erroring on the connection string line 5 it used to work but then i had to move the sql server to another box and now it fails have i forgotten to do something on the sql server or is there error in my code my error …

Member Avatar for Hajar_1

Hello everyone , well am using a script with javascript that gives me some values , that i decided storing in a var JSON : {"user_IP":"192.168.*.**","page_name":"Nous suivre","path_name":"/test/suiv.html","nbre_visites":"3"} //var s=JSON.stringify(cookieso); //document.getElementById("affichage").innerHTML = s; the thing , is that i wish i could store directly on my database : P.S i m …

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for anitg

I am trying to get access toke from FB through Developer App. But I am not able to json_decode the call back response. If I use the token_url call from browser, it returns the access token. But from within the script it does work. I searched online and foun that …

Member Avatar for davy_yg

I wonder how to create a table in angular where the data is taken from Json or xml (must be seperated file)?

Member Avatar for logicslab

Friends, I am using web service and forms for a number of situations in my project. But now when I try to use same strategy the data is not provided by the provider function. It gives ‘null’ value always. But I can see the value in chrome web console. page.ts …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I have a string with structure $selectedTime = "2017-02-10 07:00,2017-02-10 08:00,2017-02-11 09:00"; I need to convert it as {"2017-02-10":[{"start":"07:00"},{"start":"08:00"}],"2017-02-11":[{"start":"09:00"}]} any idea ? please advise asap Thanks Anes

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for seularts

I have 2 files: apix.php and crud.php. I am trying to convert the fetched data from php to a jason print. The issue is that the function does not the results for me to parse in the next section of my code. The CRUD.php: class crud { private $db; function …

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The End.