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Hi Dw, I want to get the keys and data of the php json response, heres the response I get {"content":{"1":{"title":"Present","start":"2025,01,29","end":"2025,01,29","backgroundColor":"#f39c12","borderColor":"#f39c12"}}} all I'm interested in starts from title.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke

# Extract Schema.org Data Script # Maybe this is helpful for somebody... ## Description ## This script extracts Schema.org data from a given URL and saves it to a file. ## Usage ## 1. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment. 2. Input URL: Enter the URL …

Member Avatar for suwaidi
Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke

# Extract Schema.org Data Script # Maybe this is helpful for somebody... ## Description ## This script extracts Schema.org data from a given URL and saves it to a file. ## Usage ## 1. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment. 2. Input URL: Enter the URL …

Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke
Member Avatar for dwlamb

I am working on a project for drag and drop items in a shopping cart. For an item dropped into the cart, I am trying to implement jQuery $.ajax. The result back from the PHP is pre-pended with '`' and I can not figure out why. This is the javascript: …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I have a string with structure $selectedTime = "2017-02-10 07:00,2017-02-10 08:00,2017-02-11 09:00"; I need to convert it as {"2017-02-10":[{"start":"07:00"},{"start":"08:00"}],"2017-02-11":[{"start":"09:00"}]} any idea ? please advise asap Thanks Anes

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Member Avatar for gentlemedia

I'm using `file_get_contents()` to parse data of a JSON file within a `foreach()` loop onto my page. <?php $url = 'data/gigs.json'; $data = file_get_contents($url); $gigs = json_decode($data, true); foreach ($gigs as $gig) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><time>' . $gig['date'] . '</time></td>'; echo '<td>' . $gig['event_venue'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for Mohammed_44

//The php section of the code <?php function getJSONFromDB($sql){ $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "","rent"); //echo $sql; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql)or die(mysqli_error()); $arr=array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $arr[]=$row; } return json_encode($arr); } $jsonData= getJSONFromDB("select Pic from Display"); $jsn=json_decode($jsonData); //for loop to retrieve rows from database for($i=0;$i<sizeof($jsn);$i++){ $a=$jsn[$i]->Pic; //here is the main …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Var_1

Hi all, I had created a function updateprintingqc() that work like this 1. user will click on a clickable button to update the data 2.when user click on OK,the dummy data will be create based on the main data shown in below image's link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B46VQHVMeBTNMzVodDRxZEw3dGs/view?usp=sharing When the user click the …

Member Avatar for arunmagar
Member Avatar for michael.dewitt.716

I know this title is rather confusing, but here it goes. I have a PHP cURL request and the return is in a string. Normally i can easily echo specific objects from the JSON response, but i have never dealt with string returns. Here is my php <?php $url = …

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Member Avatar for michael.dewitt.716

Hi everyone, i have a page that uses jquery ajax to get json from another page. However, instead of the ajax using sucess, it goes directly to error. I have a debug on the error to see what is the issue and i get "Parsing JSON Request failed." page 1.php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for berserk

Hello All, i have run into an issue with my little project that i cannot seem to find much on and im at a lose for resources to check through. I am trying to get and use data that is being pulled from a json echo to my other php …

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Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello this is going to be a long post so thanks in advance for just reading it. I think it will help many users. I want to store additional data and to add new rows to a table. I know about mysql and php but i am not familiar with …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for toxicandy

I am trying to create a table in html/php that is dynamic sized but allows users to edit rows of the table, I have 99% of this done and the last piece is to send edited values VIA ajax to an edit page where I update to the database and …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for reminem

Hello Everybody, I searched the the internet and this forum, but cannot find the solution for my problem. Started with python and have this code (part of): import requests `def Send_invitation(): data = {"bsn": e3.get(), "initialen": e2.get(), "achternaam": e1.get(), "geslacht": e4.get(), "geboortedatum": e5.get(), "postcode": e6.get(), "emailadres": e7.get(), "screening_type": e8.get()} response …

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Member Avatar for shany0786

I am have debugging some javascript code in firebug,then i have seen some strange POST thing in firebug this is worrying me? I have registration form when i reload page i see in firebug following "POST http://api.adsrun.net/post" Response Header Cache-Control no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Connection keep-alive Content-Type application/json Date …

Member Avatar for Aeonix

I made an API request using AJAX request, I received JSON, I tried my best to use JavaScript to parse it, but to no avail. Instead I used jQuery which made it as painless as 2 lines of code. Now I have JSON array translated into array-ish object in JavaScript. …

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Member Avatar for Himanshu Chawla

I newbie in JSON Programming . I have scratched to much youtube and also google about the retrieve of data into string json using C# windows form application .. I haven't found anything till now. Please give a example and step by step procedure of how to retrieve the data …

Member Avatar for aclx
Member Avatar for philjen

Hi Im a newbie in asp.net, im a php programmer though, and i've been working on a pop up div with a search engine on it, in php i have no problem working with json but in asp it took me already two days to find a similar problem, yet …

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Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I am trying to read the datas from mysql using php in json. but i am not getting my expected output. Please help me to fix the issue. **code** <?php include('../config.php'); //mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $tdate = date('d-m-Y'); $url = 'url'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM pimage where date<='$tdate' and …

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Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I have written a json file using php. But i am unable to display the css style. can any please help me to fix the issue. **my json code** <?php require_once('config.php'); function jde_date_conv($jde_date) { $ct = substr($jde_date,0,1); $yr = substr($jde_date,1,2); $dy = substr($jde_date,3,3); if($ct == 0)$yr_pfx=19; if($ct == 1)$yr_pfx=20; …

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Member Avatar for Vivek_13

{"courseId":"116","question":"asdasd","ansIndex":"1","ans0":"sadsa","ans1":"dsad","ans2":"sadasd","ans3":"asdasd"} This is my Json String......How to Convert In to Xml File

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for blueguy777

my json decode script throwing error i.e. Error : DATA FETCH My code: <?php $api_url = '{"msg":"SUCCESS","msg_text":"DATA FETCH","data":[{"sn":1,"mob_no":"9602858989","date":"06-May-2015","time":"12:02:33 PM"},{"sn":2,"mob_no":"7795055128","date":"06-May-2015","time":"12:29:44 PM"}]}'; $output = file_get_contents($api_url); if($output=="") { echo "No output received"; } else { $arr_output = json_decode($output, true); if(isset($arr_output['msg'])) { $msg = $arr_output['msg']; $msg_text = $arr_output['msg_text']; if($msg == "success") { if(isset($arr_output['data'])) { …

Member Avatar for blueguy777
Member Avatar for rouse

I the objective of the code that I attached this note is to Collect data in a form. Post to a PHP file where the collected information is turned into a JSON Write the JSON information to a file Return the JSON and print it to the an ID in …

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Member Avatar for Prince_9

I've used different methods and found it difficult to integrate mashape for a dictionary.. My code is below: require_once 'unirest-php/src/Unirest.php'; // These code snippets use an open-source library. $response = Unirest\Request::get("https://montanaflynn-dictionary.p.mashape.com/define?word=irony", array( "X-Mashape-Key" => "T2rwS1jyBSmshKoZB5Un2kfpvgtRp1hUS9pjsnHvPoGNHIMpda", "Accept" => "application/json" ) ); What am I not getting right Regards

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Member Avatar for Prince_9

I'm not able to get the content of this array, please can someone help? Where Am I getting it wrong? Below is the code $barcode = "9780980200447"; function parseInfo($barcode) { $url = "http://www.librarything.com/api_getdata.php?userid=timspalding&showstructure=1&max=10&showReviews=1&showTags=1&reviewsOnly=1&name=Jesus+is+Lord&&apikey=b27cb381baddff9c49b9dd27d9d96651&responseType=json"; $contents = file_get_contents($url); $json = json_decode($contents, true); return $json; } $array = (parseInfo($barcode)); //print_r($array); foreach ($array as …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Olivier_1

Hi, i'm trying to implement a flot.js graph using a custom php array as data. Here is what i've done : <?php foreach ( $dynamic_prices as $limit => $price ): $coordonnees[] = array($limit,$price); endforeach; ?> <?php echo json_encode(($coordonnees), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> This code outputs : [[5,9],[6,8]] is it the right format …

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Member Avatar for liphoso

i am running PHP Version 5.2.9, i want to create a barchart from data in mysql. i got this sumple and tried running it. am having a bit if trouble with json_encode(). i have an array that has numbers and strings but the numbers get printed back as strings. how …

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Member Avatar for grakovski

Hello there :) I got this json: http://steamcommunity.com/id/spekat/inventory/json/730/2 In place of "spekat" - has different account names with different information. I want to get "classid" index with information (like numbers) Now my code is like this: <?php $urljson2 = file_get_contents("http://steamcommunity.com/id/$steam_acc/inventory/json/730/2/"); $json_decode2 = json_decode($urljson2); $inventory = $json_decode2->rgInventory->classid; ?> But not work, …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Hey guys, <?php $url = "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/greatbritishbg"; $json = file_get_contents($url); $json = json_decode($json); var_dump($json); foreach($json->streams as $stream) { echo $stream->channel->stream . '<br />'; echo $stream->channel->display_name . ' is playing ' . $stream->channel->game . '.<br />'; echo '<a href="http://www.twitch.tv/' . $stream->channel->name . '">Watch Live</a>'; echo '<hr />'; $status = $stream->channel->stream; } //PSUEDO …

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Member Avatar for cbutler7

hi, i am receieving a repsonse from googles json api that has the formatted_address but i want to extract the city and county from either the formatted_address which is displayed in a label (lblAddress.text) or the JSON file Google gave me. so for example: Palgrove Road, Pennywell, Sunderland, Tyne and …

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The End.